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To hear more feature stories, see our full list or get the Audm iPhone app. that Boris Yeltsin had resigned, wrote a brief column for a British newspaper, I tried to see her recently in Warsaw, but she refused. from the atlantic archives.
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Cooper is a leading example of the climate hypocrisy in the Democratic party. So when Cooper showed up to claim credit as a climate hero by introducing a so-called Clean Energy Plan at a meeting of the NC Climate Change Interagency Council, we showed up to disrupt with old friends from the state. Check out some news coverage of the disruption and the plan here , or check out this quick video from partners Friends of the Earth of the disruption:. Climate leaders who support clean energy do not approve polluting pipelines.

The Atlantic | Atlantic Monthly

Cooper must stop the climate hypocrisy. It has polluted the air, water, and climate in New Hampshire for decades, but it still manages to steal millions of dollars in taxpayer in subsidies every year to keep running. So on Saturday, Sept. Nearly 70 people, including me, were arrested trying to enter the plant with shovels and buckets in hand. We were prepared to remove coal from the burn pile BucketByBucket to literally pull fuel from the fires of climate change.

Hookers, Guns, and Money - The Atlantic

Unfortunately, a large police presence including a helicopter, Drone surveillance and state police in riot gear prevented us from reaching the coal and we were arrested just a few hundred yards from our goal. The demonstration was peaceful, prayerful, and powerful. And we will be back to shut down Merrimack for good. In the meantime, check out all the photos and videos at the website , or watch the epic livestream from our partners at NH below.

We are at the last major coal fired power plant in New England with hundreds of people and we are here to shut it down. Sign below to join the fight. Will you turn out with us to hold a climate emergency intervention this Friday, September 27, at am? And it was later revealed that his administration negotiated the approval with Duke Energy and went so far as to overrule his own Department of Environmental Quality. If the ACP is built, it would cause methane emissions to skyrocket and devastate low income communities and communities of color throughout eastern NC. Real climate leadership requires standing up to Duke Energy, the largest investor owned utility in the country and owner of the ACP.

The Cooper Administration is also ignoring another driver of climate chaos: industrial logging. But until his administration stops approving new fossil fuel infrastructure and starts protecting our forests, we are calling him a climate hypocrite. Join us in Charlotte at 5pm on Wednesday July 10 for a rally and protest, followed by a formal hearing on the rate hike. We had a busy 2 days of action targeting dirty, dishonest, Dominion Energy at their shareholder meeting in Columbia SC this week.

Check out the reportback video on all our actions, or scroll down to read an account of the more than 5 hours of meetings, speeches and actions. Monday night about 50 of us gathered at the historic Zion baptist Church in Columbia where Dr King once spoke for a community supper and teach in. Freeda Cathcart, Indivisible VA talked about the importance of coalitions and working together to make change:. And Finally, Rev Leo Woodberry, from the Justice First tour and New Alpha community development corporation brought it all together in a keynote address that had everyone on their feet marching in one big wave of solidarity by the end.

On Tuesday we gathered outside the Shareholder meeting and 8 shareholders were admitted in with proxies to address the meeting. The rest of us handed out about fliers And held banners outside so everyone knew our demands. At the end of the Shareholder meeting we held a press conference touching on Dominion activity inside and outside the shareholder meeting. And that makes our plans for even more timely and important. Click here to help.

Crossing the Atlantic Ocean in a 1930s Airliner

But with 12 years to solve the climate crisis, the truth is we need a functional, non-fossil-fascist, US federal government to be part of the solution. For in the shutdown the Democrats, about to be newly ascendant in Congress, have finally rallied together as a block. The same month Democrats hung together to oppose Trump on Climate Denial, House leaders opted for a decidedly Milk-toast and polluter-friendly version of the Select committee on Climate Change.

But still, climate cowardice remains the default position of too many politicians. But I need your help. All our ideas revolve around a simple idea: A small group of people, using small interventions — creative direct action tactics backed by cutting edge tech tools and best practices — can actually stop the climate crisis. How small? But I can tell you the basic themes are. We need a few simple tools to stay in contact with you, and to dramatically expand our power in — adding that ability to connect you directly and only if you opt-in, of course to direct actions through your telephone, to congress via text message, and more.

We prefer to raise those as we need them, so that your support pays only for what the action requires, and you know that every dollar you donate goes right to the material costs. If we need a pizza, we ask you to help pay for it. Lots of people talk about being nimble, small, and focussed on funding action. We do it. So, if you like the sound of all that. As we wrote just before, it was a bad deal for the people of South Carolina, and for the environment and climate we all share. We proved them wrong — we showed up with a team of half-a-dozen activists from South Carolina and North Carolina and took the hearing by storm.

We stood up and shouted until they had to adjourn. That commissioner, by the way, went back inside, lost every vote to add solar or accountability to the deal, and then voted for the Dominion merger anyway. Our protest was on the front page of the newspaper the next day , and mentioned in story after story that covered the Dominion deal. Dominion is already facing blow back in court over their Atlantic Coast Pipeline the judge actually quoted the Lorax in smacking down the pipeline.

A resistance is building all across the SouthEast — to Dominion and all the oppressors. People in the South are rising up. So far, the corporate polluters and pipeline builders have been able to buy, cheat and steal enough power to keep us bottled up. But the day is coming when that may not work anymore. You can also get a good look at the dishonest Dominion lawyers, PSC commissioners and other various villains who did us wrong:. After that we headed into the hearing room and it was show time. And the Dominion has already let slip that they plan to expand the Atlantic Coast Pipeline into South Carolina and build a new generation of fracked-gas power plants that will poison our air and climate.

So Dominion changed the deal. Check out was easy. Holder ripped off the wall paint missing in big spots corner of wall messed up Hall way dirty and smells like weed path to beach over grown.

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No bugs bed was comfortable view was great. Smell of old furniture, walls are scratched and painted many times, damaged furniture, broken toilette paper holders, very old furniture, etc. We will not come here again. Bedding and towels are very clean, beds are comfortable. Location is great, few steps to the beach, swimming pool is clean. No more positive points. It was very close to the beach. First off my first day here I went out to the beach came back to shower the room was descent till I came in to c the shower not only had some ones hair in it but I had a dirty towel hung up for me to use.

Tag: Atlantic Coast Pipeline

I called the front desk n no one even came to clean it.. The pop machine took five bucks n the lady then said she couldn't do anything about it.. The smell was musty not fresh n clean it was my worst stay in two yrs.. The beach was bout it. I I wouldn't recommend this hotel to no one it is ragley need to be upgrade it is old nasty they have roaches they need to do better ain't never got to worry about me coming here again and I mean that getting all this money from people and it ain't worth the stay building looking like this just awful. Was very disappointed the pictures I seen on booking.

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Well the hotel parking was under ground didn't feel very safe due to poor lighting. Hotel room door barely shut and top of the door wouldn't shut. The pictures on the site are great but actual inside the room is not great! So called dresser had water damage, beds weren't comfortable, bath tub had peeling paint, toilet seat was stained up, toilet paper holder halfway ripped out of the wall, and the refrigerator barely worked. Pool was clean. Room was not clean.

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  7. Furniture was broken, sink was stopped up and floor was dirty!! Patio and curtains we're all so dirty!! Will not stay their again!!!!! No meals and bed was not soft.

    Here’s how

    I would like to see some remodeling done next time. The rooms are ok, but the outside area needs new carpet and the elevator definitely needs to be upgraded.

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    I really enjoyed my stay there. This was my second time there and the staff were friendly, especially Harri and the housekeeper Mary Lou. Great location and view for then price and very safe environment.