e-book How to perform the astral projection experience: how to perform the astral projection experience

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You've likely heard of people claiming to have “out-of-body” experiences. But did you know that you can consciously (and easily) learn to perform astral.
Table of contents

Self-suggestion is one technique you can use before your OBE attempt. This recall technique consists in repeating a phrase to yourself a few times. Repeating it five or ten times is typically effective. If you can say it out loud and do it after you have achieved some relaxation, even better. During the OBE you can try to repeat names of people and places that you learn, and also tell yourself that you will remember those names after you wake up.

Astral Projection – Everything you need to know

Coming back to the physical body by your own decision usually helps with a more controlled reconnection and with the overall transfer of information to the physical brain. An important factor on remembering your astral projection experience is to wake up slowly and to keep your attention on the recall process as you reconnect. If you wake up abruptly, after a loud alarm goes off, and quickly move to switch it off, you would reduce your chances of recall. The ideal scenario for recall is based on a slow reconnection process. Those kinds of alarms that increase the volume slowly can help in this regard.

You should ask yourself if you recall anything from the period your physical body was asleep before making any movements. In summary: put your physical body to sleep, stay lucid, and try to manage the reconnection process to remember the experience.

The Astral Confusion

This section tries to give some initial ideas to individuals that are willing to start having astral projections with more lucidity. In order to have your own astral projections you might have to improve and observe certain aspects within your life that would help you speed up the possibility and frequency of lucid astral projections. The best way to leave the body or to have a lucid and controlled projection is to apply techniques; this way you have a methodology that will help you prepare and develop this process properly in order to successfully disconnect your body and allowing you to have your experience.

Choose a good technique and apply it at least 15 times for the period of 1 month. Picking or choosing a technique is very important. Just because everyone is using a certain technique does not mean that the technique is good for you. So choosing a technique will very much depend on your own characteristics maybe you are more creative, or more rational, or you prefer something that uses breathing and relaxation, etc. Choose a technique that works well with your personal traits.

Learn this technique very well, step by step ; beginning, middle and end of the technique.

So check the technique first, understand it and memorise it. Then apply it at least 15 times for the period of 1 month maybe choose the days where you have less work to do, or your routine allows you to concentrate better on that technique, etc. Apply it on different days and not 3 times in one day. It does not matter if you apply it in the morning, afternoon or night, as long as you spread them over the 15 days. These would, for example, include: confidence, self-motivation, curiosity, perseverance, persistence and so on.

So avoid fear, self-doubt, anger, busy thoughts, or thoughts that are not related to astral projection. Find moments in your day in which you can easier control your thoughts and emotions and create a good mood; a positive one that works for you. So your technique should be full of positiveness towards your goal of achieving your OBE or out-of-body experience. Ideally you should apply your techniques in a place where you can control the physical conditions. For instance, a place where there is a door which you can lock in order to avoid people coming in in the middle of you applying your technique.

Turn off your mobile phone or any other instrument that might make a noise or beeping sound during your technique. All these conditions when picking the place are necessary for you to be able to stay in long enough to relax and at the same time maintain your lucidity to leave the body under control. A person that is practising a technique to have a projection should apply this technique for a minimum time of 30 minutes and a maximum time of 1 hour. This will allow the practitioner to have enough time to apply the steps the technique offer and at the same time wait for the results to take place.

So, set an alarm clock for one hour and apply all the steps of your chosen technique; calmly and in an organised way.

My first astral projection experience! what did i see?

If you apply it and finish all of the required steps but had no results and your alarm clock has not gone off yet start again from the beginning and apply step by step. Set the amount of time, apply the technique and repeat the steps if necessary for as many times as you can within the period of time. Take advantage of the time that you have left and apply the technique as many times as you can within your time period.

During the application of your technique and in order to achieve a lucid and controlled projection you might experience non-physical sensations. These are sensations you may have during the technique while you are laying down on your bed. If you do feel these or any others, do pay attention and make a note of them later after your alarm clock goes off so you end up with a diary which contains all of your experiences. You can later study the diary in order to understand your patterns. Pay attention to any ideas, sensations or images that you might have during your astral projection.

When waking up from it write down all that comes to your mind! This will help to reinforce your ability to recall them and in time you will be able to recall most of your experiences! The phenomenon called out of body experience offers to anyone that experiences it the possibility of having a major life change because of its numerous benefits.

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One of the first and important benefits of the out of body experience is that after a few experiences the person starts to see life in a different way and death is understood in a different context. Another important benefit of having an OBE is the possibility to find out about our reality ; where we came from: understanding and remembering facts that we already knew but that during our physical life we had forgotten. So we can remember why we came to this life, why we were born in a particular family, what we have to do in this life.

This would help us have a more coherent and happier life. So as you can see the benefits of OBE are clear; another one being the increase of your level of maturity about life yours and others. This happens because by leaving the body you might better understand why a friend or relative is having all the problems that they are having, or why you have a problem with a specific person.

The communication in an OBE is more efficient, direct and clear, therefore it helps to clarify our karmic relationships. We hope that you will be motivated by this article and have a lucid and controlled astral projection. Our free introductory seminar answers ALL your questions.

Astral Projection - Crystalinks

IAC is an International non-profit research and educational institution dedicated to consciousness studies and helping people develop their human potential through courses held at centres around the world. People have even experienced being touched or attacked by these presences. Are these demonic figures or lost creatures finding a body to exist in? I know many people believe in this and many people are too scared of the idea to admit it.

You will feel a slight dizzy sensation inside you as you do this. This feeling of vertigo will intensify the more you pull on the rope.

20 Very Useful Astral Projection Tips

Keep climbing, hand over hand, ever upwards, and you will feel the vibrations start. Your whole body will seem to be vibrating and you will feel paralyzed. Concentrate single minded, on climbing your rope. Next you will feel yourself coming free of your body. You will exit your body in the direction of your imaginary ROPE and will be hovering above your body. Tell yourself that you are going to watch yourself in the act of going to sleep. You must be very clear about your intent. As you relax completely, you must learn to recognize the rather strange, distinctive sensations you feel as your body moves into the sleep state.

You MUST stay aware as this unfolds. At a certain point, you will feel that your body is feeling heavy and numb. You are on the right track! Pay close attention to all your bodily sensations. You may feel yourself swaying or floating. You might even find certain parts of your body tingling. There might be vibrations running from your head to toe. You might even hear a strong buzzing sensation in your ears. Whatever the sensations, do not panic as these are very good signals that you are on the verge of experiencing an OBE.

You have to then visualize that you are rising up from your bed and floating towards the ceiling. How would it feel if you could actually float? Try to make the experience as real as possible. Hold this image for as long as you can. If everything goes on well, you might suddenly find yourself outside the body, floating near the ceiling! Maintain your awareness between sleep and wakefulness.

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