Uncertain Inference

Abstract: Several different uncertain inference systems (UISs) have been developed for representing uncertainty in rule-based expert systems.
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  1. Der Tote am Steinkreuz: Historischer Kriminalroman (Schwester Fidelma ermittelt) (German Edition).
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  3. Henry Ely Kyburg & Choh Man Teng, Uncertain Inference - PhilPapers!

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Probability likelihood and quantity of information in the logic of uncertain inference

On the preference for more specific reference classes. Johnson and the Soundness Doctrine. Journal of Philosophical Logic, Vol. Kifer, Michael and Fodor, Paul Bradley, Seamus and Steele, Katie Pedersen, Arthur Paul and Wheeler, Gregory Wallmann, Christian and Kleiter, Gernot D.

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Probability Propagation in Generalized Inference Forms. Published 1 August Extract In a previous paper H.

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  2. Uncertain inference - Wikipedia.
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Footnotes This text was harvested from a scanned image of the original document using optical character recognition OCR software. Search for this keyword. Probability likelihood and quantity of information in the logic of uncertain inference. A ; DOI: You are going to email the following Probability likelihood and quantity of information in the logic of uncertain inference.

Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences web site. Rather than retrieving a document that exactly matches the query we should rank the documents based on their plausibility in regards to that query. This will affect the plausibility of a given query. Multimedia documents, like images or videos, have different inference properties for each datatype.

Uncertain inference

They are also different from text document properties. The framework of plausible inference allows us to measure and combine the probabilities coming from these different properties. Uncertain inference generalizes the notions of autoepistemic logic , where truth values are either known or unknown, and when known, they are true or false. In office documents the independence assumption is valid since the query will focus on their individual attributes. Besides analysing the content of documents one can also query about the author, size, topic or collection for example.

They devised methods to compare document and query attributes, infer their plausibility and combine it into an overall rating for each document.