Manual Love at Second Sight

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A man tries to make his wife fall in love with him again, after waking up in an 27 June | ScreenDaily; 'Love at Second Sight' ('Mon inconnue'): Film.
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In this paper we explored the social phenomenon of online dating using a simple binary task that mimics the procedure used by immensely popular online dating sites such as e-Harmony, OK Cupid, Tinder, etc. Two experiments are described that explore the impact of serial dependence on face attractiveness perception in a simplified, real-world context.

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The experiments employ a rapid adaptation paradigm that has emerged recently in the perceptual sciences whereby subjects are asked to make quick judgements about a rapid sequence of randomly varying stimuli. This method has been used to show robust inter-trial adaptation in judgements of orientation 1 and numerosity 3 in vision, frequency in audition 4 and perceptual synchrony between audiovisual signals 5 , 6. With regard to face stimuli, it has been reported that face identity shows inter-trial adaptation dependencies 2 , as does face attractiveness 7 , 8 , 9.

Love At Second Sight

The observation of rapid sequential dependencies in face perception raises an interesting question about the way we judge the attractiveness of unfamiliar people who post profile pictures on online dating websites. In this context, users make sequential, dichotomous decisions about whether a face is attractive or not based on a brief glimpse of a profile picture. It is not clear whether sequential dependencies are robust enough to occur when attractiveness ratings are simplified to a simple dichotomy of attractive or not, as favoured by many online dating sites.

Moreover, previous studies 7 , 8 , 9 have used laboratory stimuli, controlling for low-level visual properties for the purposes of drawing inferences about the visual system. An open question is whether these sequential effects still influence our behaviour when real profile pictures are used without the benefit of low-level control. The current experiments will test this using a simple dichotomous task and will do so with the well-controlled face stimuli typically used in laboratory studies of face perception replaced by non-standardised real-world profile pictures downloaded from the public domain.

Our findings show that a binary attractiveness rating of a given face is strongly biased by the face seen immediately prior. In short, if the face you just saw was attractive, you are more likely to judge the current one as attractive and vice versa. A trial started with a face drawn randomly from the set of In an unspeeded binary task participants judged a face as attractive or not see Fig. A General procedure arrows and labels are for illustrative purposes only and were not visible during the experiment. Stimuli depicted are examples of photographs taken of men who consented to have their images reproduced for scientific communication.

Horizontal dashed line indicates general attractiveness mean attractiveness score for all faces averaged across all subjects. The dashed horizontal line indicates general attractiveness as in panel B. For each subject, we calculated the mean of the 10 attractiveness judgements for each face and the overall mean attractiveness for the whole set of faces. Faces with mean attractiveness less than the overall mean were categorised as not attractive, or as attractive when exceeding the overall mean.

We also calculated the degree of autocorrelation in the random sequences of trials presented in Experiment 1. The group mean data revealed that none of the non-zero lags were significantly different from 0. Following the experiment, the eight subjects in each group selected the 15 most attractive faces from the set of 30 they had not seen during the experiment either Set A or Set B. Thus, each image received an independent attractiveness rating given by the number of times subjects from the other group selected it as attractive.

An interesting question is whether all face images were dependent on the attractiveness of the face on the preceding trial or not. Figure 1C illustrates the distribution of the profile pictures as a function of the attractiveness score. Visual inspection of this figure confirms the notion that the whole distribution and not just a part shifts to the left i.

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In the experiment, each of the 30 faces was presented 10 times in a random order. However, it is possible that by repeating the faces our participants became familiar with them, raising the possibility that familiarity may modulate the inter-trial attractiveness effect. We tested if there was any effect of familiarity by dividing the trials of the main experiment into 10 consecutive blocks of 30 trials and calculating the attractiveness effect within each block.

The results are plotted in Fig. These results imply that increasing familiarity with the stimulus set throughout the experiment did not affect the inter-trial attractiveness effect. Our results show that face attractiveness judgements are strongly influenced by the attractiveness of a preceding face, regardless of whether attractiveness is rated by the same observer or an independent rater. This inter-trial behaviour is intriguing in itself, as it clearly demonstrates the choices of millions of online daters are affected by the most recently seen face.

However, it is interesting to know if this behaviour is driven by a low-level perceptual mechanism e. To investigate this we ran a similar experiment randomly interleaving upright with inverted stimuli. By contrast, a bias to repeat responses entrained by the speed of the task or when presented with a difficult-to-rate stimulus should occur regardless of image inversions.

An independent sample of 16 undergraduate female students was recruited and the same set of 60 faces used in Experiment 1 was used in Experiment 2 and most procedural details were unchanged. The 60 faces were judged 10 times each in a pseudorandom order. A The distribution of responses across the stimulus set black bars when the stimuli were upright, red bars when the stimuli were inverted. B Results of Experiment 2: the effect of inter-trial orientation. The inter-trial attractiveness effect shown for all four orientation conditions.

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The two left-hand columns show congruent inter-trial face orientation and the two right-hand columns show incongruent inter-trial orientation. The results of the interleaved orientation experiment are plotted in Fig. We compared consecutive trials where face orientation was congruent both upright or both inverted with consecutive trials where orientation was incongruent upright then inverted, or vice versa. The results of Experiment 2 are consistent with the inter-trial attractiveness effect containing a perceptual component because the effect was dependent on relative orientation between trials while the response task was always the same.

  • Love At Second Sight!
  • Love at Second Sight eBook by Cathy Hopkins | Official Publisher Page | Simon & Schuster UK.
  • Love at second sight: Sequential dependence of facial attractiveness in an on-line dating paradigm.
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However, it is likely the perceptual effect does not explain all the data, as the inter-trial effect was in general greater than zero, suggesting a role for response bias, perhaps driven by the subset of hard-to-classify faces that tended to elicit a repeat of the previous response. Importantly, however, the origin of the effect does not change our conclusion, now demonstrated in two experiments, that binary attractiveness judgements for rapid sequences of faces are reliably influenced by the recent past, whether by the previous stimulus or by the previous response to that stimulus.

From an evolutionary perspective, attractiveness is a key social characteristic that determines how approachable or desirable we are.

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Perceived attractiveness is determined not only by our own attributes but by the attractiveness of people around us 11 , These dynamics, however, need to be revisited because the way we interact with others is changing. Here we have extended work using rapid face sequences 7 , 8 , 9 by adapting the paradigm to simulate the simple dichotomous decisions made increasingly popular in online mate-selection.

Our results show that assimilative face effects are both quickly acquired and robust enough that even dichotomous attractiveness decisions are biased towards the previous trial. For people sorting through faces in search of an attractive mate, it is a case of love at second sight: their final choice of desirable mate is likely to be one face too late. Across Experiments 1 and 2 we collected data from 32 female undergraduate students enrolled in third-year Psychology at the University of Sydney NSW, Australia. All aspects of the data collection and analysis were carried out in accordance with guidelines approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee of the University of Sydney Project No.

Informed consent was obtained from all subjects. The stimuli were 60 online male profile pictures retrieved from rating and match-making website www. Images varied in composition, face size and background cues. Some images showed men dressed in casual clothes, others were in formal wear or work uniforms. Being profile pictures from a dating website we presume they were intended to attract female attention.

All images but one were in colour and three also contained an animal one dog, one monkey, one dolphin. Images were divided randomly into two sets of 30 Sets A and B.

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For Experiment 2 we used the same 60 profile pictures. For 8 participants, Set A stimuli were presented in their canonical orientation upright and Set B stimuli were inverted and for the other 8 participants the order was reversed: Set A inverted and Set B upright. Although some of the face images had pronounced head tilts we did not rotate the faces to horizontally align the eyes as is common in face perception experiments because we wanted to preserve ecological validity and our ability to interpret the results in the context of the real world.

This may be reduced the expected size of the classic face inversion effect. Participants completed the experiment in a dimly lit curtained booth.

Love at Second Sight · Cathy Hopkins · Könyv · Moly

Participant responses were recorded using an Apple wired USB keyboard. It was replaced with a white fixation cross which remained visible until the participant made a binary decision; was the face attractive or unattractive. Participants used the arrow keys to indicate a decision. As soon as a response was recorded, the next trial began immediately. In Experiment 1, participants judged 30 faces each face seen 10 times; trials in total in a random order.

In both experiments, to minimise local adaptation and predictability, faces were presented in one of eight screen locations equidistant from the fixation cross by 3. How to cite this article : Taubert, J.