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ANTI-HOROSCOPE: HUMAN “SOFTWARE” (Series of 12 books) Did you know that, for example, all people born on January 4th of common years are ardent.
Table of contents

And, it is impossible not because you are idiots, but because Homo sapiens cannot fully know themselves and other people without an external and, most importantly, objective source.

People Born In February

Perhaps that is the reason why humanity was left "factory instructions" to each one of us—the Catalog of Human Population. Yes, that is right! There exists the Catalog of Human Population, which you can open and find out everything about any person you are interested in including yourself! Information about people presented in this book and in other eleven books in the series titled Anti-Horoscope: Human "Software" is from there, and not from your favorite horoscope. Non-Traditional Psychoanalysis. People Born In February. People Born In March.

People Born In April. People Born In May. People Born In June. It is known that people are different. Some eat a toast with some cheese for breakfast, others—a bowl of cereal with milk, while some people dream of having a piece of steak in the morning. Some go to work every day, and others prefer to create in free flight. For some family is most important, and others run away from it like the devil that caught a whiff of incense, while, as some jokingly say, losing women and children.

Some live according to moral values, while others have none. Some are fine with working, and others prefer to rob banks. Some like rap, while others prefer Mozart and Bach. Some take showers or clean their ears several times a day, and for others—once a week is enough.

Nature, humanism, science, skepticism.

Information theory for some, and news or soccer on the television for others At the same time, there is one thing in the world that every person desperately needs: information about who he is, what he is like by nature, for what he appeared in this world and how he should live.

However, do people look for this information in the right place? For us, this is a rhetorical question. We do not think—we know that people are looking for themselves in all the wrong places and in the wrong way. Proof of this is the following result: they are still looking for themselves; even those, who deny this process.

Because they did find, but not themselves! And, somewhere deep down they know this perfectly well! This means that the search continues in secret. People do not know their true, natural selves. And, as it turned out, they cannot know when an objective source of this knowledge is not available to them. This is a fact.

Publisher Description

This book explains why we state this and provides proof of this. Why did we name this series Anti-Horoscope? Those people, who are really looking for themselves are long tired of lack of specificity and uselessness of horoscopes.

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Moreover, the principle of horoscopism itself hinders more than it helps. We consider horoscopism not only horoscopes as such, but also any nonworking methods in general: psychological tests, mystical nonsense like numerology and meditation, use of drugs supposedly in order to look deep within ; religious and philosophical masturbation a la the truth is somewhere there with a hint that human soul cannot be uncovered, and so on. Everything listed above is great stupidity and blatant lies.

Human soul is knowable because the soul or psyche, if we use the scientific term of any person who lived in the past, lives today or was not born yet is described in the most detailed manner in the ancient source, which turned out to be the Catalog of Human Population! It is only necessary to open up the book and learn everything about yourself from this Encyclopedia of Homo Sapiens. In this encyclopedia, which we called the Catalog of Human Population, the biological type human is described as divided into two hundred and ninety three subtypes, each of which is endemic and categorically different from others.

Human soul is a program given to a person from birth and implanted at the genetic level. Depending on the time of birth, each person belongs to one of these two hundred and ninety three subtypes, detailed descriptions of which are provided in the Catalog of Human Population. Hence, the possibility to uncover the so-called unknowable soul; and, in detail on six factors: intellectual, physical, nutritional dietological , emotional, sexual and environmental.

As you can see, thanks to the Catalog of Human Population, self-knowledge moves to the there is nothing easier category. Moreover, there is nothing unusual in such approach to solving the problem of finding yourself. On the contrary, it is standard. After all, a human is first of all a natural object, and only then—social. You learn about animals, plants, planets and all other natural objects from encyclopedias, do you not? Or, do you personally find out about, for example, animals using intuition or, even worse, by experimenting for example, by pulling a tiger by its tail?

Or, perhaps, following the principles of horoscopism, in order to find out what a real tiger is like you watch cartoons about tigers or go to a toy store?

Do not worry—you will still have something to do. The time you would use to look for yourself can instead be spent on something more practical; for example, to become a human After all, you were. Upload Sign In Join.

Astrology and natal chart of John McAfee, born on /09/18

Home Books Society. Save For Later. Create a List. Summary Did you know that those people, who were born on February 6th of leap years or on February 7th of common years are not at all capable of going through life alone—they necessarily need a partner or partners? Read on the Scribd mobile app Download the free Scribd mobile app to read anytime, anywhere. All images are in the public domain. Table of Contents Preface Introduction.

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Anecdote As always, let's begin with some news.