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Laura has always thought Boris was nothing but a boring accountant, even though he persists in asking her out despite her repeated refusals. She's not.
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It can also mean you're reaching your limit, or are edging on physical discomfort. Green: means go for it.

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Use green if you like what your partner's doing, you feel totally comfortable, and you want them to continue. S etting up a trusting environment with a new partner takes planning and mutual agreements and, perhaps most importantly of all, the ability to listen. You and your partner need to be equals for this talk. This will prevent severe misunderstandings later on. Part of the negotiation should always be about safety - from physical limitations, triggers and hard limits. If the position you are in gets drastically uncomfortable, then you may need to call a halt to the play, too.

It shouldn't be used lightly for any occasion. If you call your safeword too many times in jest, then you may find yourself without a play partner pretty quickly.

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No one wants to play with someone that doesn't take safety and established protocol seriously. Respect and consideration go both ways. So if someone wants an unusual word, go with it. Some BDSM play might involve gagging, or using sex toys or equipment that stops you from being able to speak. Instead, you can agree on some simple hand signals with your partner in advance, as an alternative. If you're new to wearing a gag, go for something not too intimidating like a breathable silicone ball gag.

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A guide to dealing with combination skin. Bartek71 Getty Images. He recurs, it is true, to the influence of metre in poetry in inducing ecstasy, but he is always thinking of the ecstasy of love [Pg 36] of man and God as the element of poetry, and in this he is a predecessor of Tolstoy. He also gives rules as to one's behavior in the ecstatic state and does not sanction undue madness. A much higher form of the literature of ecstasy than the product of the immoral rites of Dionysus or the mystic poetry of Persia is the prophecy as it was known and delivered among the ancient Hebrews.

Indeed, prophecy is the ideal form of the literature of ecstasy and represents the zenith of its achievement. It is the emotional verbal utterance of the unconscious of the poet, who is usually in a state of ecstasy, and who, as passages in the Bible testify, receives his message in a vision or dream. The act of prophesying was even contagious. The early prophets were like dancing dervishes in their prophesying and influenced others to do as they did.

We recall how Saul stripped himself naked. The Hebrew word prophecy means utterance and the idea of foretelling the future was incidental to it. If the idea of futurity emanated from prophets, it was such insight as any gifted person may experience when he notes certain facts from which he can predict inevitable results.

But the ecstatic state was always associated with the idea of prophecy, the only person, according to the account of the Bible, exempt from this state being Moses. The prophetic state was not allied to divination but resulted from moral and aesthetic inspiration such as we find in modern poets. When the Bible says, God spoke to the prophet, or the hand of God touched him, it means that the prophet was in a state of ecstasy due to a highly developed moral and social viewpoint. The true prophet's ecstasy was not accompanied by immorality or superduced by drugs or physical abuse.

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Music, however, was at one time used to produce the prophetic state. The aesthetic mechanism of the ancient [Pg 37] prophets was no different from that of any great poet with a message of modern times. Moses Maimonides in his Guide to the Perplexed analyzes the ecstatic state of prophecy and his analysis may be applied to any high form of poetic inspiration. Prophecy was, according to Maimonides, an emanation sent forth to man's rational faculty and then to his imaginative faculty; it consisted in the most perfect development of the imaginative faculty; the logical and imaginative faculties had to be balanced in the prophet; he overflowed with the frenzy of ecstasy to help his fellow-men and could not rest even at risk of personal suffering; he had courage and intuition; he reserved his message in a dream or a vision.

The psychology of the prophetic inspiration has been studied by many of the higher critics of the Bible. One of the best books on the subject is The Psychology of Prophecy by Dr. Jacob H. Kaplan, Philadelphia , Julius H.

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Greenstone who says:. The ecstasy of the wild and mad kind was seen only in the early days of Hebrew prophecy, when wine and dance and music and other external means were used for bringing about this state, but the subdued elevated ecstasy due to religious temperament and patriotic fervor, due to constant and profound contemplation, was certainly the characteristic of the later prophets. Ecstasy is usually the spring whence all the other prophetic streams flow. While the Greeks mingled reason with inspiration to produce poetry, the prophets went further, and interpenetrated their ecstasy with a high sense of social justice.

An ecstatic state, with a keen intellect, a high moral outlook, and a noble social ideal characterized the prophet.

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His state of ecstasy was due to this highly developed [Pg 38] social conscience. He was not so much concerned with religious rites as with the decline of the nation's ideals of justice. The prophet of that day fulminated against the economic evils of society. He was possessed of an exalted type of aesthetic soul, the ecstasy to social justice. No literature gives us such types of men who rebuke unjust kings as we find in the stories of Nathan and David, Elijah and Ahab, Jeremiah and Hezekiah. No literature shows us such courageous types as Amos and Isaiah.

They were not flatterers, these men who risked their lives in shouting back to eastern autocratic monarchs their iniquities. They did not say what society or public opinion wanted them to say but what they felt was their duty. They overflowed not with the immoral and insane ecstasy of the rites of Dionysius, but the ecstasy of the man who loves his neighbor as himself, of the man who would not have the rich crush the poor, of the man who sought kindness for the stranger, the oppressed, the widow, the fatherless. And the prophets, in spite of their virulency, produced the highest forms of artistic beauty.

Not all the revolutions of opinions and changes in religious beliefs have made them obsolete.

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Shaw once said, substitute the word ideals for the word idols, in the Bible, and you have messages that are still true. So the prophets instead of being miracle performers, foretellers of the future, preachers of theology, are really poets of ecstasy, with a social message revealed in a dream. The old word of God, in the form of a high social ideal, to-day is still making prophets. Shelley, Ibsen and Ruskin have done work that is akin to the prophets of old; they have given us works of art inspired by a state of ecstasy springing from the possession of social ideals.

Santayana rightly regards the prophet, one who portrays the ideals [Pg 39] of experience and destiny, as the greatest poet.

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See Poetry and Religion. Nor did the prophets of old sing their messages in artificial form. They did not count their syllables and give us metre, though they indulged in parallelisms. They wrote in rhythmical prose.