The Elevator [with Biographical Introduction]

An elevator (US and Canada) or lift is a type of vertical transportation that moves people or . Some sources from later historical periods mention elevators as cabs on a hemp rope powered by hand or by animals. In , Elisha Otis introduced the safety elevator, which prevented the fall of the cab if the cable broke.
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Elisha Otis: Biography, Inventions & Quotes

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This lesson explores the life and inventions of American engineer Elisha Otis, known for his innovative contributions to safety and automation. We will learn about his invention of the safety elevator and founding of the Union Elevator Company. Myths Versus Reality There are plenty of urban myths about the mechanical failure of elevators. Who Was Elisha Otis? Illustration depicting Otis Crystal Palace demonstration Later, Otis perfected a leveling system that smoothed the landing of an elevator as it reached a floor in a skyscraper.

Want to learn more? Select a subject to preview related courses: Other Inventions and Achievements It's easy to overlook the secondary effects of inventions that make the modern world possible.

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Lesson Summary Elisha Graves Otis was an American inventor and engineer notable for his innovations in hoist systems and automation. Register for a free trial Are you a student or a teacher? I am a student I am a teacher. Unlock Your Education See for yourself why 30 million people use Study.

Who Was Elisha Otis?

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Crafting an Elevator Pitch - Communications Skills From

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Like this lesson Share. Browse Browse by subject. Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. Take quizzes and exams. Earn certificates of completion. You will also be able to: The two pushed this concept in order to help other statisticians in promoting what they have to offer. Boardman pushed the concept much further than Hahn, resulting in the elevator pitch, or elevator speech, ultimately being linked to Boardman and his professional life. Another origin story for the elevator pitch is from Elisha Graves Otis , the inventor of a device meant for elevator safety, which dates back to the s.

In , Otis began developing a device that would improve the safety of elevators, specifically related to the hoists used to lift heavy equipment to upper floors. He did so by lifting an elevator, like normal, but as it was positioned approximately halfway up the elevator shaft, the rope was cut. This can be known as the first elevator pitch ever. An elevator pitch is meant to last the duration of an elevator ride, which can vary in length from approximately 15 seconds to two minutes.

Therefore, the main focus of an elevator pitch should be making it short and direct. According to the Idaho Business Review [5] , the first two sentences of any elevator pitch are the most important, and should hook or grab the attention of the listener s. Information in an elevator pitch, due to the limited amount of time, should be condensed in order to express the most important ideas or concepts within the allotted time. Furthermore, the Idaho Business Review suggests individuals who use an elevator pitch deliver it using simple language, and avoiding statistics or other language that may disrupt the focus of the listener.

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Crafting an Elevator Pitch

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