Manual St Ds9 Ferengi Rule Of Acquisition (Star Trek)

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The Ferengi Rules of Acquisition are a collection of two hundred and eighty-five sayings that form the basis of Ferengi philosophy. (DS9 episode: "The Nagus").
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Quark claims he bought them in good faith: he has 5, pieces of Plegg in his storeroom. This plays off contemporary anxieties of identification and individuality regarding the fragmentation and partition of the dead via cremation and other emergent desiccation technologies. It also reflects on the association of such technologies with commodification, something that very much reflects Western attitudes to cremation as not necessarily counter-spiritual, but certainly embedded in a sense of death as a money-making scam. One is certainly afforded the impression that death, as with life, is strictly controlled as well as fully commercialised by the Rules of Acquisition in Ferengi mercantile culture.

In S4 Ep. He needs to think of how he might pay off his debts. In fact, there might not be enough of you to meet the demand. This reveals that display in a public, official workplace setting of eminent Ferengi was a further use of the death disks, akin to fine art or sculpture. He goes on:. Hence we are revealed that sentiment and mnemonic practices are sincerely felt by Ferengi, if fully embedded in cycles of financial transactions via death disks. The bidding continues and Quark sells his body.

So we learn that the funeral itself, not just its results, are moments of acquisition. He hates Quark, accusing him as a philanthropist making humanitarian gestures and thus not a Ferengi. The only way he gets out is to break his contract, which no Ferengi would do without being socially exiled and bankrupt for him and his family. So we learn that pre-mortem funerary planning can go wrong, and Quark finds himself in a debt he cannot repay without killing himself!

Quark decides to go through with his own death and gets Garak the Cardassian spy turned tailor to kill him.

Rules of Acquisition - Star Trek Feeling

It also relates to his species identity and afterlife opportunities. He asserts himself as a businessman and a Ferengi businessmen for which religious faith and social obligations and relationships are closely tied. Quark states:. Because I died exactly as I lived, as Ferengi!. However, Quark has second thoughts. How does Quark resolve his dilemma? Well, it comes to him in the form of a dream when he believes he has died and is at the entrance to the Divine Treasury…. The story has a heart-warming cosy sentimental end when the inhabitants of Deep Space Nine, led by Sisko, gift Quark the alcohol and equipment to start up his bar from scratch.

DS9: "Call to Arms". DS9: "Whispers". DS9: "Ferengi Love Songs". Don't hesitate to step on them. DS9: "Bar Association". Malibu DS9: "Baby on Board".

Ferengi Rules of Acquisition - Complete List*

All is better. Star Trek Titan: Taking Wing.

The Ferengi Rules of Acquisition

DS9: "The House of Quark". VOY: "False Profits". That way, it's easier to exploit them next time.

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Not a real Rule, of course, but quoted by Quark. Some unwritten and non-canon rules:. DS9: "The Abandoned". DS9: "Life Support".

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DS9: "Babel". VOY: "Shattered". This rule truly shows how important profit is to the Ferengi race. Profit isn't just a way of life to the Ferengi, it is what makes a Ferengi a Ferengi. Profit is an essential part of every element of the Ferengi lifestyle. These rules show how the Ferengi should be able to make profit whatever the situation.

It also shows that a good Ferengi is one that can take advantage of any situation. In the DS9 episode 'The Siege of AR' Quark makes a reference to rule 34, saying that war is good for business the further away from the front lines you are. This rule supports the Ferengi view of females, that they should not be allowed to conduct business or make profit. This rule was first quoted in the Voyager episode 'False Profits'. In the Enterprise episode 'Acquisition', this rule is quoted as being the 45th rule. It is unknown whether the rules number was simply misquoted or whether the rule was re-arranged and given a different number at a later date.

This is another rule that shows the Ferengi put their greed above all people, and also supports rule six in telling Ferengi to exploit their family. Absolutely no one is above exploitation. This rule was quoted in the DS9 episode 'Body Parts'. In Quark's dream, Grand Negus Gint tells Quark that the Rules of Acquisition aren't really rules, but suggestions, and that he called them the Rules of Acquisition as a marketing ploy.

This is the last Rule of Acquisition. It is there to warn the Ferengi about doing good deeds for people. The Rules of Acquisition tell the Ferengi to exploit people and not help them. Because of this, the Ferengi are known by other races to be cheaters and untrustworthy.

Ferengi Rules of Acquisition

There have been occasions where Rules have been created by others in times of need or when the situation seemed to warrant some inspired pearls of new Ferengi-style wisdom. Morn is the barfly of DS9 , and spends most of his time sitting in Quark's Bar. He was based on the character called Norm in 'Cheers' 4. Throughout the whole of DS9 , the viewers never hear Morn say a word, however, he is actually meant to be a talkative but boring person. In the Voyager episode 'False Profits', the character Neelix - who is a Talaxian trader and adopted Diplomatic Ambassador to the Voyager crew - pretends to be a Ferengi, assisted by some radical cosmetic surgery, and creates a new rule of his own:.

The Prophets devolved Zek to a time when the Ferengi were not controlled by greed and profit. These rules proved to be the total opposite of the existing Rules of Acquisition.