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The Project Gutenberg EBook of A Study In Scarlet, by Arthur Conan Doyle This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no  ‎CHAPTER III. THE · ‎CHAPTER IV. WHAT JOHN · ‎CHAPTER V. OUR.
Table of contents

I especially appreciated the way both handle the "Rache" clue. Worth checking both BBC series and this book out. I watched A Study in Pink and loved the scene where Sherlock determines a person's alcoholism from a cell phone. A friend of mine mentioned that that happens in an original Sherlock book but with a pocket watch or something.

Is that true? Does it happen in A Study in Scarlet or in a different Sherlock story? See all 17 questions about A Study in Scarlet….

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Sort order. View all 16 comments. Jan 20, Stephen rated it really liked it Shelves: s , sherlockian , mystery , audiobook , easton-press , crime , classics , classics-european. The birth of a legend This is it Being the non-conformist rebel that I am, I started off bassackwards by reading The Valley of Fear and then The Adventure of the Final Problem because those were the two stories with Moriarty in them. Btw, it still really chaffs my cheeks that Doyle wrote 56 short stories and 4 The birth of a legend Btw, it still really chaffs my cheeks that Doyle wrote 56 short stories and 4 novels about Holmes and the arch-enemy appears in exactly TWO.

I know less is sometimes more but, come on Doyle, that is on the scrimpy side of weak. Anyway, I have now circled back and returned to the genesis of the Sherlockian mythos and begun with the tale that started it all. Now, for those that have never read any of the Holmes mysteries, I have come to believe that your level of enjoyment of these stories will be directly proportional to your feelings toward Sherlock Holmes himself. In addition, his plotting and pacing are excellent and I think mystery fans will appreciate both the content and structure of the central investigation and the procedural components of clue-gathering and interpretation.

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These things all point towards a pleasurable experience, However, in the end, the most important barometer in gauging your level of happy will be your reaction to Holmes himself. Holmes investigates Holmes figures it out Watson slobbers all over Holmes From a personality standpoint, one of my buddies here on GR said it best Part of that appeal is precisely because he is such a prickish turd in the social skill department.

However it his mental faculties, the trait he is best known for, that makes him so intriguing. Yes, he is brilliant. However, that is not the end of the story Paul Harvey because it is a unique and very specialized kind of brilliance. Holmes knows the details, and I mean details, of every major crime to have been perpetrated in Europe and possibly beyond over the last years.

However, as is divulged in this story, Holmes also has no idea that the Earth travels around the sun. Holmes explains to Watson thusly: I consider that a man's brain originally is like a little empty attic, and you have to stock it with such furniture as you choose. A fool takes in all the lumber of every sort that he comes across, so that the knowledge which might be useful to him gets crowded out, or at best is jumbled up with a lot of other things so that he has a difficulty in laying his hands upon it.

Now the skillful workman is very careful indeed as to what he takes into his brain-attic. He will have nothing but the tools which may help him in doing his work, but of these he has a large assortment, and all in the most perfect order.

A Sherlock Holmes Novel: A Study in Scarlet Audiobook

It is a mistake to think that that little room has elastic walls and can distend to any extent. Depend upon it there comes a time when for every addition of knowledge you forget something that you knew before. It is of the highest importance, therefore, not to have useless facts elbowing out the useful ones.

This just struck me as particularly awesome from a story perspective. Additionally, he solves crimes not because of a perceived duty, but merely because it is the only thing that keeps the boredom of life away. Finally, I also see Holmes as a tragic figure. He is a sad, lonely and devoid of any lasting sense of contentment or pleasure. While alive and invigorated when the game is afoot, most of his time is spent as a mere husk of a man with no feeling of day-to-day happiness. All of this makes Holmes an extraordinarily compelling figure to me and one I hope to spend a lot more time reading about.

While I did not enjoy this as much as The Adventure of the Final Problem my favorite so far , I was still glued to the page watching Holmes maneuver through his scenes and really enjoyed the flashback portion set in America. I look forward to many more of his adventures. View all 54 comments. Arthur Conan Doyle 's first Sherlock Holmes novel is utterly unimpressive. In short, the book starts like this: and mid-way turns into this: And I am not even joking.

The novel begins with Holmes and Watson meeting, moving into their Baker Street apartment and then investigating a murder of a man found in an abandoned house. At the half point, however, the story completely changes its course and becomes the most awkward introduction of the murderer's back story and motives involving Mormons, Arthur Conan Doyle 's first Sherlock Holmes novel is utterly unimpressive. At the half point, however, the story completely changes its course and becomes the most awkward introduction of the murderer's back story and motives involving Mormons, polygamy, violence, money, and Brigham Young.

The structure of The Study in Scarlet is utterly bizarre. But let's not linger on the bad. This is an absolutely delightful modernized take on the old characters and it offers a much better version of Arthur Conan Doyle 's dreadful story. So, check it out. View all 87 comments. Aug 25, Anne rated it it was amazing Shelves: buddy-read , classics , crime , read-in , mystery.

Sherlock Holmes and the case of the Killer Mormons!

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But more about that later I mean, this is one of the most important meetings in the history of all literature! Come on, people! Get excited! It's only fair to mention that I've read and reread all of these stories a bjillion times, and these are by far my favorite classic characters. And, just to be clear, I loved him before he was all sexified.

CIS: Sherlock Holmes and A Study in Scarlet » CRIME FICTION LOVER

Ok, so Watson is back from the war he basically just got trounced on and then came home , and has wasted all of his money is running low on funds. Luckily, he runs into an old pal from school, who just happens to know of this guy who's looking for a roommate. Alright, as far as the mystery goes, it's just Sherlock running around sniffing things, implausibly being able to identify cigar ash, and tracing the movement of criminals using day-old tromped on footprints.

Given what we know about forensic evidence now, is any of this, in any small way , even remotely believable? Can Sherlock actually deduct the answer to this mystery from horse tracks, a dead man's bad breath, and a plain wedding band? You're goddamn right, he can!

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Now, I'm fully prepared to admit that I had forgotten about the Mormon Connection. I haven't read this one years , mostly because I prefer the short stories. But, to uncover the reasons behind the killings, Doyle takes us on a journey to the wilds of America!