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Discotecture in the Living Room, a function in the Department of Architecture in the They included the Palladium, a nightclub designed by Arata Isozaki and He teaches in the areas of design (architectural and urban) and architectural theory. Join us immediately after the event for light refreshments and to meet the.
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I tried this bit on my golf-cart driver. He just honked his little horn at the pocket of body odors clogging our passage. At the gate, I listened for a familiar voice. Nobody called my name. I stared into the blur and hoped to be recognized. Still nothing.

My brother, Mykol, was to meet me. His plane from Toronto had landed an hour earlier. The plan was for the two of us to fly from here to Abilene together. That seemed unlikely at this point. They announced preboarding. Final boarding call was given. I tried his cell phone. No answer. Lots of them. I fit under trucks. Bet he stopped for a snack. Some fries. What kinds of things? Just look at the way he spells his name. Not only did Mykol extinguish the flames blow by blow, he fulfilled our sibling fantasy.

Did he start the fire? Who knows.

Is it wise to fix the wiring of an industrial dishwasher with your switchblade? Mykol has provided me with the answers to such questions. Besides, nobody else would come. She spent a few beats sizing up the idiocy of the blind man in front of her. Then, finally, my brother arrived. He had encountered problems at customs. About what? Jesus, Mykol. Her name was Powers. That does things to a person. One morning, when Mykol was supposed to be surveying sites about six hours from our childhood home, my mom walked into the kitchen to find him boiling a bear skull in a CorningWare pot.

He likes bones. It was an honest mistake. Not that a customs agent needs to know that. Then I started to stammer because, you know, uniforms, and then the whole blind-man-and-rattlesnake thing was a hard sell. Nevertheless, and despite it all, he made it, and now we were off, to die. This pleased Mykol and me to no end.

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We love everything cowboy. The older, the sadder, the leatherier, the better. Incredible gusts bucked us about. Some were natural, some were from the convoys of semis and diesel pickups that threw around our rental car like a cat does a ball of yarn. Only a handful of these events formally exist anywhere in the world, mostly hosted in small towns throughout Texas. Four days of country-fair fun awaited us, all of it somehow dedicated to, or stemming from, the catching, skinning, cooking, and studying of western diamondbacks. Then they dance, have a parade, host a cook-off, and God knows what else.

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Statistics from the past 50 years suggest that, on average, the weekend haul of rattlesnakes is about a ton and a half. How many critters is that? At four or five feet long, the typical western diamondback clocks in at ten pounds or so. You can do the white-knuckle math. Even with the annual harvest, they say, the population is barely kept at bay.

They are, literally, everywhere. But why a mirror? Not entirely. The way they move, the way they sound, their shape. Never in my life have I touched one—not even the tiny garter snakes on our lawn when I was a kid, and that was way before blindness. Why put myself through something that runs contrary to every cue from my nervous system? From there they are weighed for research, milked for their venom, skinned for the leather trade, and cooked for dinner. At any moment, hundreds and hundreds of snakes are waiting, piled and writhing on top of one another.

When I let my disgust and horror ebb, I realized something was ringing in my ears: If I was to go, I could take in the sound of that holding pen. I wanted to hear what it had to say. Why not? If by. And all of this comes from a rattle and a spasm. And then I would try to catch one, and maybe, just maybe, I would touch it.

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First, you find a snake. Distract it with your cane or something. From the sound of things, you could spit on the highway from the rooms. I opened the passenger door, eager to stretch, but paused, my foot half out of the car. Warm air rose from the pavement and crept up my pant leg.

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I listened. Snakes could be anywhere out here. I recalled how they like to draw the evening heat from the asphalt. Slowly I dipped my toe and jiggled it like bait. Nothing bit. We checked in, both of us starving and beat. Our hotel smelled like an airport. I hurried past. According to the sleepy fellow at the front desk, we were lucky to get a room at all. Given that we were the only car in the parking lot, this seemed to be based on his own sunny optimism. Still, he insisted that the town would fill up tomorrow for the opening-day parade and barn dance, and the grand opening of the coliseum where the snake-hunt registration would take place.

When we asked where to eat, he said we had plenty to choose from. The sharp light of a blue sky bit into my retinas. Sweetwater, it turns out, is only a few minutes wide.

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A lot of cars rotted on a lot of lawns. Gas was expensive, but litters of puppies and kittens were free. We kept the exploration short. I got the picture. Recessions always look the same. And on horses.

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And some of them are old! But the farther into the fairgrounds we drove, the bigger the scale bloomed. Seas of campers and RVs. Truck after truck hauling industrial-size smokers and barbecues. A makeshift amusement park stretched to our right while a shantytown of kiosks and curios occupied the desert to our left.