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Advanced Search Links. Add To Cart. The study explores six encounters Jesus had with hurting women in the gospel: the woman caught in adultery the hemorrhaging woman the woman at the well the woman who anointed Jesus Mary Magdalene Mary, the Mother of Jesus The Never Alone Leader Guide includes full session outlines featuring discussion questions, activities, prayers, leader helps, and more. Related Products. Christine Caine. Jennie Allen. Forced conscription ended all that. Now, just six months later, music seemed folly. The rains come in relentless succession, a break of a few hours and then the sky darkens again.

No wonder everything is so green. Every other creature is well fed. Snakes, bugs, birds. Believe it or not, they sell American used clothes here. When Goodwill gives up on selling their donated clothing, they pack it into bales and ship it overseas to third-world countries like this. Most of the pants are too big in the waist and long in the leg for the locals.

Seven years this month. How was I to know that the government would turn against us? They used to welcome foreign retirees. Losing weight has been a blessing for my knees. If this keeps up, I may take up jogging. Running for my life has been great training. I used to have a lot of friends, all ex-pats like myself.

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Even then, the host government will find some way to extract as much of that wealth as possible. When visa on arrival disappeared, I should have seen that as an omen. The next step down is for your home country to confiscate your passport. Your bank freezes your credit and ATM cards.

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Dirty, smelly, needy humans with nothing to offer. There are too many of them. They breed rapidly and harbor disease. They want to court the super rich from other countries so they can have their impoverished country all to themselves.


I was thinking about my K account back in the States when the snake bit me. It was green and as big as a garden hose. It quickly bit me above the right ankle and then slithered away. It hurt, and I was startled by how suddenly it happened. I had not been expecting this. I knew something was badly wrong when I began to lose all feeling below the knee. The numbness then spread above the knee, halfway up the thigh. I found that I could not easily walk, with the affected leg pretty much useless for propulsion. I looked around for a branch to use as a cane and found one that although too short, helped a little.

Where should I go? I recall seeing a building a few minutes ago, behind me on the road in here. Maybe they could help me. By the time I got back to the main road, the numbness had been replaced by searing pain and at least the illusion of heat. I became deeply frightened. Maybe this was it. All she wrote. I lay down in the road, hoping that anyone driving by would see me before they ran over me. Suddenly I was very sleepy. I would close my eyes and rest a bit. When I had napped for a while, I would formulate a plan…. I woke up riding in the back of a truck.

Suddenly we stopped in front of a building. Was it a clinic? I sure hoped so. It was a clinic, but a very rudimentary one. There was no doctor on call, just a middle-aged woman who looked tired and a bit malnourished.

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She examined the wound and, after splashing it with alcohol, cut a large X with a scalpel. That hurt even more than the bite. She began to use a large hypodermic syringe with no needle to suck blood from the wound. Lots of blood. I either fainted or fell asleep. When I awoke, I was in a room with another patient. He was an old local man who looked like he had no where else to go.

Come to think of it, neither did I. I got the impression he had been here for weeks and was used to staring off at nothing in particular. Since he made no attempt to communicate with me, I reciprocated. Maybe someone articulate or in charge would enter the room. I waited. Night fell and no one came. I fell asleep again, and woke having the urge to pee.

Since I could not get my leg to work, I decided it would be too dangerous to try to get out of bed by myself. So I wet myself and went back to sleep. That was actually harder than you would think. Years of conditioning had to be overcome to allow me to let go and empty my bladder. The next day I heard loud voices outside. Soldiers or police came into our room and started speaking to us in angry voices.