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January 1, AI Today facial recognition image recognition podcast recognition pattern. I loved that term. And, yeah, say what that means. BOYD: Oh. And I just — I loved the concept, because I felt as though that was the very essence of what thinking was about, was making these unpredictable connections. And I think those are interesting phrases. He was one of my great influences in terms of a lot of how I think about things. And even when I realized that technology was understood to be this radical transformation, and all of these hopes and dreams and fears and anxieties were placed on it, I also realized we were going to move more and more into a world in which technology would just be mundane.

I know what a phone is. Why is this a big deal? BOYD: And so I wanted to see what would happen, not at the margins, not at the edges, not at the grand level, but what happens when these technologies are just a part of life. How do people use them?

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How do they integrate them into all of their practices? And part of that technological perspective is also because there were all of these great hopes and dreams — the Internet would be this magical transformation, it would create a level of egalitarianism, it would be the freeing democratic mechanism for the world writ large, it would bring about the next Enlightenment — all of these big dreams. BOYD: Yeah, and then how do we read it, right? And this is where I think — I get worried. I happen to be very violently opposed to prejudice and racism.

This is something I would like to see us address. But rather than flipping out at the technology, I want us to get at the systemic issues. I want us to get at the underlying issues that affect what we see visibly online. And so a lot of the hand-wringing, and I know that you pay a lot of attention to this, comes on the part of parents. Go outside and play, yeah. BOYD: Go outside and play. And I started stepping back and going, wow, I need to untangle where this disconnect is.

And I realized that over the last 30 years, a lot has changed about American society.

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We created this concern that public spaces like the park were a terrible, terrible place. We were worried about latchkey kids. We were worried about school buses. We clamped down on young people, and we started, especially in middle to upper class environments, structuring every day of their lives. We increased the levels of homework. We put tremendous amounts of pressure on young people. And all they want to do is just hang out with their friends. It was the fact that they need all of their other friends to be allowed to do so too.

And along comes this technology. Tippett: So, do we similarly — is it your sense that we similarly overemphasize the dangers involved in roaming around the internet? BOYD: From my perspective, absolutely. And this is where, again, you start to look at the data — usually, when we talk about dangers online, we hit a couple of different areas. Conduct is where we get worried about bullying. And of course, there are exceptions to this. We know that much of what needs to happen has to happen educationally. It has to happen culturally.

And so instead, we try to clamp down on the technology. We try to go after the most extreme cases and extrapolate from there. We try to find new ways of punishing people. But this is not going to address the issue.

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And I guess I — at the end of the day, I am concerned about addressing the issue, not the symptoms. Tippett: Which is the way human beings treat other human beings. And so the issue of self-bullying that I looked at and then another researcher named Elizabeth Englander looked at in more detail, emerged because of a question-and-answer service called Formspring.

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And that evolved into something called ask. And I was looking at this, and I understood the technology enough to be really struggling with the media narrative.

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The media narrative was, like, this is a terrible site where everybody is just bullying each other anonymously. But the thing about that site was that in order for a question, a cruel question to appear, somebody needed to choose to answer it. In other words, it was most likely a young person asking themselves a cruel question and then answering it back to themselves. BOYD: In public. And I was really struggling with this. And so then, between me and Elizabeth, we delved into it in different ways, and we found that young people had to show that they were tough, they could handle anything.

Now part of it is also — put those kinds of practices in a broader context of drama and the kinds of interpersonal conflict that we see all over the place. We call it politics. We call it reality TV.

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We call it news. And we make a level of aggression and critique and tearing people apart part of the national pastime. But we also see it in our homes. I will never forget this past summer — in light of everything that was happening in Ferguson, the media was covering it in pretty problematic ways, originally. And you start to realize it was just a beautiful media critique of what was going on by trying to find a different way to speak back.

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Tippett: You can listen again and share this conversation with danah boyd through our website, onbeing. On Being continues in a moment. Today, with blogger and technologist danah boyd, exploring her view from the cutting edge of research on the way technology is changing life, society, and relationship between generations. So for example, I just think the whole nature of identity, on so many levels, is so much more fluid than it was before. And the fact that people have so much just hanging out there in public, online, converges with the changing nature of what is public and private, which technology presents.

And I just feel like this generation is kind of in the laboratory on that. Our mental models of the people around us, historically, were about groups. We were all part of the same town, we were all part of the same religion, we were all part of the same basketball team — these were bounded entities. And so, obviously, you always understood you had different family.

When all of this becomes visible through social media, you realize the power of these networks. And yet, at the same time, the world is changing so that what used to be something that you had to keep secret, so many of those things in that category no longer are. Am I being clear? I just…. Our last three U. Very entertaining! This podcast is compulsary closing chapter of each weeks round. Great summaries, good bit of NRL humour and rather informative.

Great production qualities and length is perfect for my bus ride home. Brilliant on every level. Rod and Dave have crawled away from Mad Monday celebrations to record this bumper Grand final review edition. There's a big end of season wrap discussing all the good, bad and ugly, including team of the year, best buy, biggest dud, and much more. All in a jam packed final episode of the season! This week Dave travels to a very distant location in search of big answers,. Check out the good, bad and ugly of all things semi finals, and of course the boys preview the huge grand final weekend ahead.

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