PDF Everyday Candle Burning Rituals: A Modern Guide To An Ancient Art

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Candle burning is an ancient art that has many modern purposes. Do you want to attract love, find a new job, draw good luck, ward off bad luck, overcome a bad.
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I use it quite often. Good basic candle spells. It's time for this book to move on. Good reference book Quick read and good reference book for candle rituals. I will keep it handy if I ever decide to use one of the rituals. May 23, Chromium Kitty rated it it was ok Shelves: wicca , witchcraft , paganism. This was literally the first book related to witchcraft I ever owned. I bought it with my own measly little income from working at Kmart in Don't even get me started on any of that So, yeah. I was never actually able to perform any of the spells in this book at that time.

I had to obtain another copy of it recently, mostly feeling nostalgic, and now I'd rather I hadn't spent This was literally the first book related to witchcraft I ever owned. Witchcraft has been a part of my ancestry. Hundreds or thousands of years ago my early ancestors were performing magick rituals for various needs.

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While I do think they could have used herbs and flowers to produce candles of a certain color, my thoughts are that they wouldn't have gone to that effort most of the time due to cost or danger. But, that he was making it sound as if you couldn't make your ritual work without all the right colors put me off.

I don't think my ancestors would have been all that concerned about the colors, since they wouldn't have been able to get, say, a gold candle very easily. Another thing that put me off and that I hadn't remembered this book included when I first bought it so many years ago was how LONG these rituals apparently take to complete. I don't have that long, like, ever. I don't have a place to conduct my ritual for that long, and even if I did, I'd have to be subject to questions and accusations from family members that I'd just rather not put up with. Of course there's "creative visualization", but I don't think that's nearly as effective as putting that energy into a physical ritual.

At least, in my experience, that hasn't been the case. The general feel of the spells seem as if they would work, so long as you have the right mindset before you get into it, but I don't agree with the strictness of it. I somehow doubt that the Universe much cares if I have a gold or light green candle or whether I'm able to conduct a ritual for 2 weeks straight without disturbing my altar so long as I had a real intent and plenty of energy invested in my goal. After all, isn't that more like what our ancestors would have done? As for the additions of black magick, I have no opinion.

I'm not Wiccan, and I do think we all have to balance things out when somebody is insistent upon whacking balance all the hell. If I have to be the one to get that balance back where it should be by sending a punishment against he or she that caused that imbalance, so be it. I don't believe my actions will cause a three-fold retaliation from the Universe. Decent book to get some ideas from, but I question the need for its strictness. Nov 17, Lodane rated it it was ok Recommends it for: fictional worldbuilders.

The Star Review is the total of what I have to say about this book, specifically. This was the readily available faith in my household as a child.

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Additionally, I worked for a company in this field, , and had to read an ocean of this stuff to do my job. Like televangelists, and snake-oil salesman, these publishers prey on the The Star Review is the total of what I have to say about this book, specifically. Like televangelists, and snake-oil salesman, these publishers prey on the vulnerable. The authors are mentally ill: suffering from 'magical thinking' and delusions.

Practical Magic & Spells - Omen - Psychic Parlor and Witchcraft Emporium

Worst of all, most of them can't write worth a damn. Llewellyn Worldwide is the absolute worst on both counts. These books are also big offenders on the the 'cultural appropriation' front. In fact, they're in the running for worst case ever. So-called 'eclectic witches' steal aspects of other religions and mythology. They make it clear that they don't understand them, or feel the need to, before shitting in someone else's bed. The living Venn diagram of demographics for these books would look like this: She's a white, American woman.

Growing up, her strict parents took her to church every Sunday. She kissed a girl 10 years ago, and likes Katy Perry. To quote Holden from Chasing Amy, "Over- or underweight [people] who don't get laid - they're our bread and butter. They don't prime you to understand hermeticism.

Hermeticism, by the way, is also total bullshit. It is, at least, historic -- and seminal in almost all spooky fiction involving rituals or alchemy. If I give one of these books anything above 2 stars, it's a decent example of this type of book. It might have a redeeming feature, like reference material for fictional world-building.

Having worked in this field, including sales of these exact books, I can tell you Dec 02, Lavender Moon rated it really liked it. Love and light fluffy bunnies need not apply here. There might be too many candles involved for some people, but others will love that part. All in all a good book for those who are wanting to move past simple rituals with only a candle and move into more elaborate workings.

Practical Magic & Spells

Jan 29, Yvonne rated it liked it Shelves: wicca , witchcraft. This book was alright. I wouldn't gush over it but if someone is new to candle magick then this would be an asset to your collection Check out The Enchanted Candle by Lady Rhea. People either love or hate Raymond Buckland. In any case, he has made significant contributions to the Pagan community whether or not you agree with his approach.

This book is alright as I mentioned before. It covers a lot of the basics. Mar 23, Bladestryke rated it really liked it. A great little read full of information. Simple to read and great for anyone with an open mind Christian and pagan alike. Aug 18, Alex rated it liked it. I liked it! I could relate to much of the writing angst and decisions about stepping away from the novel writing. Good Every informative book and i suggest if you don't know a lot about candle magic to get this no matter how long you have you been in paganism.

Mar 04, Charity Bedell rated it it was amazing Shelves: magical-practices , witchcraft , paganism , christian-folk-magic , bible-magic , folk-magic , magic , spell-book , conjure. I have been a practicing with for 17 years. It's only been in the last few years that I have actually started to be open to working candle magic. I really had no idea how to start and how to get working. This book provided me with everything that I needed to know. Now there are several spells in this books that I am excited to try.

This simple book is really made out of four different sections.

There is the section of preparation, section for witchcraft style spells, and a section on Christian I have been a practicing with for 17 years. There is the section of preparation, section for witchcraft style spells, and a section on Christian style candle magic rituals. The final section is an appendix that talks about and covers temptation in magic and ways to work magic without candles due to living situations. The section on recuperation which opens the book really should not be forgotten.

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