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Patron Saints And Pauper Sinners - Kindle edition by Andy Sparks, Bryn Sparks. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets.
Table of contents

  1. Homily on Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati - "Ready to Think, to Feel, to Love, and Be Generous".
  3. Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts.

Give us, too, we humbly pray You, a saving fear of the fires of passion, and the help of Your grace to control them. Help us also to fear the fires of hell, that we may always keep away from serious sin, and live lives of goodness and virtue, through Christ our Lord. I am glad to live close to the earth that You have made. I am happy to spend so much of my time in the open air, under the bright sun, the symbol of Your own justice and light. I am grateful for the rain and for the freshness that it brings--the rain, a symbol of Your rich and undying blessings.

I am happy to cooperate with You in Your work of continuous creation, by growing the food that men need to sustain life. By Your almighty power You make grow seeds I plant.

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  • You fill the earth with minerals, You send the rain and the sun, the wind and the snow--and the dry, hard seeds I plant are raised to soft, green life. You have given men great wisdom and cleverness to build machines that make the labor of the farmer much less burdensome. Dear Lord, I am in Your almighty hands. I depend upon You for everything. If I sow the seed and cultivate the young plants, and You do not see fit to give me a good harvest, I will be satisfied. You are the Lord and master and creator of all things.

    You know what is good for me and what would do me harm. I trust You, absolutely and without question. I thank You again for calling me to a farmer's life. I beg of You never to let me forget its great advantages of closeness to You, absolute trust and confidence in You, and the fullness and richness of my life, close to the earth that You have made and have so marvelously blessed.

    May He, the Savior, spring from the closed womb of the earth! We know, too, and have seen, the ravages of frost and cold. We have walked in barren fields and up dry hills, through dead, silent woods and lifeless valleys, and along thirsty beds of once flowing streams.

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    We have seen, clearly enacted for us upon the land, what our life would be without You. We can understand, now, how we should long for Your coming.

    Saintly Hope & Comfort

    Come, dear Lord and Savior, and do not delay! Rise up in Your power and come! Let the rain of Your grace water the parched soil of our souls. Let the warmth of Your love thaw the coldness of our indifference. Let the life of Your Body and Blood vitalize our deadened energies, and stir us up to fruitful labor in Your vineyard. O eternal Father, rouse our hearts out of the sleep of sin, so that we may clear the path of Your Son into our souls.

    Each year in Advent, You gladden us with the thought of our redemption. Grant us, we pray You, that, as we receive Your Son as our Redeemer now, we may, in the future, gladly and confidently meet Him as our Judge.

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    DEAR Lord, the summer is over and gone, and the harvest is once more past. All the wealth and warmth of the summer sun is marvelously packaged now, in seed and fruit and vegetable, and stored away in bins and cribs and basements. Thank You, dear, generous God, for all Your goodness and for all Your gifts. All summer long You are working for us, storing heat and health and nourishment in the fields and woods.

    Now, when the air is cold, and there is no fruitfulness in the earth, we can live on what the summer and the harvest have stored up for us. Thank You for Your unnumbered kindnesses to us, dear God. Help us to make good use of the riches of the earth. Help us to be generous, even as You are, and al ways avoid selfishness and greed. Help us, too, to store up spiritual wealth in the summer of this life, while we can yet work. Otherwise life's autumn will come, death will call us, a spiritual winter will set in and we shall be found poor and unsheltered not for one season only, but for the winters of eternity.

    Lord, we trust in You, that, cooperating with Your many graces, we may make good use now of our rich opportunities. And may we then reap a rich spiritual harvest which we will enjoy with You and Your saints in the eternal spring and summer of heaven. It was at night that You first came to this earth. It was under the same stars that now gleam in this night sky that Mary first held You in her arms. It was by the faint light of these stars still shining tonight that the shepherds found their way to the stable, and discovered You, as the angels had said they would, lying in a manger.

    Dear Christ, it is especially at Christmas time that I see and understand how close You are to those who live on the land.

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    We have so many reminders of You! The stars and moon at night and the sun by day--the same stars under which You were born; the same moon that shone that night on Bethlehem; the same sun that brightened Your first days on earth. The stable, and the farm animals that shared their quarters and their warmth with You, their creator. The sheep and the shepherds that came to adore You--rough men, but good, truthful, honest, and sincere.

    You are our God, but You are our Brother, too. You are our King, but You come as a helpless little baby, longing for our love. Help us today and always to see You in all those with whom we come in contact. Let us never forget Your own instruction, that whatever we do for the least of those around us, we do for You. Help us always to serve You in the generous, selfless spirit of this season, and we shall then be real Christians--more and more like You--other Christs. All the earth worships You, the Father everlasting.

    To You all the angels, to You the heavens, and all the powers, To You the cherubim and seraphim cry out Without ceasing; Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of hosts! The heavens and the earth are full of the majesty of Your glory. The glorious choir of the apostles praises You.

    The admirable company of the prophets praises You. The white-robed army of martyrs praises You. You, O Christ, are the King of glories. You are the everlasting Son of the Father.

    Lesson Text

    You, in order to save men, did not shun the Virgin's womb. You have overcome the sting of death, and opened to believers the kingdom of heaven. You are sitting at the right hand of God, in the glory of the Father. You, we believe, are the Judge to come. We beg of You, therefore, to help Your servants, whom you have re deemed with Your precious Blood.

    Let them be numbered with Your saints in glory everlasting. O Lord, save Your people, and bless those who are Your heirs. And govern them and exalt them forever. Each day we bless You. And we praise Your name in eternity, for ever and ever. Be so kind, O Lord, as to keep us without sin this day. Have mercy on us, O Lord, have mercy on us. Let Your mercy, O Lord, be upon us, just as we have trusted in You.