Guide What We Believe: Jesus

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Many people do not believe Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. If He is not the Christ, then our faith is of no value. If He is the Son of God, we must obey Him to.
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To embrace such a belief is seen as prideful, unnecessary, and hateful.

Repeatedly, Jesus rejected the claim that His sacrificial death provided salvation for everyone—believers and unbelievers alike. Instead, Jesus linked eternal life to personal belief John ; John ; John Since Jesus claimed eternal salvation only belongs to those who believe in Him, it is critical that we understand what Jesus had in mind when He talked about belief.

Jesus was not saying that we need to believe in Him the same way we believe in a historical figure like Abraham Lincoln.

How People Viewed Jesus

Many people erroneously equate belief with intellectual assent to a certain body of facts: Jesus was the Son of God who died on a cross for the sins of the world and rose from the dead on the third day. A person can believe in all those facts and still not receive eternal life.

In fact, as you read the New Testament you will discover that some of the greatest professions about Jesus being the Messiah came from the lips of demons who immediately recognized Him as the Son of God Matthew ; Luke The day I met him will be one I will remember forever and will share with my children. In the April general conference, President Hinckley gave a whole talk on his testimony of Jesus Christ.

He said:. Through giving His life in pain and unspeakable suffering, He has reached down to lift me and each of us and all the sons and daughters of God from the abyss of eternal darkness following death. My gratitude knows no bounds. My thanks to my Lord has no conclusion.

Jesus in Christianity

To His dominion there will be no end. To His glory there will be no night. None other ever will. I know that I receive answers to my prayers, and that makes me believe in Jesus. When my mom got run over by our car, I was very worried. I said several prayers and had faith that she would recover quickly.

It took only a few weeks for her to feel better. My prayers were answered.

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John , Jesus said, Before Abraham was born, I am John Jesus was only on the earth for about thirty-five years, but he said, Before Abraham was born, I am. The only way that is possible is that He was alive before he came to earth. The prophet Isaiah said Christ would be born of a virgin Isaiah Matthew tells us Jesus was born of a virgin Matthew Jesus fulfilled over three hundred prophecies.

He had the right ancestors - Abraham and David Matthew He was born in the right city - Bethlehem Micah ; Matthew He died on the cross Isaiah He rose from the dead Psalm ; Luke , 31, The Bible teaches all men have sinned Romans ; 1 John But, Jesus did not commit sin 1 Peter Jesus was tempted just like us, but he did not sin Hebrews ; Matthew Nicodemus said, we know that thou art a teacher come from God; for no one can do these signs that thou doest, except God be with him.

John Later, the apostle wrote: Many other signs therefore did Jesus in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book: but these are written, that ye may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye may have life in his name John Jesus performed miracles to prove his words were true.

Chapter 1 - Why We Believe Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God - Truth For The World

The purpose of miracles was to prove that the words of the speaker were from God. This has always been the purpose of miracles. Jesus did not perform miracles just to help the physical needs of people. He healed the sick, He fed the hungry, He raised the dead, He changed water to wine, He calmed the storm.

[Testimony of Jesus Christ]

He did not heal all the sick. He did not feed all the hungry people. He did not raise all dead people. Because God never used miracles just to help physical needs. It was to prove that a speaker was sent from God. When God had something new to tell people, He used miracles to prove it. Moses used miracles to prove he was from God. His miracles helped Pharaoh and Israel know God sent him. Elijah and Elisha also used miracles to show they were from God.

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So, when Jesus came to the earth, He used miracles to prove that His words were true. It was a new message. Some people say they have the same power Jesus and the apostles had. But they do not do the same miracles Jesus did. Jesus never took money for doing his miracles, but people today who claim this power are always asking for money. Jesus and His apostles did not just heal the sick.

What We Believe

They also raised the dead and fed the hungry. People are starving every day. But instead, they ask people to send money to feed the hungry. They do not have the power to perform miracles.