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In [1 Corinthians] chapter 7 Paul addresses the situation of two unmarried Christians who are burning with passion —9 who should either exercise self-control or be permitted to marry cf. The underlying assumptions are the same as those in Deuteronomy However, a minority of theologians have argued in more recent times that premarital sex may not be immoral in some limited circumstances. An example is John Witte, who argues that the Bible itself is silent on the issue of consensual, premarital sex between an engaged couple.

Some of the debate arises from the question of which theological approach is being applied. A deontological view of sex interprets porneia, aselgeia and akatharsia in terms of whether the couple are married or non-married. What makes sex moral or immoral is the context of marriage. By contrast, a teleological view interprets porneia, aselgeia and akatharsia in terms of the quality of the relationship how well it reflects God's glory and Christian notions of a committed, virtuous relationship. The first word is restricted to contexts involving sexual betrayal of a spouse; however, the second word is used as a generic term for illegitimate sexual activity, although many scholars hold that the Septuagint uses "porneia" to refer specifically to male temple prostitution.

Paul is preaching about activities based on sexual prohibitions laid out in Leviticus in the context of achieving holiness. One theory therefore suggests that it is these behaviours, and only these, that are intended by Paul's prohibition in chapter seven. Lee Gatiss also argues that porneia encompasses all forms of premarital sex.

He states that "the word 'fornication' has gone out of fashion and is not in common use to describe non-marital sex.

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However, it is an excellent translation for porneia, which basically referred to any kind of sex outside of marriage This has been contested Attitudes towards marriage and sexuality at the time of Jesus stemmed from a blend of Roman and Jewish ideas. For instance, during the lifetime of Jesus, there was a strong social disapproval among Romans of polygamy. This made its way into Judaism and early Christianity, despite the Old Testament portraying examples of this behaviour among patriarchs and kings. Jewish marriage in the time of Jesus was a two-stage process. First, there was a betrothal in which the man claimed the woman to be his only bride.

Secondly, there was the marriage contract that specified what the bride and groom's families would give the couple and what the bride would obtain if she divorced. The betrothal was held to be enough of a marriage that a divorce would be needed if the couple split up between betrothal and contract. The early Church's statements on marital affairs mainly concerned acceptable reasons for divorce and remarriage.

Whilst Paul, in his epistles to early believers, emphasised that both celibacy and marriage were good forms of life, after his life the Church felt that celibacy was more virtuous and liberating. This focus came about because the early church was very ascetic, possibly due to the influence of Greek philosophical thought.

The focus on celibacy meant that other issues relating to sexual morality for the non-celibate remained under-developed. Augustine of Hippo 's views strongly influenced how later Christians thought about sex. Before becoming a Christian, he had taken a concubine in defiance of his Christian mother's anxious warning to him "not to commit fornication". Hence, pure love was perverted by its misdirection toward lust whereas a Godly relationship should focus on a loving, rational partnership instead.

In his later writings, Augustine was "deeply suspicious of sexual passion" and this has influenced the outlook of all the major Christian denominations down to the present day. According to Susan C.

Karant-Nunn and Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks in their book, Luther on Women , Martin Luther felt that "The sex act was of course sinful outside of marriage. In naming uncleanness in addition to fornication, the reference is to all sensual affections in distinction from wedded love.

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They are too unsavory for him [Paul] to mention by name, though in Romans 1, 24 he finds it expedient to speak of them without disguise. However, also wedded love must be characterized by moderation among Christians. On another occasion, Luther wrote, "I It is no slight boon that in wedlock fornication and unchastity are checked and eliminated. This in itself is so great a good that it alone should be enough to induce men to marry forthwith, and for many reasons The first reason is that fornication destroys not only the soul but also body, property, honor, and family as well.

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For we see how a licentious and wicked life not only brings great disgrace but is also a spendthrift life, more costly than wedlock, and that illicit partners necessarily occasion greater suffering for one another than do married folk. Beyond that it consumes the body, corrupts flesh and blood, nature, and physical constitution. Through such a variety of evil consequences God takes a rigid position, as though he would actually drive people away from fornication and into marriage. However, few are thereby convinced or converted. Exploring this matter in more depth when writing on 1 Thessalonians —5, Luther advises, "All young people should avoid casual sex and preserve their purity.

They should resolve to strengthen themselves against lust and sexual passions by reading and meditating on a psalm or some other portion of God's Word If your sexual appetites continually tempt you, be patient. Resist them as long as necessary, even if it takes more than a year.

But above all, keep praying! If you feel that you can't stand it any longer, pray that God will give you a devout spouse with whom you can live in harmony and true love I have known many people who, because of their crude and shameful fantasies, indulged their passion with unrestrained lust. Because of their insatiable desires, they abandoned self control, and lapsed into terrible immorality. In the end, they had to endure dreadful punishment. Blinded to the realities of married life, some of them took unsuitable mates and ended up in incompatible relationships.

They got what they deserved. You must pray diligently and strive to resist the desires of your corrupt nature. Rather, a devout spouse is a gift from God. Luther however, in contrast to his Roman Catholic opponents, believed that it was not the Church's business to define marriage law.

He understood marriage to be a legal agreement rather than a sacrament.

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Luther defined marriage as "the God-appointed and legitimate union of man and woman in the hope of having children or at least for the purpose of avoiding fornication and sin and living to the glory of God. The ultimate purpose is to obey God, to find aid and counsel against sin; to call upon God; to seek, love, and educate children for the glory of God; to live with one's wife in the fear of God and to bear the cross Martin Bucer argued that sexual intimacy belonged in marriage and that, in marriage, the man becomes "the head and saviour of the wife and forms one flesh with her in order to avoid fornication and that the wife is the body and help of her husband, again to avoid fornication".

Marriage for him, though, not only meant the avoidance of sin and procreation of children but social and emotional bonding resulting in a fellowship. Marriage is, after all, the only framework within which sexual desires can be legitimately satisfied.

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Immanuel Kant , who was raised as a Pietist , considered sex before marriage to be immoral. He argued that sexual desire objectifies the person you crave and, since no logically consistent ethical rule allows you to use a person as an object, it is immoral to have sex outside marriage. Marriage makes the difference because, in marriage, the two people give all of themselves to create a union and, thus, now have rights over each other as each now belongs to the other.

As Kant himself puts it, "The sole condition on which we are free to make use of our sexual desires depends upon the right to dispose over the person as a whole — over the welfare and happiness and generally over all the circumstances of that person… each of them Today, the Lutheran Church of Australia asserts that premarital sex is sinful. It believes that sexual activity belongs within the marriage relationship only and that the practice of pre-marital sex is in "violation of the will of God". In the United States, pastors of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod undertook a survey on premarital sex among their congregations in The Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod WELS takes the view that "Any use of the gift of sex aside from the marriage bond is adultery, whether this is premarital or extramarital To engage in premarital or extramarital sex, before or outside of marriage, is to sin in God's sight.

That is precisely the point of Hebrews , a verse often referred to in this kind of discussion. Using the "bed" aside from "marriage" is sin that God will judge The counsel given in 1 Corinthians makes the same point. If a person has sexual urges and the sex drive a good gift from God in itself expresses itself within a person, that person has a God-pleasing remedy identified: to be married and thus obtain the right to be sexually active.

Before or outside of marriage, sinful lust is sinful lust. Elsewhere on its official site, WELS states that "Even though our unbelieving society embraces living together outside marriage as an acceptable lifestyle, it is still a sinful arrangement. A pastor or congregation will deal patiently with cohabitating people who are seeking spiritual guidance Christian life of sanctification.

This is done by firmly yet gently confronting them with their sin With regard to sex before marriage, the document, declares that "Because this church urges couples to seek the highest social and legal support for their relationships, it does not favor cohabitation arrangements outside marriage.

It has a special concern when such arrangements are entered into as an end in themselves. It does, however, acknowledge the social forces at work that encourage such practices. This church also recognizes the pastoral and familial issues that accompany these contemporary social patterns. In cases where a decision is made for cohabitation, regardless of the reasons, this church expects its pastors and members to be clear with the couple regarding the reasons for the position of this church and to support the couple in recognizing their obligation to be open and candid with each other about their plans, expectations, and levels of mutual commitment.

Some cohabitation arrangements can be constructed in ways that are neither casual nor intrinsically unstable This church believes, however, that the deepest human longings for a sense of personal worth, long-term companionship, and profound security, especially given the human propensity to sin, are best served through binding commitment, legal protections, and the public accountability of marriage, especially where the couple is surrounded by the prayers of the congregational community and the promises of God. The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland 's stance on the issue is ambiguous.

It strictly condemns extramarital sex but in relation to pre-marital sex it states only that "Sexuality disconnected from love and from responsibility enslaves people, bringing harm to themselves and others. According to the Kinsey Institute, "Today, the Swedish Lutheran Church is very liberal in action, but careful not to take formal stands in most sexual issues, such as premarital sex, cohabitation, and sex education.