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Chester McBadbat is one of Timmy's two best friends. His family can't afford necessities that most take for granted today.

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Chester's family regularly eats out of garbage cans or scrapes old food off the ground. His family's circumstances are treated as a joke instead of a tragic situation. Timmy has only wished two things for Chester: that he was the best baseball player and that he had a girlfriend. These wishes didn't help out Chester's family. Timmy even had to go so far as to break his wish and Chester was left with nothing. Timmy could wish that Chester's family didn't have to worry about necessities. Wanda always cautions that wishing for items means taking them away from others, but could help him help Chester.

Timmy has the opportunity to wish Chester's father got a job. Timmy faces several bullies in his life. He's teased for not being tall enough, even though other boys his age are the same height. Francis takes his bullying to the next level by hurting Timmy, then stealing his money, Timmy's Dad's car, and the Turner house.

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It would appear that Francis is even worse than Vicky, Timmy's terrible babysitter. Vicky is the top threat in young Timmy's life. She not only causes him physical pain but also mental anguish. Who can forget Vicky's screams of "Bed, Twerp! Timmy wishes that he was a pro martial artist in the episode "Kung Timmy. He could wish that he had the insight to tell her what she's doing wrong and help her. Instead, he has used his wishes to harm her, which usually makes him feel bad.

Vicky rarely regrets her actions and uses Timmy's kindness against him. If Vicky was taught a non-violent lesson, she has the potential to be a better person. A nicer babysitter would come at the cost of losing his fairy godparents but would be a benefit for all the children of Dimmsdale. Timmy is like most other children. He's too young to get a job and doesn't have any source of income outside of his parents.

From the looks of Timmy's bedroom, he doesn't have many toys or hobbies to keep him busy. To make matters worse, the Turner parents are often away, spending what could be Timmy's allowance on Vicky's babysitting fees. Wanda made it clear that they can't just give him money. That would mean "stealing" money from another person or business.

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Thankfully, the fairy godparents have no issue with creating items out of thin air. These items are usually conjured up to make Timmy temporarily happy. In "Nectar of the Odds," Timmy had the great idea to open a lemonade stand to earn money for concert tickets. Wishing for the tickets would take them from someone else, which is why he had to buy the rare items. Selling items could easily make Timmy and his family richer. Timmy could wish for items to sell to make money.

He could then wish for his parents to know how to become better salespeople. It would take hard work and perseverance, but the Turner family could turn into a successful group of business-savvy people. There's nothing more than Vicky enjoys than causing harm to Timmy. He tells her that he has coulrophobia, which is a fear of clowns. Vicky promptly uses that information against him for the remainder of the episode.

Instead of wishing for his fear of clowns to go away, Timmy wishes for Vicky's diary instead. He wants revenge instead of quickly solving the issue. Wanda tries to persuade him not to, but Timmy doesn't listen. If Vicky saw that Timmy wasn't scared of clowns, she may have stopped bullying him. At the end of the episode, both appear sorry for what they've done, but their truce doesn't last long. Timmy would once again face his fears of clowns when he meets Flappy Bob. His coulrophobia magically disappears with no explanation.

He helps Flappy Bob defeat the evil pixies. Afterward, Timmy and his fairy godparents reunite Flappy Bob with his clown parents.

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During his time with the clowns, he doesn't appear to be afraid. Too bad all of our fears can't be so quickly forgotten. Timmy may be years-old, but he has already developed an enormous crush on the most popular girl in school. Trixie Tang has no interest in Timmy. Timmy does have other girls chasing after him, including Trixie's best friend, Veronica. Fortunately for Timmy, Veronica keeps her romantic pursuits hidden. No one cares for Timmy more than Tootie, who just so happens to be Vicky's little sister.

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Tootie is obsessed with her crush, going so far as to have a shrine of him in her room. The two are going through similar struggles. Both Timmy and Tootie are neglected by their parents.

The Fairly OddParents Ruled Out/ That's Life

They're both students at Dimmsdale Elementary School, where Francis is bullying them. Tootie is also being bullied by her older sister. In "Kung Timmy," Timmy reveals that he has a restraining order against Tootie. He believed that Tootie was so overbearing that he went to the police for help. The courts agreed with Timmy and granted the order. If he has the legal knowledge to file a restraining against Tootie, why hasn't he registered one on Vicky?

His parents would be forced to find a new babysitter. Timmy would be much happier, even though his parents would still neglect him. The Fairly OddParents began as an animated series on Nickelodeon. The overwhelming success of the series spawned three different movies. The live-action film featured a year-old version of Timmy. Timmy has grown up physically but not mentally. He retains the child-like mind of a year-old, even attending elementary school.

In the very first episode of the series, we learn that having a child-like spirit will enable fairy godparents to stay with their child. Timmy knew he wasn't going to have the fairies by his side forever, but tried his hardest to keep his friends around. In the live-action movie, Timmy has physically grown up into a young adult. He knows that he has to pretend to be a child, which is likely against the rules.

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Timmy was always ready to grow up but was more concerned with keeping the fairies. Jurgen can detect the differences between a child and grown-up, no matter how hard Wanda and Cosmo hide the facts. Grown-up Timmy is breaking Da Rules, but Fairy World lets him get away with more than any other child. Why didn't his parents do anything when he was in his 20s and still in elementary school? He lived at home with his parents and still attended elementary school. His parents were still neglectful and didn't try and make a better life for their son.

There were no rules to push him forward into the next grade. His parents didn't care that Timmy's best friends had long moved on and gotten jobs. Timmy's parents do give him passive-aggressive hints that it's time to move on. They never force him to leave but instead hand him realtor ads.

His father gave him want ads but didn't help him find a job. After living as a child for so long, Timmy doesn't know how to be a grown-up. They also don't help him learn the benefits of adulthood. Timmy's parents decide to force him to marry Tootie. Timmy has already begun to fall for her. His parents try and force their troublesome son onto someone else, not realizing they're part of the problem. Thankfully, Timmy learns by himself that he needs to grow up and move on.

The live-action Fairly OddParents make the situation between Timmy and his parents more obvious. They never really wanted a son. Timmy's father often makes snide comments about their son, blaming him for being the cause of all of their problems.