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1 o#a LATIN CROSS CELTIC CROSS EGYPTIAN ANKH PREHISTORIC SPIRAL origins in ancient cultures, where they were used in art and religious ritual.
Table of contents

This includes in particular the Reiki symposium in Vienna and Berlin.

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I was invited to both events and was able to gain many wonderful experiences as a participant and speaker. Based on this, the contents of many lectures were designed. Mostly, several lectures ran in parallel, so that everyone could choose their favorite topic. I will now briefly comment on some of the presentations at the symposium.

Time limit is exhausted. The beginning of life Lecture at the symposium from Dr. Using a synthesis of some of the worlds most influential teachings, Sparks shows us through his own experience that Reiki is more than a technique of hands-on healing, it is also a path of light and Love. Embracing its nature shows us how to balance our life and work through the problems, illnesses, and issues that keep us from being at peace.

For those who already share this understanding, and for those who are ready to begin the healing journey to their own divinity, this book is a valuable resource. It includes: a quantum leap in the understanding of Reiki powerful I AM affirmations for healing and self-empowerment fascinating new insights into the Usui symbols how walking the Path of Inclusion can bring peace into your life. John David Sparks began his metaphysical studies in He works as a teacher, healer, and writer, traveling nationally and internationally to share his expanded vision of Reiki as a life path.

In , he opened Insight Awareness, a holistic healing center near Chicago, where he continues to teach today. Account Options Login.

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Koleksiku Bantuan Penelusuran Buku Lanjutan. Dapatkan buku cetak. In most Reiki schools, instead, these elements turn out to be absent. In the world surely thousands, may be tens of thousands of several different schools of Reiki exist, each one has its own features and often it arranges the techniques and the ideas of Mikao Usui with elements of other origin, of Buddhist derivation, coming from the background of the esoteric, of the New Age-Next Age world and also, sometimes, Christian.

They characterize themselves for an intense activity and a certain public visibility. However in the common opinion it has a spiritual connotation and it is thought to be useful. Besides being a technique for the achievement of the physical well-being and in some cases of the recovery as a complement, in order to improve our own spiritual way thanks to the free flow of the Universal Vital Energy and to its harmonizing function.

It is to be pointed out, as an interesting datum, the fact that many Reiki masters have built up themselves and are skilful also in alternative therapeutic practises or techniques able to increase the human potentiality, or they reveal an interest for the oriental spirituality Buddhist in particular. Therefore not few people declare to have been disciples of Osho Rajneesh.

William Lee Rand, together with others authors, in his volume Reiki. The author himself in Reiki for a new millennium precises that Reiki comes from God or from an advanced power Lee Rand, Therefore it enables many people to keep their ideas and their own religious experiences. Before dedicating himself to the public ministry Jesus travelled in India, Tibet and China and was initiated to Reiki or to a primitive technique similar to Reiki to become a Reiki master.

The statements of Lee Rand, who is an author among the most quoted in circles favourable to Reiki, even if they are exemplificative, help to pick some of the essential features of the doctrinal system which is the practical basis of Reiki, that is of the ideas expressed from the totality of the authors and Reiki masters as a theoretical- philosophical justification of the spiritual and physical connotation of Reiki. The anthropological and spiritual reference picture is characterized by an underlying, syncretistic formulation tending to create a mingling among elements drawn from the various religious traditions.

In a generalized manner, and owing to the reasons that are by now well known, elements drawn from the philosophies and oriental religions prevail with a strong predominance of Buddhism. For example the flowing of the energy into the human body is described through the system of the energetic channels and the chakra. In its proposals, made to an external public, the syncretistic attitude yields the step to an open relativism. Consequently Reiki is described as a not exclusive spiritual way. It can be put together to other ways and to their own religious beliefs.

If we keep in consideration the interviews to which a hint has been made, such a conception seems to be deeply rooted in the greater part of the interviewed. In the perspective of the relationship health-salvation Fizzotti, ; Pavesi , the option of the schools of Reiki is openly oriented towards a holistic vision of the cosmos and of man. The body and the spirit are actually the two action plans of the practise of Reiki and the harmony between these produces a physical and spiritual well-being.

On the basis of these elements, Reiki can simply appear as one of the alternative therapeutic practises, flowing into the immense network of alternatives therapies. It can be framed, in its turn, in the large metanetwork of the New Age. In particular, the historical evolution of the spreading of Reiki to the West and its present very remarkable international expansion, leads to think that such a practise has not suffered any damage but instead it has drawn benefits from the evolution-decline of the New Age. It has taken place, starting from the half of s, in that phenomenon having a more individualistic character which is called Next Age Introvigne ; Zoccatelli ; Berzano ; Menegotto If this classification reveals to be adequate according to several scholars, a scrupulous observation of the modalities of presence of Reiki in the West, can lead us to think that probably the existence of such a practice has a much more complex sociological connotation.

The modalities of its existence transversely cross the religious scene of the post-modern West. In the plurality of its schools, Reiki sometimes lives inside or on the sidelines of some new religious movements, above all of oriental origin, of its own human potential or, more exactly, of the New Age-Next Age tradition.

In such cases, it gets integrated inside a wider vision of man and the cosmos. Very often yet Reiki has an independent life for the cure of the body, and it is advised inside well-being centres.

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In spite of that, it continues, however, in its founding ideas to recall some dominant concepts in the sacred post-modern scenery and some notions that on the basis of the criteria of religious sciences are classifiable as clearly relevant to the sacred and spiritual spheres. The case of Reiki appears however either for the great diffusion that this practise has presently in the West or for the great presence of centres in which it is practised, surely the most meaningful case. However, the category of religion cannot be extended without any difficulty to Reiki, being it lacking in its doctrinal system in elements such as a complete message of salvation and a theology of the history that explains the origin and the destiny of man.

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However, nowadays, a shared definition of religion CESNUR, does not generally exist in social sciences and in the study of religions. The reality of Reiki well seems to adapt itself to a model of research supplied by some American specialists. In this perspective the study of the reality of Reiki reveals to be a further contribution to the wide debate on the concept, the meaning, the role and the place that the religion occupies in our age.

Baginski, B. Padova: Meb. Bhatnagar, A. Transform Your Life with Reiki. New Delhi India : Penguin Books. Correspondence with the author of the paper. E-mail, 17 th February Berzano, L. New Age.

Reiki - Wikipedia

Bologna: Il Mulino. Brown, F. Living Reiki. Mendocino California : Life Rhytm. Introvigne, P. Zoccatelli, N. Enciclopedia delle religioni in Italia. Leumann Torino : Elledici. Carmignani, U.

What is Reiki Attunement?

Rossi Eds. Torino: Centro Scientifico Editore. Canil, D. La vera storia del Reiki. Padova: Edizioni GB. Coney, J. Osho Rajneesh e il suo movimento. Cristofanilli, G. Il Reiki delle origini. Giaveno Torino : Amrita. Eliade, M. Das Heilige und das Prophane. Amburgo: Rowohlt. Il Sacro e il Profano. Torino: Boringhieri. Ellyard, L.

The Tao of Reiki. Fizzotti, E. Religione o terapia?