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Male Continence by seeing and suffering the miseries of involuntary propagation. Here is a specimen remarkable for its details of horrors, which, according to.
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By Ed Cohen. Edition 1st Edition. First Published Imprint Routledge. Pages pages. Spencer Lewis , Ph. Swinburne Clymer engages in sexual practices for the sake of race regeneration. Clymer is completely opposed to the practice of Karezza or coitus reservatus and advocates instead a form of sex intercourse in which the couple experiences the orgasm at the same time.

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Russell developed his own curriculum of sex magick. Alice Stockham was taken to court and forced to give up teaching the practice of Karezza in the United States. Like many other sex reformers, Dr.

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Stockham was arrested by Anthony Comstock. From there, he advised others to follow St.


Paul 's plan of either marriage or celibacy , and to obey the commandments against adultery and fornication. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Main article: Dianism. Human sexuality portal. Nature, Man and Woman. Random House Inc. Vintage Books Edition. The Dance of Shiva. Archived from the original on Retrieved Cosmic Consciousness , p. Dial Press. Contraceptive Technology Update. October Orvieto R. April Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics. Planned Parenthood. By Spencer Klaw.

THE Oneida Community in upstate New York was one of the most intriguing of the odd utopian communities that sprang up in 19th-century America. Most such communities were short-lived experiments based loosely on the theories of the French socialist Charles Fourier. Oneida, in contrast, lasted over three decades, from to , and was guided by the idiosyncratic religious views of its founder and leader, John Humphrey Noyes. Controversial in its day and unduly neglected in ours, the Oneida Community is described skillfully by Spencer Klaw, who makes use of rare documents relating to the community to provide the first full account of it.

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Klaw, the author as well of "The New Brahmins: Scientific Life in America," delves into virtually every aspect of life at Oneida, including its most distinctive feature, a communal sexual arrangement known as complex marriage. As Mr. Klaw explains it, the Vermont-born John Humphrey Noyes, having experienced a conversion during a religious revival in , preached a Perfectionist brand of Christianity according to which he believed he could do no wrong.

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Noyes became the hub of a group of men and women, eventually numbering about , who saw monogamy as impure and group love as the means of ushering in the millennium. They thought God demanded variety in every facet of life, including sex. To overcome what they regarded as the sin of monogamy, they called for the continual change of partners under the supervision of Noyes.

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Noyes took advantage of his position as sexual arbiter. Although he was married, his main gratification came from elsewhere. He indoctrinated his followers with the idea of "ascending fellowship," whereby community elders, considered especially godly, led younger believers heavenward by introducing them to what they saw as the holy pleasures of sex.

Shortly after puberty, boys and girls were assigned a succession of older love partners. Teen-agers commonly slept with people in their 50's or 60's, though they got to choose partners their own age as time passed. Klaw cites sources that suggest Noyes often assigned himself and year-old girls. All the men at Oneida were thought to be linked in divine marriage to all the women.