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WITH GHANA EDUCATION SERVICE PRESENTS SECRETS OF ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE Agbenyo Ebenezer Yao (B.A. hon.) There are secrets in everything.
Table of contents

However, as times change, existing education models seem to be the most resistant to adapt to the new demands ushered in by social and technological advances. What we need to consider and consider strongly is that focusing solely on academic excellence is neither helpful nor a guarantee of future success even for those who consistently achieve top marks.

Student Health and Wellness

It was then a breakthrough of some sort when for the first time since , there was no special emphasis given to the academic achievements of students in the recent annual announcement of the UPSR , or short for Ujian Pencapaian Sekolah Rendah , results. Recent research from The Sutton Trust — a United Kingdom foundation focused on social mobility — found that over half of the teachers surveyed believe that real life skills often referred to as soft skills are actually more important than academic skills in determining the future success of young people.

While the notion that a holistic approach to education is needed, rather than educators simply teaching for standard-testing, it is proving difficult to create a deep shift in attitude, despite research suggesting that experiential learning i. Is it not time that we move past paying lip service to broadening the scope of the conventional education model, and embraced the learning methods that are best suited to 21st century learning?

Every successful person puts in years of hard work and dedication prior to their achievements. What sets them apart from others was that they had an opportunity to put their soft skills such as creativity to use and, through an arduous learning process, they were able to bring out the best of their talents and make impressive contributions to the world.

Atlanta Metropolitan State College

Did you know that Professor Langdon Morris, a global top thinker, consultant and author on innovation and strategy did not complete his college? Check out this interview with Roshan. Article first appeared on LinkedIn. He believes that everyone can be a leader and make a dent in the universe, in their own special ways.

Without a strategy, you might at the end of four years in school wished you had one. Then, it would be too late, so you have to be conscious of time.

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The strategies for success in school are: 1. Prepare for exams early Holiday period is not a time to relax, and catch fun alone, it is a time to prepare ahead of time, by reading ahead.

Embrace The C Student - Academic Excellence is not all about grades - Kaene Disepo - TEDxUniMannheim

This way, you are digging the well when you are not thirsty. Excellence in school demands you read each of your courses once, at least, before the lecturer comes to teach it in class. You have to concentrate on your studies, that is the reason you are in school. Any other thing should be secondary to that.

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Being tied up with other things will only dilute your concentration, and that will affect your grade point. You have to be careful of joining societies or organizations that demands too much of your time. Be careful of dabbling into leadership positions, it comes with responsibility. Don't fall in love At times, what you think is love is mere infatuation, and you can be disturbed when a girl ditches you, which might affect your performance in school.

I remember the time a girl jilted me about two weeks to my examinations.

The Two Magic Factors To Achieving Academic Excellence

I lost concentration, so much, that I couldn't read my books, let alone assimilate what I read. I have learnt my lesson-be careful of the love you have for a girl or a boy.

Principle seven Decide to be a good student Good students have so many things in common. They seat in front of the class, so as to hear the lecturer clearly. They get to school early before the lecture arrives because they know that it is students who should wait for the lecturer, not otherwise. As a good student, you will pay your dues and school fees on time. You will respect your lectures even when they are wrong. You can make your sponsor proud by getting good grades in school. Little drops of water, they say, make a mighty ocean. Reading your textbook for one hour everyday will improve your academic performance.

One of my lectures told me that all I need to do as a student is to read my books for two hours daily, and attend tutorials twice a week. If you imagine that success is as easy as failure, you will see that really, it is easy to graduate with a good grade by following the principles of academic excellence. In summary, they are: 1. Determine your purpose 2. Develop reading skills 3. Develop a retentive memory 4.

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Develop quality relationships 5. Develop yourself by acquiring knowledge 6. Develop a strategy 7. Decide to be a good student What you have to do now is to act on these principles. In the next thirty minutes, do at least two simple things that will help you to improve on your academic performance.