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Christians must learn how to live the gospel as a distinct people who no longer occupy the center of society. We must learn to build relational bridges that win a hearing. The world around us is growing increasingly disinterested in our Christian story. They respect us less and less every year, and our own people are jumping off the ship just to save their faith.

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We gently want to acknowledge, like an alcoholic in front of his AA friends, that the wineskin has cracked, that we have a serious problem. Sure, this is important. If this is the goal of your church, fine. Obviously, helping disenfranchised Christians find hope again in church is a good thing. I bring this up to illustrate how many Christians or God fearers there are outside of church now. The death of so many churches is creating a feeder system for what some may call relevant or visionary or emergent churches.

Although we are wholeheartedly calling for a new church to emerge, we need to be careful with what we mean by emerging. Therefore, the issue pm Page 13 Halter 14 c But if the salt loses its saltiness how can it be made salty again? I tried to help him describe how he was feeling, but he struggled. We still had no idea what could be wrong. Minute by minute, however, he seemed to be more uncomfortable, and his shaking became so bad we had to hold him down.

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We then intuitively did what you do when someone is almost levitating off the bed. We prayed. When it was over, we wondered if what we had been doing in Melbourne could have seriously ticked off someone in the underworld. The strangest thing was how clear Matt could have been in his mind while his body was out of control. He had incredible tremors and tension in his face but no idea why.

First, it can come from a broken heart. Some of us just have a gut-level yearning that spiritual Sojourners will find faith and a community that brings them life. I do cry however, when I hear Kid Rock and Sheryl Crow singing about sleeping with other people while still loving others.

Their words seem to be a mirror of the relational horror that millions of people live every day. I cry when I see stories on the news about despondent families or abused children. Other than these normal things, I also get a little misty during Extreme Home Makeover. Second, tension can arise from simple frustration of energy and resources wasted. We often see this tension when working with denominational executives or pastors.

These poignant and honest words come from one of my personal mentors, a faithful, respected pastor of one church for more than thirty years: Hugh, I headed out of my house around 5 a.

I was jazzed because I beat my time from last week. I even passed some younger bucks a couple of them actually going the same direction I was heading. At 60 years old I still press to do my best. I hate coming in last. I want to win, do it better, do it faster. I approach ministry the same way. I average a couple hours a day in prayer, hang out at coffee shops, check out bike clubs to ride with where all the ungodly guys hang out. I visit hospitals, teach and preach, coach young men, counsel marriages, and anything else I can fit into a normal hour day.

I read everything I can get my hands on. I listen, not afraid to learn from younger guys who mysteriously seem to get things right.

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I coach church planters and pastors on the fine art of starting and leading a church, all the while wondering what in the world gives me the right to do this stuff. I live with them every Sunday. I try my best to be biblical and relevant, both in preaching and coaching. Most mornings I will be on my knees by a. I too had dreams of a better day, of a larger impact, of better numbers.

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Can I work harder? Can I work smarter? The jump from modern to postmodern caught us on our heels. Can we still change? America would be in a hell of a mess if all the older traditional type pastors decided to give up, pick up their Bibles, and go home. Sorry about the acid tone of my response. Love ya, bro. As I speak for many in the budding new missional church world, I have to share that I no longer judge the faithful, fervent work of so many pastors who have pastored well but who struggle to find their place in this new world.

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They deserve to be honored instead of belittled. Without their legacy, we would have nothing to build upon. A few months ago, I met a gifted man who had just left a successful worship position at a local mega-church. He was yearning for time with people and was willing to work at Starbucks and live by faith for his six children instead of returning to his past experience.

Six kids, the life of a barista, no clue how to survive, but a sense of never going back. Fourth, tension arises when you see the structure of church falling, and you realize that everything the church stood on may go down too. Issues of doctrine, theology, and church practices all of a sudden come under critique. This growing undercurrent is more pervasive than you think.

Let me explain a bit more. Matt and I facilitate an international collaborative training environment for incarnational church planters and emerging leaders called MCAP Missional Church Apprenticeship Practicum. This network is comprised of highly gifted, deeply passionate, and doctrinally savvy leaders. But we see some interesting trends pm Page 18 Halter tremors c They tend to focus more on providing a pathway that is conducive for the Holy Spirit to convert the person.

The best way to characterize this coming civil war is to see the church in two primary camps.

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Often, Jerusalem Christians turn belief into dogma: arbitrary rules of life that people are held to beyond their common sense. A few examples may help here. Jerusalem people are represented pretty heavily in the traditional evangelical camp. They hold doctrine so tightly that sometimes the life of Jesus gets obscured.

For example, while in seminary my Jerusalem-oriented professor of New Testament said that Christian leaders should never drink alcohol. This man interpreted other scriptures so that he could create a case for grape juice instead of wine. I, on the other hand, was focusing on What Did Jesus Do? The Jerusalem people, therefore, tend to be more literal and conscious of correct doctrine, whereas Galileans try to develop a correct theological framework around the life and deeds of Jesus.

Jerusalem Christians are more comfortable with black and white. Galilean Christians were forced to deal honestly with the grey areas. Remember, much of the doctrine that we claim is so clear is still subjective. That is why we have so many denominations and Christendom cliques. How did he know?

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Simply because they experienced so few new conversions stories. These are the Scriptures that testify about me, yet you refuse to come to me to have life. Would we be better Christians on the streets? I think we probably would. We would live like Jesus! Theology is great, but if it becomes doctrine that overshadows or distracts us from the life of Jesus, we not only miss out on the Tangible Kingdom, but we become hindrances to it. This tension will only be minimized as we maximize the life of Christ. Fifth, and possibly because of all these other tensions, we have a massive tension related to identity.

Me either. It was because some Christian kids at her middle school were making fun of a young girl who was a lesbian. Alli knew this girl and was her friend. Alli was caught in a tension of identity. Before this event, she would have easily been able to say she was Christian. However, to make a dent in this issue will take time and millions of Christians to step up to the microphone and start acknowledging that my daughter had a point.

I finished my dialogue with Alli by helping her remember how many Christians she loves. In the end, we each agreed to be Christ followers only. That seemed to work for both of us. There is tension, tremors inside the Body and outside of the Body, some understandable, some just a feeling. And now, for the rest of the story, as promised.