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But it's nothing that required ish blog posts -- adding up to I have a lot of respect for the writers who blog here, all of whom find fresh new.
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The most common reason for blogging is making money , with two-thirds of all bloggers naming it as their main motivation. Google AdSense is the most popular monetization method bloggers use, followed by affiliate marketing. But for higher-income bloggers, AdSense ranks third: they are 2. Successful bloggers know their audiences well. Longer articles are correlated with success. Or click here to download a PDF of the full report, including a private bonus chart of the top things higher-income bloggers do differently. It seems to be a spot early-stage entrepreneurs get caught-up or stuck.

That and setting up the legal entity. Both of those areas are sticking points that often keep people from moving forward. Mark Zuckerberg has said that messaging is the future of social media, and it will never be easier than it is today to generate massive messenger subscriber lists and distribute your content out to billions of people. Because once you have enough traffic, things like design changes, 2 seconds faster load times or a well designed CTA can make thousands of extra dollars each month.

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I would probably give it an 8 or a 9 myself. The email list is still the best place by far to congregate that following, as of right now. I have found that it just does not translate into growth as much as we all think it should. It gets a 3 or 4 in my book.

Long-Form Content Generates More Backlinks Than Short Blog Posts

They tend to act like content marketers rather than solely as bloggers. While the first chart showed us that lower-income bloggers tend to focus on the content alone, this chart shows that they also tend to stick to the format of written blog posts — while higher-income bloggers follow a trend of branching out into multiple content formats. The simple fact is this: non-live videos are expensive to make.

In fact, the opposite. Ai Addyson-Zhang, Ph. My biggest takeaway after hearing all the keynote sessions was to produce more video content. I recommend all the bloggers give video content a try.

Here is a Summary of Our Key Findings:

I repurpose my live streaming interviews into blog articles. But there can be so many creative ways to build connections between written and video content. This chart demonstrates that higher-income bloggers are much more focused on marketing and promotion in general than lower-income bloggers are.

This is where they start implementing most of those aspects of digital marketing which moves the needle. The focus generally shifts from doing everything to doing those activities which generate significant results. For example: Setting up funnels, moving from shotgun marketing to sniper marketing and so on. Since the marketing efforts going to bring more highly targeted traffic to a working product in this case the blog itself is a bundle of products which in-turn convert into higher ROI.

This same technique can be applied by bloggers at any level, only if they understand the importance and impact of such re-investment in the business.

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This is one of the most important sets of blogging stats we collected, because it shows which traffic sources are the most important for bloggers and content marketers. This chart again shows how much higher-income blogs rely on organic search traffic and email, while lower-income bloggers tend to put less emphasis on most marketing outside of social media. The only two marketing channels that lower-income bloggers rely on more than higher-income bloggers do are Facebook and Twitter. But higher-income bloggers do put more emphasis on some social networks: YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, reddit, Facebook Messenger and Snapchat though those last two get low scores from both groups.

The majority of higher-income bloggers say that email, paid promotion, and YouTube are more important now than they were a year or two ago, while social media is about the same or less important. There are key differences in the types of blog posts being published by higher- and lower-income bloggers. Of all the types we asked about, the most common flavor of blog post is list articles, with about the same percentage of both income levels publishing them over the past year.

But after that, higher-income bloggers tend to favor how-to guides and case studies, while lower-income bloggers publish more opinion pieces and product reviews. Glen Allsopp, Founder of detailed.

How Many Blog Posts Are Published per Day – 2020 Statistics

Roundups — and supporting those on the same journey — makes sense in that regard. That, and I would imagine many give link love within value-giving articles, rather than dedicating content to roundups. I was pretty surprised to see list articles to be so common, though they can be done in a very interesting way e. Great data! While overall average blog post length has been covered elsewhere, this question addresses how long the best-performing blog posts are. Some people do systematic research to decide what topics to write about, while others rely on gut instinct. Care to guess which is more common among higher-income bloggers?

The majority of higher-income bloggers use some form of strategic research to help decide on post topics, while lower-income bloggers do so much less often. Interestingly, while the answers to several other questions in this study demonstrate that higher-income bloggers favor SEO over social media, those same bloggers use social media research slightly more often than keyword research. That may be because basic, informal social media research can be done quickly on the social networks themselves, while keyword research typically involves additional tools.

How Many Blogs Are Published Per Day In ? - Tech Jury

Cyrus Shepard , Founder of Zyppy. In my defense, I know my subject area very, very well. On the other hand, this confirms the importance of research when creating content. Obviously, a huge number of folks find success with social media research, as this is likely a channel from which these bloggers successfully generate traffic.

A meaningful specific beats a wandering generality. An inch wide and a mile deep. There are plenty of aphorisms about focusing on a specific area rather than trying to appeal to everyone. But do they hold up? It comes from a sense of worthlessness that they want a big number to help them overcome.

In reality, finding the right audience is more important. The reason we can do that is the Mixergy audience is full of real entrepreneurs with real companies, so advertisers pay more to reach them. Higher-income bloggers are much more likely to put deliberate thought into understanding their typical reader or target audience, with over two-thirds of them doing so.

Many bloggers write all their own content and do not hire writers at all. But of those that do outsource their article writing, we thought it would be interesting to see how much they pay per article. That aligns with what lower-income bloggers tend to pay. A little less than half of the lower-income bloggers we surveyed actually make money from their blogs. Both of those methods are also popular with higher-income bloggers, but a much larger proportion of higher-income bloggers sell their own product or service compared to lower-income bloggers.

While lower-income bloggers tend to say they have more challenges with their blogs, the top three difficulties are the same among both income levels. Major takeaways:. Motivation can be very important. With this question, we wanted to see if there were any major differences between the motivations of higher-income and lower-income bloggers. The tactics employed by each group are also quite a bit different from each other. For example, someone who is building a lifestyle business might focus on generating search engine traffic and passive income through affiliate marketing, while a freelancer might focus on guest posting and building authority through case studies and interviews.

It would be foolish to look at the charts above as a checklist of blogging trends that everyone should follow in order to be successful. Adopting any of these techniques too early or in the wrong scenario may even make a blog less likely to succeed. For example, unprofitable blogs will probably only become more unprofitable if they start using paid promotion.

Maybe you should try a hiring better writers to b write longer posts that are c more narrowly aimed at your specific target audience. The key is to think about how these techniques may fit in with the stage your blog is at, as well as what you are trying to accomplish. Now , click here for a bonus chart of the top things that successful bloggers do differently factors which are very correlated with higher income and a PDF of this full report.

Thanks to our supporters, Kinsta WordPress hosting and Mangools SEO tools , who helped bring in the 1, respondents that made our blogging study possible. We conducted this study as an online survey in February and received responses from 1, people who self-identified as bloggers — the majority of whom were U. The results published here have a 2. Content marketing is a crowded space, but he's one of the few people in it worth paying attention to. And if you ever have a chance to work with him, do it. The difference between an article written randomly and an article written after a good amount of keyword-research and research in general is huge for me.

What I have noticed over the years is that higher-income bloggers tend to be much more methodic. They take the time to research topics, understand their readers and tend to choose a strategy and take the time to implement it while lower-income bloggers often switch tactics.

I agree completely, Benjamin. Thanks for commenting! However, thanks a lot for the details research you conducted. This has helped me to understand a lot in the blogging world somehow. I found this from ShoutmeLoud Facebook page. I have got too many ideas after reading this.

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  • Seems you put absolute effort to write this according to 1, bloggers different thoughts. It took a ton of work but I knew there would be some interesting insights. Thank you for all of this! No doubt this will help on my journey. I was once an affiliate selling business energy contracts, my own created niche being uk holiday caravan sites trailer parks as you may call them.

    Now the energy office sales guys handle all my contract renewals but I still like to keep in touch with my existing customers, some of whom have been with me for over ten years and counting. They have a fairly high spend. This is how I made blogging work in my small way, in a massively competitive commercial energy market where my customers get seven phone cold calls a day but stay with me:.