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A pissing contest, or pissing match, is a game in which participants compete to see who can Pissing contests usually, but not always, take place between males. Sarah Miles, in her book Serves Me Right, describes a female pissing contest.
Table of contents

  • Hippy Hippo (Animal Pride Book 47);
  • Sorority House Sluts.
  • What Is Donald Trump’s Pee Tape? An Explainer.?
  • Delta Green: Through a Glass, Darkly;

She always wanted to go to Cosi. Like maybe once a week she would make us go to Cosi. Sometimes twice a week. And she had the whole menu memorized. I just love it here.

Masterclass Place Branding

She said her previous boyfriend used to work at Cosi. And she ate there all of the time. But then he got fired for stealing money from the register. And so they could never go to Cosi. She broke up with him a year later. So once we broke up, I stopped going to Cosi. Puebla, Mexico. I cancelled the engagement 2 months before we were supposed to get married. Honestly, I feel bad because I left him with memories we shared of being there together. He had to live there.

I guess he ruined it for me. Caged-Wisdom, this is horrible and I am so sorry:. Not a place, but a TV show. I was so heartbroken that I never watched the show again. LD83, please take pleasure in knowing that place is definitely haunted by an evil spirit and you should never return. I mean, it must be, right?

My ex and I would take fairly frequent trips to this amazing bed and breakfast, with a phenomenal little restaurant, and little cabins you could choose to stay in.

It was super romantic. Turns out, my ex not only took his new gf there, they got married there!

Place du Jeu de Balle

I mean, wtf dude? Am I being too glass-half-full here? I greatly envy those who can move away after a breakup. My ex and I are gay men in a big Midwestern city and I constantly run into him and his new flame who is 12 years my junior and it will never not hurt. A guide based upon experiences, lies, assumptions, truths, stories, exaggerations and full of spelling errors.

An ode to imperfection.

What makes you wet the bed when drunk?

It was an underground success, downloads! Soon after the release a group of unemployed nobodies started following Benni around everywhere. Together they shared a love for shitty places and speed. Using brain power and sheer will, from a simple. All thanks to the hard work of Simonneke, Krokky and Vinny, who had nothing better to do anyway. An incredible moment in internet history. Since then, we've had On average unique visitors per month!

In total our little website had half a million page views. Even a mobile app was developed. Together with the help of talented low-lifes such as Anne, Ellen, Sam and Bram we threw some incredible, unforgettable parties and expanded the Shitty Guide. We went on shitty expeditions to discover new territory, but mostly found hang-overs and islands of regret. World domination was always the shitty goal. First we took Brussels.

Pissing contest - Wikipedia

Our favorite hellhole! We asked a random, unemployed local on the street to write the guide for us.

Due to the huge demand, the next logical step for a Shitty Guide was Kiev, Ukraine. A team of young, dedicated Shitty explorers decided to go there in the middle of the winter and join the war. It was dark, it was cold, there was vodka and bare fistfights in the snow. We went to Chernobyl and we tried Tinder there. One of our writers, Freddy, grew up there. The nightmares didn't go away, but the Shitty Guide Brasschaat is something that exists now.

Sam Gooris became a life-time fan and Jean Marie Pfaff wears our logo on his collar till the end of his days. Less happy was the ex-mayor, who was forced to react in a newspaper that yes, the cops on Segways were a bad and expensive idea. Building on the success of the paper guide, Benni and Freddy decided in to give tours. It was a massive success and we had great time. The owners they loved us, and we loved them back.

They were delighted to host the tours, and always greeted us with much hospitality. Already 5 5! The city is changing. The city is changing, and this is the consequence of an active policy of disneyfication and gentrification.

London Review of Books

Since all nightshops, shisha bars, video library, etc in Antwerp had to pay an additional, medieval tax 'cause the city council apparently gets to decide what is nice and what is not. We, at Shitty Guide, were not pleased with this feodal mindset and decided to fight back. We threw a party Shitty Party 4 , made an underground nightshop video song, wrote a petition and gathered signatures and even went to protest together with Murad and the other nightshop owners at the city hall.

The city graciously accepted our signatures and threw it in the trash when we were not looking. Today, the imagoverlagende taks is still there.