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Scamper the Scaredy-Cat eBook: By; Jason Douglass: Kindle Store.
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November 10, at pm flandrumhill. November 10, at pm Emma.

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You are so brave, Kathy! November 11, at pm centria. February 11, at am Well done, Kathy!

Looney Tunes - "Scaredy Cat" (1948) Opening Title & Closing

November 9, at am Elisa. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:. Email required Address never made public. Name required. Post to Cancel. I got my dog when she was about 2 and now she completely adores him. When we come home for walks she will rub circles around his legs and will attempt to lay by him at night. In we adopted 3 cats, one male who was 6 months old and a love bug, Mr Personality plus, he wanted his own pets and could not understand why we would not let him bring his live caught mice in to put in the closet for his pet.

He was special in every way. Pookie was called Spookie then, it took a good 6 months to get her where she relaxed in the house. Now she is Miss Precilla puff who thinks she should have satin pillows. Max was another thing. Spookie was scared of people and could learn not to be but Max was a feral male. It was more than a year before we dared to let him outside or he would have run off. He bonded so strongly to BT, Mr Personality that he always came in to be with him but no people near him thanks.

The neighbors dogs they have 29 acres came over and caught our wonderful BT right by our deck and killed him. Within a week, Max refused to come in anymore and we only see a fleeting glimpse of him now. We also have 2 younger cats. Elcee was dumped here as a kitten and found her way under our porch. She was almost dead from dehydration.

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  • I pulled her through that and kept her right with me. She soon will be two and is my shadow and feels safe in any situation if I am there including saying hello to all visitors. Wylie was a kitten from a feral cat born in our shop. We closed the shop so they could not get out and I started visiting the kitten until he was old enough to be weaned.

    We then trapped the mom and had her spayed and locked her back up for two weeks then opened the cat door to the shop and she did keep coming back for the food and warmth but will not let you catch more than a glimpse of her. Wylie is a strange cat.

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    All so different, All with individual personalities that bring so much joy into our lives. Interesting study. Both my kitties were adopted two years apart from the same shelter in Montana long ago. Eventually he made his peace with Bailey, the Mistress of the House who was and remains the First Cat. She allows him space on one of the loveseats and, rarely, to sleep on a corner of the bottom of the bed.

    Baxter will stroll into the house and allow himself to be sniffed all over by Yogi. A very interesting study. Her foster family worked hard on socialising her, but told me that she was not exactly your average house kitten, and when she came to me at around 14 weeks she was still a little scatty, and much more interested in Pippin, my other cat, than in humans.

    She is now self proclaimed Empress of the Universe, expecting homage from humans, dogs, cars, etc, etc, and very affectionate indeed. I think that as a kitten she just had much more interesting things to do than sit around being cuddled by humans, while now it is a pleasant way of relaxing after a long day of subduing fields and hedgerows, decimating the local rabbit population, and bestowing the favour of her presence upon such humans as she might meet!

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    That answers some questions about a sadly deceased cat. But more than a brief petting was not allowed. So I carrier trapped her and took her off to get spayed. She would now sit on my lap!?! Which was double sad for him because he loved cats. Hmm, well. My own experiences are rather the exception, I think. My second cat was feral, born under my grad-student front porch to a feral mother.

    My apartment mate and I put out food for the kittens and Mama cat feral herself and a spectacularly good hunter who was seldom seen without a mouse or squirrel but who was still ravenously grateful for the food. Several weeks later, the litter of kittens started displaying very individual temperaments. Two of the four were typically feral, skittish and cautious. The other two were different. Sadly, she was struck by a car only a few weeks later she had taken to not moving when cars approached , but her sister these two kittens looked strikingly similar to one another , slightly more fearful than bravekitty, nevertheless started approaching humans sitting on the porch only a few days after we started feeding her.

    She was a little fearful at first, preferring to approach from behind, and shy of hands extending toward her, but she started ducking under elbows almost at once, purring and seeking petting.