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Invasive species, not alien species, are indeed a major cause of biodiversity loss, implicated in the majority of extinctions 3 , and this trend continues.

The Solution

Thus, they deserve aggressive intervention Tasmanian Parks and Wildlife Service staff and contractors have now completed two whole-of-island bait drops, with only small areas such as offshore rock-stacks left to complete. Mr Wightman said the project to eradicate the large numbers of rabbits, ship rats and house mice from the 12, hectare island was the largest yet attempted in the world for three pest species. Macquarie Island is a nature reserve and World Heritage Area located kilometres south-east of Tasmania. It is believed the last wild individual was shot in This is compounded by the effects of introduced species; for example, deer and pigs damage remaining available habitat, and fire ants, which are invasive alien species, decimate lizard populations, leading to localized extinctions Granted, if this were to occur it would be a rather frightening experience, but the fact is we have a far more serious and immediate issue to tackle: the invasive aliens that are already here.

Biodiversity is being lost at an unprecedented rate, with a whole host of factors contributing to the disastrous declines. Habitat destruction is well-documented as being one of the leading causes of species extinctions, but invasive alien species are also to blame Major threats to freshwater ecosystems in Africa are identified as loss and degradation of habitat associated with deforestation, agriculture and infrastructure development, unsustainable levels of water extraction, water pollution from domestic industrial and agricultural sources, the introduction of alien invasive species, sedimentation, mining and subsistence use and trade.

A new report published today by IUCN, Plantlife and WWF - Important Plant Areas of the south and east Mediterranean region: Priority sites for conservation - shows that there are more than internationally significant areas for wild plants in the region, rivalling those found elsewhere in Europe and Asia for species richness, and supporting an extraordinary range of wildlife.

In many of these countries, these species-rich landscapes also provide vital resources for local livelihoods. A total of Important Plant Areas IPAs are listed in the report for the first time, including 33 in Syria, 20 in Lebanon, 20 in Egypt, 21 in Algeria, 13 in Tunisia and five in Libya, with teams from 11 countries around the south and east Mediterranean involved in the partnership project, meeting to discuss results and work together to carry out a rapid assessment of wild plants and wildlife-rich areas across the region.

Experts gathered at the Smithsonian Institution recently to develop the scientific basis for the initiative. Examples from Australia, South Africa, the United States and Venezuela of how ecosystems could be listed were discussed and the proposed criteria refined. How to make sure the ecosystems Red List is compatible with the Red List of Threatened Species was a key focus of the discussion.

The Red List of Ecosystems work will help build strong links between ecosystems, livelihoods, health and well-being in a way that can be used to guide and influence conservation and national development agendas, reflecting the true value of ecosystem goods and services. Wetlands — hotspots of biodiversity Many wetlands are rich in biodiversity, and many species of plants and animals are wetland-dependent — they cannot survive without wetlands. It is this biodiversity that supports the many ecosystem services provided by wetlands. Yet wetland species are under threat, often more so than their terrestrial counterparts, through habitat change such as drainage and conversion and pollution as well as overexploitation, invasive alien species , and climate change.

Naresh is currently involved in carrying out a rhino census in the Chitwan National Park, which has the second largest population of greater one-horned rhino in the world. He recently fitted radio collars on eight rhinos living in the park and now conducts regular patrols to monitor their movements.

This often means spending the whole night in the park, which is also home to tigers, elephants and gharials. The main purpose of this work is to study the impact that Mikania micrantha , a major invasive species in Nepal, has on rhinos.

Mikania micrantha grows on plants that make up the diet of rhinos, blocking the sunlight that those plants need to survive Although it is not too late to manage invasive species in the Lake Tanganyika basin, action will need to be taken now to prevent them from spreading and causing further damage to ecosystems and local people. They will also look into ways to raise awareness about invasive species and to enhance regional cooperation, which can play an important role in monitoring and controlling them.

You can read more on the project from the South Georgia Heritage Trust website and follow the progress of the project on Facebook 14 March is the International Year of Forests. The United Nations General Assembly declared as the International Year of Forests to raise awareness on sustainable management, conservation and sustainable development of all types of forests.

REDD-plus includes: Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation and the role of conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of forest carbon stocks in developing countries. The spread of invasive species can impact biomass, biodiversity and forest health reducing the integrity of the ecosystem and ecosystem services.

ISSG will celebrate the International Year of Forests by focussing on raising awareness and disseminating information on the impacts of invasive species- forests pests and diseases. We will include more new profiles on forest pests and diseases on the Global Invasive Species Database and update information on profiles that are online. The Species of the Week button will feature forest pests and diseases.

Issue 30 includes an article by Chris Feare on the eradication of invasive birds on islands of the world. The issue also includes an interview to Angelo Salsi, head of the LIFE program of the European Union, on the application of this funding tool for supporting projects targeting invasive species in Europe, with an example on raccoon dog management in Scandinavia.

An article reports on the lessons learnt so far in the struggle against Chytridiomycosis, and discusses new mitigation approaches to this deadly disease. Last but not least, an article reports on recent findings on invasive alien species in China, where a network of 50 leading scientists from 10 Chinese research institutions has reviewed all existing information on biological invasions in the country, collecting information on about alien species recorded in agricultural, forestry and aquatic ecosystems of China. Noxious weed threatens the biggest wildlife migration on the planet The Serengeti - Masai Mara ecosystem in Africa, which hosts the largest wildlife migration known to man, is under attack from a noxious weed from Central America, commonly known as feverfew Parthenium hysterophorus.

If left unchecked it could threaten the continued migration of millions of animals across the plains every year, including 1. The Serengeti - Mara ecosystem hosts approximately 70 large mammal species and some different bird species in highly diverse habitats ranging from riverine forests, swamps, grasslands and woodlands.

However, the situation would be worse were it not for current global conservation efforts, according to a study launched today at the 10th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity, CBD, in Nagoya, Japan.

Invasive Species

The results show that, on average, 50 species of mammal, bird and amphibian move closer to extinction each year due to the impacts of agricultural expansion, logging, over-exploitation and invasive alien species. Wilson, at Harvard University. This is just a small window on the global losses currently taking place. Urgent call on EU to stop billion-euro 'alien invasion'. Leading experts on invasive species are demanding Europe-wide legislation be put in place by next year to tackle the threat to native wildlife. The researchers want urgent action from the EU to protect Europe's indigenous species from these "alien invaders" He told BBC News that the figure of 12 billion Euros represents a significant underestimate of the impact of alien species.

This is just a fraction of the actual cost," he told BBC News. And he added that this estimate does not include any assesment of the economic value of lost biodiversity caused by non-native species See the story of seabird islands, their importance, and the invaders that threaten them. New natural jewels on the World Heritage crown.

The Solution by Charles Orange

The Committee also decided to add Danxia China to the List. The Committee continues its consideration of natural sites for inscription. World Heritage in Danger: two natural sites listed. The Everglades National Park, a sanctuary for birds and reptiles and home to 20 rare, endangered and threatened species, has been added to the Danger List upon request by the USA.

It had previously been on this List from until because of the large amount of water diverted from the Park to nearby cities, which dried out the wetland habitats and caused a 90 percent drop in the population of wetland birds. The first world heritage site, the Galapagos Islands Islands of the Tortoises of Ecuador consists of an archipelago of 19 volcanic islands in the equatorial Pacific Ocean, km off the Pacific coast of South America.

The site's natural resources are increasingly threatened. Introduced plants have invaded large areas and eliminated endemic species in the humid zones of San Cristobal, Floreana, Isabela and Santa Cruz. This huge Project will be undertaken in two Phases over a period of five seasons. The task is to eradicate invasive rodents - the rats and mice which have devastated the terrestrial ecology and seabird populations of South Georgia over two centuries - from the whole of South Georgia. Non-native mammals poised to fuel bird extinction crisis.

Oblivion Explained (Spoiler Alert)

The report, published in the journal Ibis, shows that one third of the species facing extinction could be helped by the removal of non-native mammals from just seven island groups in the Atlantic, Caribbean and the Pacific. Go-ahead for Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services After a week of intense negotiations, governments have agreed to establish a new mechanism, which will strengthen the dialogue between the scientific community and policymakers on biodiversity and ecosystem services.

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The so-called 'IPBES' - the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services - will be a leading body in making scientifically sound and relevant information available to support more informed decisions on how biodiversity and ecosystem services are conserved and used around the world.

Just published. It contributes to the ongoing development of a EU Strategy on invasive alien species, that the European Commission committed to complete in A Message from the Chair. Analysis of the Red List. The IUCN analysis is published every four years. The report analyses 44, species on the IUCN Red List and presents results by groups of species, geographical regions, and different habitats, such as marine, freshwater and terrestrial. Results from the report shows nearly one third of amphibians, more than one in eight birds and nearly a quarter of mammals are threatened with extinction.

Overall, a minimum of 16, species are threatened with extinction.

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  • There are recorded extinctions, with species listed as Extinct and 65 listed as Extinct in the Wild:. As a result of her experiences in New Zealand and discussions with members of the ISSG and PII staff, the Director-General acknowledged the importance of invasive species management in both biodiversity and livelihood areas and pledged IUCN support for the programmes. Her visit also provided the opportunity for discussions to strengthen the role of IUCN in delivering its value propositions with IUCN commission members, members and potential members in the region.

    May 22nd ' The International Day for Biological Diversity ' was dedicated to invasive alien species. Scientific evidence indicates that biological invasions are growing at an unprecedented rate, posing increasing threats to the diversity of life, and also disrupting ecosystem functionality.