PDF Have You Had Your Job in the Bible Experience Yet

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Job asked his friends if they had ever investigated the situation in places who travel are usually not provincial in their outlook but have wide experience in the.
Table of contents

Has anyone done this for you? Has anyone spoken or done something that brought you special comfort after you lost your loved one?

The Book of Job

Describe what was said or done and how it made you feel. In your grief, have you responded like Job, like his wife or somewhere in between? Describe your response.

4 Bible Stories About People Facing Struggles or Trials

Perhaps you have cursed God in your heart. Job was not ashamed to grieve. His life was falling apart with one loss following another. In the face of his grief, he could do nothing but cry out to God in agony. Most of us have spent our lives trying to take care of ourselves, but when we accept Christ as our Savior, we must learn to trust our lives to His care. When we do, we can say with the psalmist, My times are in Your hands Psalm First Peter tells us that God sets Himself against the proud the insolent, the overbearing, the disdainful, the presumptuous, the boastful —[and He opposes, frustrates, and defeats them], but gives grace favor, blessing to the humble.

Anyone who thinks they're a self-made man or woman has a rude awakening coming because Jesus said, Humility is a covering that draws the help of God into our lives to protect us. When we humble ourselves by saying, "God, I don't know what to do, but I'm trusting You," God gets in gear to help us. God won't allow us to succeed at anything unless we're leaning and relying on Him. But when we humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God, in due time, He will exalt us see 1 Peter The sooner we understand and accept that, the sooner God can work His plan in our lives.

This lets us know that we all don't live in the same season at the same time. You should never be jealous of someone who is enjoying harvest while you're still in the planting season. Remember, they had to go through a season of planting just as you are. Seeing the results they are enjoying should be an encouragement to you.

Book of Job: God Gives Job a Virtual Tour of His Wise World

Understand and trust that God is doing the very best for you in your present season. Seedtime represents learning the will of God. Each time I choose God's will instead of my own, I'm planting a good seed that will eventually bring a harvest in my life. If you want to be victorious, you cannot afford to get pulled into the world's system, doing what you feel like doing. James tells us what we should do Your soul is your mind, your will and your emotions. When the Word gets rooted in there and begins to change your mind, it begins to heal your emotions and turn your will away from self-will and onto doing the will of God.

Living out of one's own soul is equivalent to staying in the wilderness. When my flesh is finally crucified, and I get out of my soul and into doing the will of God, that's when I enter the promised land. The promised land is knowing who you are in Christ, knowing how to fellowship with Him, enjoying His presence, and having peace, contentment and joy.

Between seedtime and harvest comes a time of waiting.

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After a seed is planted, the heat, moisture and pressure of the ground finally cause the outer hull to crack open. Then roots shoot down, digging their way through the ground. It takes time for this to happen, and it takes place underground. Above the ground, you can't tell anything is happening. That's the way our lives are.

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After we plant seeds of obedience, we feel like nothing is happening, but all kinds of things are happening inside where we can't see. And like the seed that finally bursts through the ground with a beautiful green shoot, our seeds of obedience finally break forth into a beautiful manifestation of God in our lives.

When harvest time comes, the desires of your heart begin to manifest—bondages fall off of you and you see your dreams come to pass.

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You see your kids changing and your family getting saved. Prosperity, favor, promotion, honor, and all kinds of good things come out in the open where they can be seen. In harvest time, more than ever before, you hear from God, you enjoy His presence, and you're led by the Spirit. Blessings begin to chase you down the street, and joy and calm delight become your normal mood.

Are you tired of waiting for harvest time in your life? Are you frustrated, crying out, "When, God, when? He doesn't do things on our timetable. Yet His Word promises that He will not be late, not one single day. But these things I plan won't happen right away. Slowly, steadily, surely, the time approaches when the vision will be fulfilled.

If it seems slow, do not despair, for these things will surely come to pass. Just be patient! They will not be overdue a single day! And, notice this important point, Leviathan is not evil or bad. Nowhere in this speech is Leviathan called wicked or unfortunate or described as a sad consequence of sin or the fall referring to Gen 3.

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Just the opposite, Leviathan is beloved by God, a wonderful creature of great power and might. God is proud of this animal, and apparently, thinks it belongs in this world. This is fascinating. Here is a creature that will ruin your life if you happen upon it, but God loves it.

Why does God even bring this up at all? Rather, a space for garden-order was carved out and given over to humans who were commissioned to spread that divine order further out. Leviathan is out there, raw and dangerous, and you just might encounter it. It has the power to wreak havoc on your life, but what you cannot conclude from a run-in with Leviathan is that God is punishing you, or that this creature is evil. Neither is the case. You just bumped into Leviathan, and it unleashed chaos, tooth, and claw into your life, and your body.

God asks for trust, not understanding, and states the cosmos is founded on his wisdom, not his justice. There may be a reason, but there may not be. The conversation with the satan certainly did not provide a reason. That dialogue simply set the stage for the real question of the book: Does God operate the universe according to the principle of retribution?

The answer of this story is no. Sometimes terrible things happen for no reason discernible to any human. Whether from earthquakes, or wild animals, or from one another? He says we live in an incredibly complex, amazing world that at this stage at least, is not designed to prevent suffering. Job demanded a full explanation from God, and what God asks Job for is trust in his wisdom and character.

So, Job responds with humility and repentance. All of a sudden, the book concludes with a short epilogue Job Then, God says that Job has spoken rightly about him.