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It looked awful.

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I invested a lot of obey into this turtle. It never basked so i would take it outside daily. When i went to summer camp my dad would be the one to take it outside. He left it out too long and it died. We only had a 20 gallon tank so it had to be a baby turtle because no other sized turtle would fit. We went to Chinatown and bought 2 baby turtles. One is healthy and after research i figured out that the other has a RI. My tank is very clean and i have 2 filters. I also put water conditioner in to make it healthy for turtles.

Since the turtle was in awful conditions but is now in better conditions, is there chance of survival. My thinking is "what it they all have the condition already and it's just that only one is showing the symptom? Room temperature water is that they should swim in.

Dances With Turtles: You Can't Make This Stuff Up!

Also remember that the UV-B light that they need can't penetrate glass -- and even regular window screen blocks a lot of it. I know that it is illegal to buy them when they are so small so I'm doing my best to take care of him. News to me. But maybe the laws in your home are different to those of the UK.

Obviously, keep the water level as low as possible. Enough to cover his knees is fine. If the filter won't work this way, disconnect, and just do daily water changes. Despite what was commonly said in the past, you don't need to warm the water. Warm air, heated by a heat lamp, and a source of UV-B is all they need. I and not sure is this is a problem or if I'm thinking too much. Needs treatment. Without treatment, respiratory tract infections are invariably fatal. I'm afraid he's subject to drowning or if he's sick. Thank you!! This isn't necessarily expensive, do understand that, but I know it's a hassle for many people.

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Usually, antibiotics and possibly a vitamin injection will be prescribed and used. If finances are limited, consult with your local animal welfare charity to see if they can help. I've cc'ed our "turtle guru" Darrel in case my diagnosis is wrong or could be modified.

Good luck to you both, Neale. Im having a really tough time with my RES. It almost seems like he's choking to me. But sometimes he eats his pellets and sometimes he won't eat for days. And yesterday he was laying upside down in his water.. I just really need some help about what i can do to help him i have no vets where i live that see turtles Such turtles often seem to have "the flu" in terms of symptoms -- inactive, runny noses, difficulty breathing. Other common symptoms include improper swimming from the fluid in the lungs and even audible wheezing.

The only cure is a course of antibiotics, preferably alongside a vitamin shot. You should be able to find a vet of some sort in your area. Honestly, that really is the only solution. If you think you can't afford a vet, contact your local animal rescue; they may be able to help. Otherwise this turtle will almost certainly die a miserable death. Thousands and thousands of turtles die this way, needlessly, and it's usually caused by a poor environment. Review his home. Does he get fresh greens to eat?

Does he have a UV-B lamp?

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More than anything else, it's these two things that people neglect, and the turtles, unfortunately, get sick and die. Your vet will be able to provide help in providing these, as will any decent pet reptile. Hello W.

Crew, I have a Red Eared Slider that is weak and it have a difficulty in breathing, she is breathing from her mouth, it don't able move and swim she usually sit and all time she is keep her head out of her body.. In Saudi Arabia i don't found a doctor to help me.. These are treated using antibiotics. These come from a vet. There are NO off-the-shelf cures. You simply can't treat this yourself. Without treatment this turtle will almost certainly die.

Do make sure you understand the reasons for Respiratory Tract Infections. They are almost always caused by problems in the way the turtle is looked after. Lack of UV-B is one common reason, lack of warmth is another. Neale i will search for a doctor.. I bought three sliders three months ago.

In early February, one was recently diagnosed with upper RI his name is Smarty; symptoms are gasping for breath, open mouth breathing, sneezing with bubbles around mouth and another pneumonia his name is Dash; symptoms are rapid breathing and strange squeaking noises. I have a UVA lamp to keep them warm. I took them to the vet and Smarty already got 6 antibiotic injections and Dash got 5. They do not always do it but I still catch them doing it. They are sometimes sneezing too but with no discharge.

The vet said all this is normal though I am not sure it is. I never see them breathe with their mouths before their illness and I never see other healthy turtles do it. Can you please give your opinion on this?

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My opinion is that they are on the road to recovery but not yet fully recovered. In a human at In a turtle at, say, 88 degrees, that same bacterium can take 2 weeks to reproduce -- meaning a minimum of 4 weeks to effectively control the infection. Some of the tortoises that we have that are kept at room temperature say 73 degrees can battle an infection for 9 months! You've killed a good portion of the bacteria but you need to keep them dry-docked under UVA and UVB light with only daily baths for a minimum of weeks.

Now that they have been given a fighting chance, we just need to let their immune system fight the remaining bugs.

Dances Turtles Stuff by Russell Thornberry - AbeBooks

I give them zoo-med pellets, around 15 pellets a day each. I am trying not to overfeed as the rear shell is starting to curve up suspect this is too much protein? Is this right? I do not want to spread the illness to my 3rd one. It has been separation for about a month now. I am so worried. I hope my sliders will recover soon.

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They must hate me for dry docking them and keeping them separately!! I am actually feeding them twice a day now with around pellets at each feeding per slider. They consume them in less than 1 minute! The vet told me to cut back on their food due to excess protein causing the rear shell to curve up. They are about three months old now so is it good to feed twice a day or just once a day? And how much should I feed? Sliders are incredibly tolerant of water quality. If it's clear and doesn't smell, then you're changing it often enough.

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New RES owner in need of help!!! I currently have two RES that I have had for about two months they are about an inch and a half in diameter. When I first got the two of them one was very active and was dominating with eating and the other one was shy and liked to hide and took a while longer before he began to eat. The RES that was always so aggressive is now not eating and just sits around docking off its floating rock.

I noticed him yawning and occasionally sneezing. So I believe he has a respiratory infection. What should I do?! A saltwater solution? I ran a q-tip over his shell and skin but I don't know if it did any good. How can I send you pictures?