True Bible Study - Ephesians

The Lord Jesus Christ, Online Bible Study Video Lessons. Ephesians provides details of what the Apostle Paul wrote to the people being holy and believing in.
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Heart Stealers Bible Studies Paperback: Related Video Shorts 0 Upload your video. Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Finding True Love" is written for today's generation with the purpose of increasing the reader's strength in their understanding and knowledge of God's love. It is a love story of God's pursuit of those willing to accept the unconditional love He offers. The thought provoking questions and related narrative are designed for individual study or for group use.

Ephesians videos 39 and 40

The six week study is made up of lessons formatted in five daily segments to be completed each week. Each lesson contains a verse of the week, brief commentary, questions for consideration or discussion, and a contemplative prayer. Contemporary stories and illustrations are drawn from real people from a generation of young people. Sarah has also used a unique approach for creating interest by using familiar popular movies as a backdrop for each week's lesson while introducing Biblical truths through movie trivia questions and movie mania insights as discussion starters. Background material from Old Testament writing as well as references to other New Testament passages reinforce the Ephesians passage as well as open up another level of understanding of the truth being uncovered.

Sarah has a gift for extrapolating personal application from the scripture passages through her narrative, Biblical exercises, and the thought provoking questions suggested for study, reflection and contemplation. This is an important, timely, study for contemporary young adults.

From the opening sentences of the Introduction to the final prayer, Sarah Howell had me hooked. She opened my eyes to a new way of looking at Ephesians, and she's right I don't think any other writer has generated so much excitement about beginning a Bible study. Not only did Sarah do that, she also kept the excitement going, day after day for six weeks!

It didn't hurt that she chose the love stories from some of my favorite movies The Notebook and Sweet Home Alabama among others to draw parallels with the love stories in Ephesians. Sarah not only relates parts of the movies that fans will know, but also little-known "behind the scenes" stories about the actors, screenwriters, and directors which are used to show just how relevant the Bible still is in our daily lives. What an exciting way to explore the Word! And even if you haven't seen all the movies she discusses, she gives enough of the key story lines to clearly illustrate her points. Sarah doesn't overload the reader with verses to memorize, or leave entire blank pages on which to write responses to her probing questions.

Instead, she includes a VOW or Verse of the Week and uses fun icons to guide the reader in various activities. As a busy woman, I appreciated the limited space provided to respond to her thought-provoking questions because I know I have to be succinct in my responses, and I don't have to stress about how long I'm going to spend working on it. Sarah's ability to make the Bible relevant and interesting is priceless.

Reading this book will give any reader a new appreciation for the Bible, and probably have you watching popular movies in a whole new light as well. One person found this helpful. I enjoy a good love story.

Even more, I love God's love story, the Bible. Finding True Love by Sarah Howell, I'm reminded again of how important it is to maintain my relationship with my first love, God. Sarah's ability to bring Ephesians to contemporary life through the use of movies is a great way to relate the truths of the Ephesian church of Paul's day to the Church today. I commend this sister in Christ for walking in faith to pen this book in addition to her first, Galatians: Both studies are conducive for group use as well as personal quiet time.

So, with the Word, a copy of Sarah's book, a pen, and some popcorn, some quality time in fellowship with God is sure to follow. One person found this helpful 2 people found this helpful. This means that we do not all need to look alike and act alike and do the same things.

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There is room for differing gifts, ministries, and personalities in this one body. A complex machine is highly organized, but it lacks life. The church differs from human organizations in that it has this extra essential of new life from God. Each member of the body has experienced the new birth.

Once we were dead in our sins, but God in His rich mercy made us alive together with Christ Eph. There are some profound implications of this truth of the one body of Christ. First, Paul is not referring to the visible church, but rather to the unseen, spiritual body of Christ, composed of all genuine believers in every time and place since the Day of Pentecost.

These believers worship in a multitude of local churches, but corporately they and the saints in heaven compose this one spiritual body of Christ. Even though a local church seeks to screen its membership as we do here , every local church no doubt has some people on the membership rolls who are not members of the one body of Christ, because they have not been born again.

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It is a unity of the Spirit. Stemming from this, a second implication is that true Christian unity is always based on this principle of new life in Christ, not on an orga n izational basis. True believers may come together and form organizations for evangelism or missions or other cooperative ministries. But if we form or join with an organization composed of those who profess to know Christ, but deny the gospel or other core Christian truths, we do not have biblical unity.

It is not the kind of unity that Jesus prayed for in John It is not the unity of the Spirit that Paul talks about here. Whenever you meet someone who has experienced the new birth, you have the basis for genuine fellowship, because you are both members of the one body of Christ. The person may be from a different background or denomination or even from a different country, but when you meet, you sense the unity because you both have been born again.

It is unity based on shared life in Christ. A third implication is that if other individuals or other local churches are members of this one body of Christ, we should rejoice when they do well. There should not be competition or rivalry between members of the one body.

It would be ludicrous for my kidneys to be jealous of my liver because my liver is healthy! Paul means, of course, the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the agent of regeneration or the new birth. It is ironic that although Paul mentions the Holy Spirit as a primary element in Christian unity, believers have often divided over the doctrine of the Holy Spirit. Based upon some of the transitional passages in Acts 8, 19 , some argue that you must receive the Holy Spirit subsequent to conversion, accompanied by speaking in tongues. But in Romans 8: But if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Him.

At the moment of salvation, we receive the Holy Spirit. Christians are also divided over whether we must be baptized with the Spirit subsequent to salvation. But the terms are distinct in Scripture.

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The Holy Spirit baptizes all believers into the one body of Christ at the moment of conversion 1 Cor. Subsequently, we must learn to walk by the Spirit and be filled with the Spirit Gal. This takes us back to 4: There is a general call of the gospel that goes out to all Matt. It is that call that saves us that unites us into the one body through the one Spirit. John says that when we see Jesus at His return, we will be changed into His likeness. Then he adds 1 John 3: In the Bible, hope is not uncertain, as we often use the term.

But biblical hope is absolutely certain, but not yet realized. It is certain because God has promised it and He never fails to keep His promises. When He comes, we will be caught up to be with Him forever. Those who reject Him will face His wrath and judgment. As with the doctrine of the Spirit, so with matters of prophecy, there is division among Christians.

Ephesians Bible Study (Your True Identity) - West Palm Beach church of Christ

But all genuine Christians are united on this one fact, that Jesus is coming back bodily in power and glory. It is the Holy Spirit who gives us hope as we believe in the promise of His coming Rom. This is the hope of our calling. We move here from the Spirit to Jesus Christ. Thus all true biblical unity centers in the person and work of Jesus Christ, our eternal Lord. If a person or a religious group denies what the Bible teaches about the person of Jesus, that He is fully God and fully man, we are not in unity with them.

If they deny His substitutionary death on the cross as the only means by which we can be reconciled to God, we are not one with them. If they deny the need to submit everything to Jesus as Lord and to live so as to please Him, we are not one with them. He is our Lord both by virtue of who He is, the sovereign Creator and Sustainer of the universe; and, by what He did, purchasing us with His blood on the cross. If someone claims to know Christ as Savior, but denies that He is their Lord, you need to challenge him on whether he truly knows Him as Savior. At best, you cannot enjoy true fellowship with a professing Christian who by a disobedient life denies the lordship of Jesus Christ.

Some reputable commentators interpret this to mean the faith that saves or justifies us F. But I agree with most commentators that it refers to the Christian faith in the sense of Eph. While godly believers may disagree over certain doctrines, there are some essential doctrines that every true believer affirms. Every true believer holds that the eternal God sent His eternal Son, who took on human flesh through the virgin birth. This God-man lived a perfect life and offered Himself on the cross in the place of sinners, paying the debt that we owe. He was raised bodily from the dead, He ascended bodily into heaven, and He is coming back bodily to judge the world and to reign forever.

We receive the salvation that He offers by grace alone through faith alone, apart from any merit or works on our part.

Ephesians Bible Study (Your True Identity)

If a person denies any of these core truths of the gospel, he does not hold to the one faith and there is no basis for unity with him and us. Some think that this refers to the baptism of the Spirit, which takes place at salvation. But it occurs here in the verse about God the Son, the one Lord. Thus I think it refers to the act of water baptism, where those who have trusted in Christ as Savior confess Him publicly in obedience to His command. Again, as with the one Spirit and one hope, so there is controversy among Christians over the subjects and mode of baptism.

Some baptize infants by sprinkling. We baptize by immersion only those children or adults who confess Christ as Savior and Lord. But here Paul is focusing on the basic meaning of baptism, namely, identification with Jesus Christ. When a person is baptized, it signifies that he or she is totally identified with Christ in His death, burial, and resurrection, so that now we walk in newness of life in Him Rom. The water signifies being cleansed from all our sins Acts 2: Baptism in water is not necessary for salvation to say so would be to commit the Galatian heresy , but it is the necessary result of salvation, which produces obedience to Christ in the hearts of His children.

There is a sense in which both are true, but in the context, Paul is talking about the church. He means that God is the Father of all believers.