Guide My Baby Book: My First Year (Treasured for a Lifetime Book 23)

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Babies may start making sounds in response to your reading. Try it: If your child make a noise, respond. When you read with toddlers, they take it all in: vocabulary and language structure, numbers and math concepts, colors, shapes, animals, opposites, manners and all kinds of useful information about how the world works.

You are helping build a positive association with books that will last a lifetime. Reading happens throughout the day. Nightly bedtime reading is a familiar routine for parents of toddlers — what better way to get your little ball of energy to relax before bed? Make sure the atmosphere is soothing and not rushed, and choose some of the many books that end, strategically, with a peaceful going-to-bed scene though friskier books about sleep-avoiding children are fun, too.

But read with your toddler during the day, as well. Offering to read books with toddlers is one of the best ways — some days, it can seem like the only way — to get them to slow down and focus. Introduce your own taste. Feel free to make them better.

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Your child is already surprising you with independent tastes and opinions. You may not be all that excited about fairies or talking trucks, but your child might be. Encourage children to express what they like about their books, and find more books like those. The parent-child pas de deux. The more you can make reading mutually satisfying, the more it will be associated with pleasure and reward.

Try it: Let your child turn the pages, to control the pace. Interruptions show that your child is engaged. Point at things and invite them to explain or narrate the action. Try it: At a certain age, children may start to gravitate exclusively to stories that feature a protagonist of their own gender. This is not true for toddlers. Take advantage of this time to expose them to a balanced menu of characters. Choose diverse books. All children need to see themselves reflected in the picture books around them. If your child is a member of a racial or ethnic minority, seek out books that feature children who look similar to yours — they are getting much easier to find.

White children also benefit from books that show children with different skin tones and ethnicities. All children need to encounter books that present the variety of cultural traditions and family structures that coexist in our communities. Exposing children to diversity in books will prepare them for life in a diverse world. That magical breakthrough moment — when your child shows an interest in letters, and begins to make out words on a page or in the world itself — happens at different ages for different children, even within the same family.

Mix it up. At first, try pointing to words you know your child will recognize and have him or her read them. When your child knows more words, try reading alternating pages. Every child learns to read at a personal pace. In fact, few 5-year-olds are ready to do full-on independent reading — even if many kindergarten programs are structured toward that goal.

Your child may already be under pressure to learn to read at school. Reading at home should be beautiful, fun, curiosity-quenching and inspiring. Check in with the teacher. Late readers often grow up to be better, more enthusiastic readers. Your child may be under more stress about learning to read than you realize. As your child begins to read independently, your role expands. Keep reading with your child, but also supply a steady stream of books that are appealing, and lots of positive vibes and good conversation about reading and books in general.

Your child may want to read what friends are enthusiastic about. Tip: Ask other parents what their children are reading, and offer to swap books. Make reading associated with maturity. Reading is a grown-up pastime, and can be done independently. We love Harry Potter, but also feel there is no reason to read Harry Potter out loud to your child. In other words, Harry Potter is the dessert, not the vegetables.

There are a lot of great books for kindergartners, but even the first Harry Potter book is not one of them. There are some dark themes in the later books; the author, J. Rowling, wrote those understanding that her readers would grow into the later books as they worked their way through the series. For some early readers, a big block of text is like a giant, daunting stop sign.

Resist applying that label and instead find books your early reader loves. The stories and characters can be rich and well developed, and children still learn reading skills with these more visually driven books. Graphic novels for young readers, meanwhile, have been steadily improving in literary quality, often winning prestigious awards and appearing on best-of-the-year book lists.

Make room for comics and manga. Many children become avid readers through their love of comics. A book about a computer game is still a book.

Fiction books:

Plenty of reluctant readers are fans of popular computer and video games. Many of these games have book counterparts, which can be a great way to steer your child toward the pleasures of text. Zombies, and the like. Some reluctant readers are fact-gatherers, who may be more inspired by reading nonfiction. Never treat books as a chore. Nobody earns candy for eating cookies. Astrid decides to join a summer roller derby camp, but can she stay close to her best friend even though they are growing apart? Raina experiences braces, boy troubles and other plagues of the sixth grade.

Bring Your Students’ Stories to Life

Read the review. These precious years when your child is living at home, observing your approach to life, are a great time to nurture your own reading habits.

If your child must keep one, consider the fine irony in bugging your student to crack a book every night, if you rarely do it yourself. Make reading a group activity.

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Just as younger children parallel play, older children parallel read. Try it: Instead of organizing family leisure time around TV, movies or video games, schedule a regular family reading time. Avoid giving your child an e-reader. Studies have shown that people, especially children, absorb and retain stories better when they read them in print. So there is a good pedagogic reason to urge your children to stick to paper.

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At night, screen time is known to interfere with melatonin cycles, which makes it harder to fall asleep. Books belong everywhere.

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Even a devoted anticlutter person should make an exception for books. Create impromptu reading opportunities for your child by leaving books in places where they may be picked up in an idle moment. Discovered on a coffee table, a great photography book or a book about lizards may occupy children for long stretches. Join — or start — a parent-child any combination book club. Being in a book club together increases the opportunities for you to start conversations about books, which may lead to deeper conversations about other subjects. Books to movies. A movie adaptation of a novel your child loves is a great way to re-engage with the book, opening a conversation about how a story can be told in different ways.

Encourage your child to read the book before the movie adaptation hits the screen. Consider establishing a family rule: No one watches the film until everyone has read the book. Let your child build a personal collection. Children love collecting. Every child should have a special bookcase. Plan for long-term storage for the best of this collection. When your children reach adulthood and discover that you still have the books that meant so much to them in childhood, they and you! Books are for giving. Not every book your child owns is bound for the permanent collection.

Keep a regular conversation going about which books your child is ready to hand down to younger siblings, cousins or friends. Consider a birthday-party book swap. When your child is at the picture-book stage, ask guests to bring a wrapped book instead of gifts, and have everyone choose one on the way out. Carefully crafted with time-tested materials that let your most meaningful stories live on. Thoughtfully sourced materials. Because the moments that are worth preserving happen in places that are worth protecting.

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