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Science and Mysticism. God as a sense of warmth about the heart, God as exultation,. God as tears in the eyes, God as a rush of power or thought- that.
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For Whiteman, the highest mystical experiences were generally of this type.

Approaches to Consciousness: The Marriage of Science and Mysticism

Whiteman noted that such non-physical experience, in terms of reality-impression and intensity, may range from appearing weak to seeming even more real and meaningful than in physical life. This index covers a range from ordinary dreaming zero rating to what is experienced as spiritually releasing with a high degree of reality, namely mystical experience high rating.

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The Index properly relates to separative experience. Features scoring in the Index include continuity of memory between physical and non-physical experience, free observation, ability to compare accurately with physical and non-physical states, awareness of substance and tangibility, communication of thought with others, and a feeling of transcendence of physical life. The General Index does not include reports of observing physical things during a separative experience.

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Regarded by most people as veridical corresponding to reality , these observations could have been made by clairvoyance or remote viewing, and do not necessarily mean that something somehow separated from the physical body to make the observation. The order of ranking is: undeveloped, borderline, psychical, pre-mystical, mystical. All separative experience, physical-like or transformative, was considered by Whiteman to occur in spaces other than physical, although often so similar to what is presented physically as to be mistaken for it.

He wrote:. To understand what is meant, the characteristics of the merged ordinary self must be ruled out. It is a state of release. The three foundational skills were structured into a four-part system known since ancient times and appearing in modern contexts in learning theory, Freud and Jung. The three hypostases of essence were seen as purpose, means, end. The hypostases of existence were actuation, becoming, manifestation, the three-stage structure of creation called in Upanishadic philosophy the Great Stride of Vishnu.

This analysis allows the development of a number system in psychology, and so the prospect of comparison with a number system in physics. The physical number system was derived from the three space and three time dimensions. One time dimension lies in potentiality-fields with a time-ordered, space-like aspect noted above in connection with precognition.

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Another time dimension or function involves the processes leading to physical actualization from time-structured potentiality. Finally there is physical clock-time; it is the only time-dimension that is measurable.

Whiteman, J. Old and New Evidence on the Meaning of Life: the mystical world-view and inner contest. Volume 1, An Introduction to Scientific Mysticism. Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe. Volume 2, Dynamics of Spiritual Development. Volume 3, Universal Theology and Life in other Worlds.

Books by John Davidson - On Science and Mysticism

Husserl, E. Ideas: General Introduction to Pure Phenomenology trans. Thus the mystic and the physicist arrive at the same conclusion; one starting from the inner realm, and the other from the outer world. The harmony between their views confirms the ancient Indian wisdom that brahman, the ultimate reality without, is identical to atman, the reality within. A further important similarity between the ways of the physicist and the mystic is the fact that their observations take place in realms that are inaccessible to the ordinary senses.

  1. International conference “Science and Mysticism. Where the crossroads lie”. Prague 15.06.12222;
  2. I Love Football: Team Cover (I Love Series).
  3. Science and Mysticism.
  4. 'Mysticism' by Bertrand Russell.
  5. Three Plays by Granville-Barker The Marrying of Ann Leete; The Voysey Inheritance; Waste.
  6. Legend of the Tigris!
  7. 43rd Annual Conference from the Scientific and Medical Network | Mystics and Scientists .
  8. In modern physics, these are the realms of the atomic and subatomic world; in mysticism, they are nonordinary states of consciousness in which the everyday sensory world is transcended. Twentieth-century physics was the first discipline in which scientists experienced dramatic changes in their basic concepts and ideas — a paradigm shift from the mechanistic worldview of Descartes and Newton to a holistic and systemic conception of reality. Subsequently, the same change of paradigms occurred in the life sciences with the gradual emergence of the systems view of life, the subject of this book.

    It should therefore not come as a surprise that the similarities between the worldviews of physicists and Eastern mystics are relevant not only to physics but also to science as a whole. After the publication of The Tao of Physics in , numerous books appeared in which physicists and other scientists presented similar explorations of the parallels between physics and mysticism. Other authors extended their inquiries beyond physics, finding similarities between Eastern thought and certain ideas about free will; death and birth; and the nature of life, mind, consciousness, and evolution.

    Moreover, the same kinds of parallels have been drawn also to Western mystical traditions. Some of the explorations of parallels between modern science and Eastern thought were initiated by Eastern spiritual teachers. His work can also be read at www. As a director of Jasmine India Fund, he acts as a guide to the team on business issues with his terrific insight into businesses as a value investor.

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