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Betty Lee's vacation before her senior year cannot be passed over with only casual mention, for it was the “best yet” as declared by Betty and.
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Young Adult. Lee had not brought Mrs. But the Penroses, driving up to the Maine village to investigate all its delights, of which they were hearing in letters from Gwen and cards from their sons, left at the psychological moment, Gwen said, to take Kathryn and Betty with them. It was a little hard to leave Carolyn behind.

She had given up all idea of camp and Betty really did not see how any one could leave the ocean unless she had to. But the restless boys had been making ready to leave on some other trip, by boat, if Larry Waite had his way. There would be some scattering. Betty and Kathryn were taken by car to Boston, where they embarked for New York, going on a "delirious" jaunt by a coast steamer to New York.

There they joined the Lees, Amy Lou doing the honors of the city with great dignity and telling the girls where to see different things of importance. Betty would not spoil Amy Lou's enthusiasm by reminding her that she had been there before. That was one pleasant custom in the Lee family, to give each member a fair chance with enthusiasms or accomplishments. To take the wind out of anybody's sails-well, that was too deadly!

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But Betty and Kathryn had a gay time for a a week. They ate lobster in one delightful place and had French dainties in another. And both agreed that no summer which they ever should have could come up to this one. Here they were now in this wonderful camp; and Betty declared that having seen her father and mother and Amy Lou had been quite enough to stave off any homesickness. She never would want to go home now. This was more like school in numbers, this Indiana camp of Girl Reserves. The group in the Maine village had been more or less an exclusive, or small one.

Betty Lee, Senior

Here were about sixty girls, only a few of whom Betty knew, though there were some from other high schools in her home city. And were they friendly-and noisy, at certain times? So Betty queried in her home letter written the day after arrival. But it was only the camp freedom, supervised, to be sure, that found expression here as in all camps. Betty and Kathryn, rather expecting this to be something of an anti-climax after Maine, were pleasantly disappointed. Why, it was "gorgeous! It was "like being away to school-and without lessons!

That she had "loved" and it had made her happy in her interest in Lyon "T," but it did not last long enough. By arrangement she was here for three weeks and would see some changes in the personnel of the girls. Many of them came for only a week; some, for two weeks. The camp had been a gift to the Y. The main building, originally a country hotel or club house, was a three-story structure and had been adapted to its present use, very much like a girls' dormitory.

Wide porches, a large room with a fireplace for the open fires they sometimes had in cool evenings, an immense dining room, a big "back porch" which was practically a large room and now glassed in and screened, to be thrown open often-all these were prominent features.

Betty Lee Senior - AbeBooks

There were several small cottages and because the next group of Girl Reserves was a large one, Kathryn and Betty had been placed in one of these, as they were to stay over into the next period. The girls were at first a trifle disappointed, but when they found that a phoebe was nesting on the ledge above their very door, undisturbed with their passing in and out, they were quite delighted.

Main building, cottages and all were perched on a wooded bluff above the banks of a beautiful little river. It was not the ocean, to be sure, but Betty was satisfied when she first realized the loveliness of the place, its tall trees, the birds nesting close by and their songs in the morning.

And oh, the nice space!

Little country roads, deep hollows, thick woods, all sorts of growths with the wild flowers of the late season! There was a safe backwater in which to swim and bathe-and the water was warm, and did not taste salty! Inland country had a beauty of its own. Moreover, there was some one to tell you about everything.

A young science instructor from one of the colleges had charge of a nature interest group, for which Betty and Kathryn promptly signed. Betty joined the dramatic group and Kathryn signed up for handicraft. Both were in the recreation group, and they concluded that a poetry club would be "instructive. Yet it was not in the least like school and classes. The nature group met out under the trees and planned or executed a hike.

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The recreation group played tennis, volley ball and other outdoor games or scampered over the country on horseback, as Betty and Kathryn were doing now. The dramatic group took the lead in the funny plays or masquerades or stunts with which the whole camp was entertained. And now the girls were jogging slowly home from their ride.

The horses would be given a little rest and another set of riders would have their turn. Then she sobered, thinking that it was not very nice of her to make a joke of anything connected with that harassed boy. There's that Kentucky warbler that we've been trying to see! I didn't know that they nested here till Miss Davenport told us.

Even the girls' low voices had made the bird whisk out of sight again. Quiet indeed must she who follows the birds learn to be! There was no further conversation while the girls stealthily tiptoed to a vantage point and watched the thick bushes that concealed the warbler.