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Everybody brings joy to this office… some when they enter, some when they exit. Always remember that the toes you step on today could be attached to the ass you have to kiss tomorrow. Sometimes doing a good job at work is like wetting your pants in a dark suit — you get a warm feeling, but nobody else notices. Pride, commitment, and teamwork are words they use to get you to work for free. The reward for good work is more work. Office politics — you have to learn the rules of the game and then you have to play them better than anyone else.

Some people work harder at getting the office temperature right than they do at their actual job. Ever notice that those who whine the loudest are usually the ones who contributes the least? How to survive office politics? I always believe it takes two to tango, and if one party decided not to dance, there is nothing the other party can do. Simply avoid gossiping. Nothing destroys the dynamics of an office more than gossip. Stay away from it, because nothing good comes from it. If a colleague tries to engage you into bad mouthing someone, always reply with a neutral answer or something positive.

Because they might use whatever you said against you when it suits them. Also, a person that loves to bad mouth another will not hesitate to bad mouth you in-front of others too, watch out for these type of gossipers and avoid them. Please lie down for a second. Take a deep breath.

With Great Power Comes Great Insanity - TV Tropes

Calm down Deirdre: Of course I've gone insane! I'm infused with the magic from a being of pure chaos! But just because I'm insane doesn't mean I'm wrong Films — Animation. Titan in Megamind mixes this with great immaturity. Hal is a feckless, mildly stalker-ish manchild with a creepy crush on Roxanne.

Normally, he's completely harmless. But once he gets powers, that instability creates a complete psycho. The villains of the My Little Pony: Equestria Girls series of movies tend to go psycho when toying with power that they don't understand.

An Insane Love 2

They also tend to get much more hammy. Sunset Shimmer in the first move. After putting on the Element of Magic, she undergoes a Painful Transformation into a demon, and promptly jumps off the slippery slope , with her goal changing from "get Princess Celestia to acknowledge me" to "conquer Equestria with my brainwashed army". Notably, when she's taken down and reverts to human form, she's crying in horror about the things she did.

The intense exposure causes her to snap and transform into a evil magical winged demon form called Midnight Sparkle , Drunk with Power and dead set on opening dangerous portals to Equestria in order to understand magic, at the expense of destroying their world. It takes the combined efforts of Spike and Sunset Shimmer to snap her out of it. It turns out to be Gloriosa Daisy, who had been using some of the magical ability in small crystals to control plant life. When Gloriosa goes from using some of the magic to all of it, she transforms into a monstrous version of herself, surrounding the entire camp with thorns to prevent the camp from being taken over by Filthy Rich.

After using the mirror to grant her wishes and sucking the main cast inside, the mirror powers up and turns her into a giant version of her movie star self, as well as giving her delusions that the people running and fleeing in terror are all actually just admiring fans. The quick down-slide in her sanity from the second episode where she just sabotaged a movie is blamed on the mirror and she is Easily Forgiven , with references to Twilight and Sunset's instances of the trope from above being used as justification. What starts as sealing away Springfield to keep an environmental disaster from spreading leads to preventing anyone from escaping the city, roaming death squads, and ultimately trying to destroy Springfield altogether.

Films — Live-Action. Bananas : After overthrowing the government of San Marcos, rebel leader Esposito declares himself the new president. Esposito also announces "the official language of San Marcos will be Swedish", "citizens will be required to change their underwear every half-hour", and "all children under 16 years old are now 16 years old.

Although it is explained that she was already mentally unstable as a girl and her massive powers had to be reduced for her own good and that of everyone around her by putting mental blocks into her psyche. When these were removed, she started killing people with her mind. In RoboCop 2 , the evil corporation OCP attempts to build a successor to RoboCop, but in all cases the new cyborg goes crazy and commits suicide.

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Finally, they stick the brain of a convicted, drug-addicted, psychopath into the cyborg. That doesn't work out too well in the end, either.

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Ironically, the scientists theorize that RoboCop was a success due to the very qualities that made Murphy a good cop in life: his highly Catholic upbringing and stable family life imbued him with a strong moral compass, selfless devotion to duty, and an aversion to suicide. Then they turn around and choose a murderous psychopath, because they thought that they could control him through his drug addiction.

Their reasoning was that just as a selfless cop would not kill himself, a sociopath would desire the power and immortality that comes with being an indestructible cyborg. While this is true, nobody seemed to catch onto the fact that a RoboCop also needed to be dedicated to duty rather than, say, murdering everybody to get a fix. Not only would a sociopathic criminal not care about duty, they also didn't see fit to hardcode directives into it like they did with the original.

Forbidden Planet exhibits this principle most chillingly through Morbius. That is more of an Enemy Without , though; Morbius seemed sane right up to the end.

Morbius may have a mental block preventing him from understanding what has happened, because it was simply too horrible for him to accept that the monster is an inherent part of himself, which meant he had killed all of his friends. The process to make him a super soldier also seems to produce a homicidal second personality. Ironically, Norman subjected himself to the serum in an effort to prove it would not have that effect on humans Doctor Octopus in the second film was made crazy by the robot arms.

In fact, they slaughtered a room full of medical personnel while Otto was still unconscious. He overcame their programming just in time for a Heroic Sacrifice. Same with Flint Marko in the third. He wasn't an especially good person before the accident that turned him into Sandman, but afterward he was just nuts. Eddie Brock, on the other hand, started out as a psycho; gaining the Venom symbiote just allowed him to express it in new ways.

Flint Marko was desperate , which led to all the bad things he was involved in including his part in Ben's murder.

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He needed money desperately to save his daughter's life, and would do anything to get it. Marvel Cinematic Universe : The Incredible Hulk : The most recent movie finds hardened veteran soldier, Emil Blonsky, given a prototype super-soldier serum — to put "what I know now into the body of a man ten years younger". The combination of being defeated despite this and the taste of such power grow into the classic Comes Great Insanity.

Funnily enough, that serum is all but directly stated to be the one that gave Captain America his powers, but with Blonsky lacking the additional radiotherapy, his insanity is a classic symptom of the Super Soldier serum gone wrong.

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  5. Then he demands against repeated warnings a dose of an even more experimental serum from a much less reputable source and Similar to Kefka Palazzo , it is hinted in Captain America: The First Avenger that Johann Schmidt was the first person to receive the supersoldier serum, but for various reasons, namely a combination of the serum not being perfected yet as well as his dark inner nature, he received a tremendous power boost at the cost of his sanity and his human form.

    Steve Rogers himself, however, is selected for being an Ideal Hero , and thus will be responsible with his power. Universal Soldier. In the sequel, one of them even gets an artificially intelligent, Self-Evolving Thought Helix military supercomputer downloaded into them. Hollow Man , starring Kevin Bacon.

    Sebastian Caine goes nuts after gaining his ability because he realizes he can get away with a lot of crimes while invisible. It goes from disgustingly creepy opening a sleeping co-worker's top to badness and murder real soon.

    There's some talk about the invisibility Psycho Serum causing insanity, but it's never made clear how much of an effect it's supposed to be having on him. Sebastian Caine: It's amazing what you can do when you don't have to look at yourself in the mirror. Peter Drak: Power doesn't make you good, David. It just makes you powerful. Magic users in The Dawnhounds have a form of Resurrective Immortality that means their patrons throw them back whenever they die. Each resurrection makes them more powerful, but also chips away at their sanity and personhood. Poison-users in Dis Acedia eventually go insane, including the main character himself.

    A key element of The Reckoners Trilogy. Epics started getting powers about 10 years before the first novel, and all end up falling somewhere between minor sociopaths to evil dictators. The series focuses on normal humans trying to kill powerful epics with their weaknesses, as well as learning more about the origin of Epic powers and why everyone with them seems to be insane. It turns out that with the exception of Transference Epics aka Gifters who give their powers away, any Epic who uses their powers will turn into a hateful, angry sociopath in minutes. Even people in close proximity are not immune to this — it's implied that Epic powers, even when Gifted, have a high probability of causing the same arrogant amorality in other people when used by them instead.

    One character alludes to a time when the police of his hometown joined with an Epic and "The good ones [left the force. In the Hero.