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intimate partner violence and sexual violence. Violence against women and girls is preventable. To prevent violence, mitigate the risk factors and amplify the.
Table of contents

Our current work focuses on documenting impacts and identifying solutions. This includes developing cutting-edge models to estimate the social and economic impacts of VAWG, conducting evaluations of community and school-based programs to prevent VAWG and assessing innovative approaches to bringing essential services closer to survivors of violence, especially those in fragile and conflict-affected settings.

We are also exploring several under-studied forms of violence, including those experienced by sexual and gender minority women, older women and cyber violence, which includes violence perpetrated online and through technology.

Violence Against Women and Girls

ICRW has been a leading expert on these issues, and we work with implementing and research partners to conduct quantitative, qualitative and mixed-methods studies to continue innovative research that advances the evidence on VAWG. ICRW engages with other leaders in the field of VAWG research to conduct pioneering studies and to translate the insights from our findings and emerging recommendations so they are available to a variety of audiences.

ICRW is also examining the policy dimensions of violence prevention by evaluating the impact of and challenges to existing legislation and using our findings to advocate for stronger, more effective laws. Learn More. Promoting and supporting the exchange of information, best practices, lessons learned and national health plans for improving migrant health. Latest news marks the International Year of the Nurse and Midwife In order to recognize the work of nurses and midwives around the world and advocate for increased investment in this workforce, and improvements in working conditions, education and professional development, this year has been designated the international year of nurses and midwives by the World Health Assembly.

What Works to Prevent Violence Against Women and Girls – A global perspective on a global issue

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I grew up watching my childhood friends struggle with domestic violence, and understood from my community that it was acceptable. Luckily, I was raised in a democratic, loving and caring family.

Stop Violence Against Women

My childhood experience has been my best strength when it came to tackling violence against women and girls in my community. I can do something that can affect others to experience what I did in my childhood and in my daily life.

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Have participants experienced any fundamental change in their understanding of violence in their communities? According to Grace, the programme has had a positive impact on her life as well. However, the programme helped me hone my skills and develop my capacity to manage and advocate for violence prevention work.

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