THANK YOU - One of Seventeen Rules

THANK YOU: One of Seventeen Rules.. [Jerry Goodwin] on * FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Initiate, Develop, and Maintain Relationships.
Table of contents

Each fourth of that 68 seconds gets stronger than the last, thereby creating a truly powerful point of attraction. Your point of attraction is where you are right now, at this very moment. Whatever you are thinking now, is going to determine your future. Your thoughts and emotions are vibrational, and that vibration is answered by the universe through the law of attraction.

As your vibration expands and becomes more powerful, it becomes strong enough for a manifestation to occur. This explains why holding a thought for 17 seconds, and then another 17, another 17, and another 17, will create a perfect alignment for attraction to take place. I believe this is a particularly powerful method because it specifies a certain amount of time that you should be focusing on your desire. Many of us do better when we know how long we should be spending on an exercise. This method is perfect for people who have a hard time letting go of their desires.

The absolute key — what makes this rule work — is to not contradict this thought during that 17 second period. You are now feeling good, and you should feel even better while thinking of your desire.

THANK YOU - One of Seventeen Rules

Do not be distracted for that 17 second stretch, do not allow contradictions to ruin the manifestation and the visual in your head. You must now thank the universe for bringing it to you, and then let it go. Go take care of yourself, go on about your day, get things done, keep busy. You have the ability to place your attention wherever you decide, so it is possible to distract yourself from something unwanted and put your attention on something wanted. Just keep going back to that desired thought until it becomes second nature. You must first have an understanding of how vibrations work.

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Please try again later. Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. Congratulations to Jerry Goodwin. He has captured a lifetime of wisdom and presented it in small bites accessible to younger readers. Little here is new, and that's the secret of this book. It's full of enduring principes. This book was actually recommended to me by a co-worker about a year ago, before I recently noticed an ad for "Thank You - One of Seventeen Rules" on Facebook, so I purchased it online and was very glad I did.

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Most of the books that I've read recently have been for pleasure, mostly cooking books and best sellers, but this was a book that made me stop and think about my life. They say that the greatest truths are simple truths, and this book made me remember the basic fundamentals of building and forging relationships by paying attention to the little things that I say and do everyday.

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It clicked with me when I was leaving Macy's last week and stopped to hold the door for a pregnant woman who was right being me, quickly followed by the next fifteen people who were walking out behind her - none of them stopped to hold the door, or even said a quick 'thank you' to me as they walked out, all except for a little six-year-old girl at the very end. It was that one 'thank you' which made me realize how deeply such a small phrase can affect someone, and how much that one 'thank you' meant to me.

It reminded me of how my parents raised me. It reminded me of the values that they worked so hard to instill in me and my sister. Of course it also reminded me of this great book, and how much it inspired me to pay closer attention to the little things that I say and do everyday, especially to those people I love and care about most.

Smashwords – About Jerry Goodwin, author of 'THANK YOU - One of Seventeen Rules'

It's a quick read filled with simple truths, and it's a must read for everyone - I can't recommended it highly enough. One person found this helpful. To find a job or a lover, make a friend or a sale, get on the team or in the club First, they gotta like you. An engaging short and easy read, Thank You, outlines a common sense positive approach for creating strong personal ties throughout life and explains the many benefits good relationships confer. Divided into 17 categories such as birthdays, respect and humor, exploring the book together is a wonderful catalyst to open communications between parents and teenagers.

The book is equally helpful to adults of all ages who want more satisfying connections with other people. I'm a stay at home mom and read all kinds of parenting books. I heard about this book from some friends on Facebook and decided to give it a try. It's really like a manual for mastering all kinds of relationships.

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The rules are broken down into easy-to-read sections that you can read individually. Also, as a mom, I found it to be a great resource when talking to my kids.

It helps explain the basics of goal setting for success in life and business. Definitely give it a try, you won't be disappointed. Jerry has synthesized some basic yet critical elements of relationship development in his easy to read book appropriate for anyone in any industry. Thank You is a brilliant gift for anyone you love, anyone who is sales, or anyone you care about.

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He practices what he teaches in his book. I thank you, Jerry Goodwin for providing me and numerous youthful relatives with this invaluable reminder of the importance of the small acts and how they can make a big difference in peoples' lives. This book is an essential part of the recent graduate's tool kit for their future. See all 6 reviews.

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