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Nana's Helping Hand with PTSD: Plus Bonus Workbook (Nana Knows 1). by Anita Miranda. 0 ratings 0 reviews. Your Rating (Clear).
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Yet while behavior-based treatment references are available to clinicians in other specialties, few exist for cardiologists.

Stress Proof the Heart presents a general picture of behavioral cardiology while focusing in depth on critical specifics. Leading experts in the field explore the psychological aspects of living with arrhythmia, intracardiac device, heart failure, and heart transplant, relating them to psychological characteristics such as pessimism and the feeling of overcommitment. Mainstream treatments, such as stress management and smoking cessation, and emerging interventions, such as computer-based therapies and personality-based techniques, are discussed at length for a well-rounded look at what works and what is promising.

Among the topics covered:. Filling a growing need in the literature, Stress Proof the Heart is a unique source of practical ideas and clinical examples for health and clinical psychologists, nurses, and allied professionals providing behavioral care to cardiac patients. Skip to main content Skip to table of contents. Advertisement Hide.

Front Matter Pages i-xv. Front Matter Pages Pages I listened to their story. My heart aches for you and your country, Romania has been through so much.

You all are in my prayers. I saw this on CNN. I am so sorry this is happening and you have my support. I spent some time in Bucharest in in the Palace of Parliament in the summer and the government changed a few nights before our event happened and it was interesting, as they were the host country.

Please stay safe and connected as much as possible with others outside and try to get more information out and raise more awareness via anonymous social media, if it is safe for you to do so. Thank you, StellaBella. Oh, wait…. Many protesters came with face masks and goggles protection against tear gas. This time the riot police was calm, even friendly. I so want to see that film!

I devoured the whole series last summer, and just gave the first one to my husband to try before we see the movie. He was reading aloud from it last night, with little editorial comments. The story of life on a farm as told by the cat sounds like it would be cheesy but its not, its really delightful and beautifully written. Are these kid friendly? I have a 12 year old who is a cat lady.

Table of contents

She wears cat ears every. I read Deep Undercover by Jack Barsky, which was really interesting — the real-life story of a KGB spy from East Germany in the United States who basically faked his death in order to stay when the recall order came. I read Stranger in a Strange Land some years ago and loved it. About 10 years ago I chose it for my book club read. I was in my 40s and all other members were women in their 20s.

While re-reading it I was horrified at how badly written and sexist it is, not to mention boring. At our meeting, everyone was dismayed that I recommended the book. I was so embarrassed.

Behavioral Interventions for Cardiac Patients

After reading it I remember thinking what an old goat Heinlein was. I never went on to read anything else by him. Sounds like your book club meeting about this book was lively, though! Juba is a hero, the man to admire. Heinlein was a champion of the free love movement—back when men only saw it as something to benefit them. I read Stranger in a Strange Land when I was about 12 or 13 and I was reading all science fiction indiscriminately and almost exclusively.

From the back I thought she was about 18, but when she turned around, I upped my estimate to Even without re-reading the book, my reaction to the viewpoint enshrined in that sentence has changed drastically from the age of 12 to something. Oops, I messed up the closing italic element. I think you can tell what I was trying to do there.

Nana's Helping Hand with PTSD: Plus Bonus Workbook (Nana Knows 1)

Oh, that is awesome! When we went to Oslo last year, one of my must-sees was the Kon-Tiki museum. Even though his theories about Polynesian migrations have been disproved, I still really admire his adventurous spirit. Also just read Summer by Edith Wharton — had never read a Wharton novel before and it was great. I started a new job recently this is relevant to the thread and is not about work, I promise and my team works on climate resilience issues.

The actual Burning Worlds posts are super cool too. That sounds so cool! I will check it out — studying coastal flooding and health and well-being for my MSc thesis now, so thanks for something else to read after I am done with university in 4 weeks! While it is very well written and has an interesting premise, it has some events that are completly ignored at the end and had no consequences whatsoever which made it a bit weird at the end.

I love Good Omens! I have a very battered but treasured copy, with my favorite parts dog-eared. Highly recommended. I feel like Nnedi Okorafor does that a lot in her books. I love her writing and worldbuilding, but her plotting not so much. They inspired me to go one to read many other WW1 histories, novels, and memoirs. Once the children grow up, it gets to be a bit much. I am not a fan of Nefret.

Oh, nice! I keep meaning to go back to Wimsey. You might consider Dick Francis as a relaxing follow up. I always find they feel like a reread even when they are new to me :. Totally feel you on the lack of bandwidth. Rereading is awesome. Dorothy Sayers is also awesome. Gaudy Night might be my favorite. Just finished Fangirl and was a bit disappointed. It was very readable but all too tidy, with the roommate who fixed her anxiety about going to the cafeteria, a guy who was instantly in love with her, etc.

Oh well. I would recommend Geekerella by Ashley Poston for a fun take on fandoms.

Stress Proof the Heart

But, I can see how you would be disappointed if you were looking for fandom things. My summer is over tomorrow. I am getting back to my love of classical mythology. Just finished listening to Circe by Madeline Miller, which was amazing and totally engrossing and the narrator, Perdita Weeks, is perfect. I have not! I could not make it past page The horror to say it.

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Narrator is not likeable at first, but give it a chance. I read it last week as well. Alien Research by Gini Koch. This a really fun series!