Deep Meditation - Pathway to Personal Freedom (AYP Enlightenment Series Book 1)

Editorial Reviews. About the Author. Yogani is the author of the Advanced Yoga Practices Deep Meditation - Pathway to Personal Freedom (AYP Enlightenment Series Book 1) Book 1 of 11 in AYP Enlightenment Series (11 Book Series).
Table of contents

One can choose their mantra and rid their mind of clutter and be silent internally and be with inner peace with oneself. The benefits only become greater the longer one meditates and the more in touch one becomes with their mantra. If this sounds like what you want then you should read this book.

Deep Meditation (1 of 7), Interview with Yogani

Feb 14, Reader rated it really liked it. The description for this book and the rest in the series uses the word concise. I read several books on meditation before this one. None of the others resulted in any actual action can I use that word when talking about meditation the way this one has. For those that want an approachable resource on a somewhat "mystical" practice, this book delivers. I recommend the entire series by Yogani.

This is an excellent "to the point" book. This is THE book people starting to do meditation should pick up. Feb 06, Eduard rated it liked it Shelves: It's not a bad book, small too. Does not have religious stuff in it too. But felt afterwards that size to useful information ratio here was not good. Seems like its twice larger then it should be, and amount of jargon feels little bit higher then it could be too. Anyways contains single but I guess powerful technique, especially good for calming down. A very concise and straightforward guide to meditation.

At time it even seems overly simple - but it is an excellent reminder of how not to overdo it when trying to meditate.

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Its use of mantra meditation helps keep things simple and straightforward. It gets a touch new-agey towards the end, but overall a great starting place - or refresher - for meditation. Mar 09, John Taylor rated it it was amazing. Excellent intro to a simple mantra meditation. Still might be worth seeking a tutor for guidance but really this is all you need to get going - and it's literally at time of writing times cheaper than a course in Transcendental Meditation.

Jul 27, Alice rated it it was amazing Shelves: In exactly pages, this tiny book has made the practice of meditation more approachable than it has ever felt to me before. I reserve five stars for books that change my life or my way of thinking. This concise and well-laid-out explanation of deep meditation has certainly done so. Jan 05, Hannes Andreas rated it it was amazing. Apr 24, Ryan rated it it was amazing.

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  5. Deep Meditation - Pathway to Personal Freedom Audiobook | Yogani |
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Yogani lays it out so well, and this is all anyone really needs to learn meditation. Anything else is just icing on the cake! Nov 19, Vicky rated it really liked it. If you want to know more about meditation without having all the religious jargon then this is a very good starting book. Nov 07, Jenny Novel Idea rated it really liked it. May 29, Mike rated it really liked it Shelves: Really is a good no-muss, no-fuss introduction to mantra meditation.

Deep Meditation - Pathway to Personal Freedom (eBook) - Yogani - Google Книги

Feb 08, Stu rated it liked it. The book was good and I got some useful meditation tips. Mar 24, Rob rated it really liked it.

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  • Straight to the point. Jul 10, Hannah Thompson rated it it was amazing. A really simple yet complete introduction to meditation. Really enjoyed reading it and putting the ideas into practice. Oct 13, Dmje rated it really liked it. Still reading it, but it's a blindingly simple and lovely guide to meditation - the best I've read. When you purchase this title, the accompanying reference material will be available in your My Library section along with the audio.

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    Deep Meditation - Pathway to Personal Freedom (AYP Enlightenment Series Book 1)

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    Deep Meditation - Pathway to Personal Freedom : (Ayp Enlightenment Series)

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