Guide Blogging Tips They Never Told You

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Sometimes, when I tell people that I blog for a living, they roll their eyes. So for all of you beginner bloggers out there who are looking to get Below are 12 common mistakes most beginners make and some tips on how to While the ideas may come at random moments, the ideas themselves should never be random.
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You followed them. They're just sending them to the twittersphere for anyone who will read and listen. Remember you followed them only because Twitter told ya' to when you signed up! Do NOT waste those social media consultants time and money meetin' for a free lunch to milk their brain.

If ya' got a bad gut feeling about a url and their avatar looks like yer wild Aunt Lucy.. Chances are you'll end up with a crazy virus like yer Aunt Henrietta! It's better to give than to receive. Give with no intention of getting something in return. Addiction to social media does not equal expertise. Find a good mentor. Scratch their back. Support their goals. Listen and learn! Perfection is the enemy of good. Just get out there and engage!

Adsense Tips for Bloggers 1

All Tweeters do not look exactly like their avatar. A wordpress blog is as good as ya' need to get started. A retweet is not the same as a retreat and is not as good as my meatloaf reheated! When ya' retweet someone's tweet put a RT in front of their Twitter handle name. Don't pretend it's yours if it's not!

Social media will not save your biz by itself! Get yer plan together and get integrated. Plan yer work and work yer plan. Do NOT tweet the same thing over and over. Just because you wrote a cool blog post, ya' don't need to tweet it times in one day Red alert for twitter addiction. Don't miss supper for a few more tweets. It's not the number of followers ya' have but the quality of the relationships. Quit counting. It is not just money and number of followers that matter in life. Focus on yer friendships and good stuff content and you'll be just fine! When in doubt simply be you and be real!


Talk to people about real life. Whatever ya' do, do NOT leave the default avatar on any social media profile. Ya' got a pretty profile and teeth. Let em' shine! Start a website on WordPress or Tumblr and use it to write your book a chapter or scene at a time. Then eventually publish all the posts in a hardcopy book.

This is a little different than tradition blogging, but the same concepts apply. We created a free tool to help you know when your blog posts are ready to publish.

Adsense Tips for Bloggers 1

You need it in order to keep fresh ideas flowing. I use Evernote , but use a system that works for you. Then, rewrite the entries in a much more polished book format, but use some photocopies or scans of the journal pages as illustrations in the book. The truth is: inspiration is merely a byproduct of your hard work. Instead, plan for breaks ahead of time so you stay fresh: minute breaks, hour breaks, or even multiple day breaks. A coffee shop or library where people are actually working and not just socializing can help. Instead, write without judgment first, then go back and edit later.

Click here to download a complete reference guide of all these writing tips. What do you want to write a book about? What is your best writing advice? Share in the comments.

5 things you should never say to a blogger

Bestselling author and creativity expert Jeff Goins dismantles the myth that being creative is a hindrance to success by revealing how an artistic temperament is, in fact, a competitive advantage in the marketplace. For centuries, the myth of the starving artist has dominated our culture, seeping into the minds of creative people and stifling their pursuits.

In fact, they capitalized on the power of their creative strength. Get the Book.

But wait, what is good writing?

It happens in three phases: Beginning : You have to start writing. This sounds obvious, but it may be the most overlooked step in the process. Staying motivated : Once you start writing, you will face self-doubt and overwhelm and a hundred other adversaries.

  1. The Prince and the Pauper, Part 5.!
  2. five things I would tell you if you told me you’re thinking about starting a blog.
  3. Reader Interactions.
  4. Our Contract With Mistress MILF (More MILF Series)?

Finishing : Nobody cares about the book that you almost wrote. We want to read the one you actually finished, which means no matter what, the thing that makes you a writer is your ability not to start a project, but to complete one. Phase 1: Getting started We all have to start somewhere. With writing a book, the first phase is made up of four parts: 1. Decide what the book is about Good writing is always about something. Set a daily word count goal John Grisham began his writing career as a lawyer and new dad — in other words, he was really busy.

Set a time to work on your book every day Consistency makes creativity easier. Here, we are going to focus on the next three tips to help you get the book done: 5. Set a total word count Begin with the end in mind.

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  • The Communist Manifesto is an example of this, at about 18, words. The Great Gatsby is an example of this. Most Malcolm Gladwell books fit in this range. The Four-Hour Work Week falls in this range.

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    The Steve Jobs biography would fit this category. Give yourself weekly deadlines You need a weekly goal. Commit to shipping No matter what, finish the book.

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    • Embrace failure As you approach the end of this project, know that this will be hard and you will most certainly mess up. Write another book Most authors are embarrassed by their first book. Before you can launch a bestseller, you have to write a bestseller. Bonus: 10 more writing tips! This tool allows you to enter basic terms you know you want to cover, and then produces five sample blog titles that work for business blogs. Keep in mind that a working title isn't final -- it's just a concrete angle you can use to keep your writing on track. Once you nail this stage of the ideation process, it's much easier to write your blog posts.