Guide Sex In The Strangest Places

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There are plenty of places to have sex out in the world if you get to share the weirdest places to have sex from their personal experience.
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In February, an elderly couple was caught getting frisky in their car in the parking lot of Docs Smoked Barbecue and Burgers in Sonora, Calif. The really awkward part?

12 people reveal the strangest places where they've had sex

The gentleman in question was a regular customer of the joint. One couple in Estonia took their sex life to new heights when they decided to get busy on the country's Arch Bridge.

While they may have thought no one was watching, their romp was captured by a passerby, and is is now immortalized on the web. In China, a couple's elicit cable car romp caused officials to issue a stern warning to passengers.

Sex in Strange Places

Before passengers can board the cars, they'll now see a sign that states: "Be cautious, it is risky to conduct intimate behavior aloft. Talk about scoring: A couple decided to get it on in a bathroom stall under the left field bleachers at Yankee stadium last year. The video of their half-naked affair leaked onto Deadspin for the world to gawk at.

A soundtrack of children screaming "Marco Polo" sounds like the antithesis to wanting sexy time, but one couple decided to tune out that noise and go at it at their local public swimming pool anyway. Yeah… they got arrested for it. The cleaning crew at The Shard, the tallest building in Europe, were shocked to find women's underwear on the landmark's super high viewing platform. While no one's technically be caught yet, the evidence is there and security at the building has been beefed up accordingly. That's a warning, folks.

23 Weird Places To Have Sex, According To People Who've Done It

Then you will be embarrassed, and might be fined or arrested, depending on your country's laws. But hey, at least you'll have a story to tell. I wonder who'll be the first person to do it on the moon. Probably Elon Musk. Metro asked their readers to reveal the strangest places they had sex. Here are 12 responses: 1.

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Right on cue "On a pool table in the pub. F--k the police "I lost my virginity behind the police station. Turning the tables "Under the table at a dinner party while everyone wondered why we were so late and debated eating without us. Hope everything fits "The changing room of three consecutive shops in a retail park. There beneath him lay Henry, a vacuum cleaner with a great big cartoon smile on its face.

Who could possibly resist? A passing security guard saw the man in flagrante and asked him to clean himself, and the vacuum, up before leaving the premises.

They got it on in, not just any parking lot, but the Target parking lot.

Thought not. But Florida couple Justin Dunn and Nicole Albert climbed up on a crane in broad daylight to bump and grind. The couple got off with just a warning, as Dunn's father owned the crane and it was private property.

They were told to try to be more discrete in the future. Kelly kind in real life? Prison tends to evoke unfortunate images best left untouched but nothing as outrageous as a Seattle public defender getting caught having sexual relations with a triple-murder defendant she was representing. This September a couple in South Africa decided that having sex in the path of a fast-moving train was a good idea When the train pulled into the station and the conductor shouted out the window for the couple to move they decided to finish off rather than save their own lives. Some people have just got to take it where they can get it and examining the evidence it seems that sex with inanimate objects is more prevalent than you might imagine.

In March this year an American man faced indecency charges after allegedly being filmed having sex with a picnic table. Police say Art Price Jr was seen copulating with furniture on four separate mornings and a neighbour recorded it for evidence. The neighbour, who remains anonymous, said he saw Mr Price in his garden turning over a round metal tale before performing a sex act upon it.

He would use the hole from the umbrella and have sex with the table. Gillian Stalker and John McDougall denied 'dogging' after having sex in a car and moving the romp outside into the car park at Irvine beach in Ayrshire.