PDF Driving the Trans-Siberian: The Ultimate Road Trip Across Russia

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Driving the Trans-Siberian: The Ultimate Road Trip Across Russia [Chris Raven, Simon Raven] on leondumoulin.nl *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Ever had.
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Thank you so much for this guide!!

Its one thing to enjoy such trips but takes much more effort to put together the stuff you guys have done. Thank you! I do not plan to make a Trans Siberian journey in the foreseeable future, but could not help appreciating the wonderful effort you guys have put in.

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Thank you for the information. One bit some might need to know is that you cannot book tickets from Moscow to Beijing on the Russian Rail website. It is possible to book from Beijing to Moscow. We are traveling the Mongolian route from Moscow in late-January. We will gamble a bit and purchase tickets in Moscow when we arrive. Fingers crossed Plan B, if tickets prove elusive, is to fly down the line and catch something into Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, then into Beijing.

Plan C is to spend a few extra days in Moscow then fly into Beijing. We are a group of four sexagenarians — our ultimate goal is to complete an orbit around the world.

Have fun and stay safe! We would also really like to do the Trans Mongolian one day. I was also wondering, I would not mind eating instant foods, but were there any vegetarian options available in Russia? Does anyone know? Could you tell me how much did you pay for a train ticket? I read the whole article but I think this information is missing. Could you share with me the name of the local website? The one where you bought the ticket. It is available, but you may not be sure you will be able to find it at small shops on station.

There is another option for you. Here in Russia we have a lot of preserved veggie spreads. For example eggplant and zucchini ones are the national dish. Also there are such things as pickled cabbage, cucumbers and mushrooms the is also a part of national food traditions and which can survive long transportation.

Also we have a lot of bread here in Russia, for example a lot of different Rye bread with cereals which is really good for trips. Please notice that at small cities some people will not understand what is vegetarian good enough and some dishes that seem to be vegeterian are not. Most of vegitable soups contain meet broth, and instant food may contain some eggs or milk which is not a vegan option. So it is possible to find vegetarian food but that may need some extra research.

Hi there, I just bought the tickets online via rzd. And thanks Nate for the videos and info for the trip. The foreign passport option at RZD website is not suitable because it is about Russian foreign passport here in Russia we have separate documents to be used locally and for travelling. So nice and very detailed guide! I caught out your playlist while random YouYube surfing and it was very satisfying!

It was a very interesting and detailed! IMHO couple of tips from a russian speaker may be quite helpful for such adequate and good-planning their journey travellers may be common for visiting countries with foreign to you language. B4 visiting a foreing to you country try out some of these: a. You may get some more info about historical part, sightseeings, native mindset, climite, ect. Language school or exchange programms mostly for students and schoolars, but nvm. Little bit of more using techical gadgets you already have. And it was a bit awkwar for her.

Simply make a photo on your cell and show it to a seller. From a.

Trans-Siberian Railway Route Options

For e. This service can give you more precise info about routes, actual road traffic if you booked a car , and a lot of useful info.

Kolyma Highway 'Road of Bones' Winter January 2017

Hope you will continue your journeys save and healthy and share your experience with people through Internet. Farewell and godspeed! Wow I really like the way you wrote and explained all those things! I really wish you guys all the best and keep up the great work! Lots of love from your loyal subscriber here from Bali:. Hi Nate, Did you travelled on train Rossiya? Will be going for a ride on Rossiya in Feb. Is there power supply in the 1st class cabin?

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I would be curious to feel the sensation of exploration of a long journey by train, as you two do. They kan be located inside the railway station or outside, on the way to the city. So, if the train stop time is large enough — you can go to the normal grocery with normal prices. Do not forget, that in Russia you can use only russian roubles.

Trans Siberian Guide - Travellers Essential Trans Siberian Guide

While the stores have some available shelf stock, using their online stores generally offers a wider variety. All one does is add hot water to the re-sealable pouch, wait a few minutes, and enjoy a substantial, not-bad meal. The packets are also very light and easy to pack. I am planning to travel with transiberian train during the summer of and I think you saved me a lot of headache. I have one question. What about the plane trip before and after the transiberian journey?

How did you arranged it? Really enjoyed the videos and the advise on all subjects. Will definitely make planning and enjoying the trip better when we go! Thanks for writing up such a comprehensive guide Will use it when I eventually make the trip and videos are brilliant many thanks again. What was your experience with everyday Russians and the authorities like?

Both US and Russian media as a reader of many examples of both are biased against each other and sprout propaganda, obviously, a government agency does that as well. No offense to Americans, but the difference is that in Russia most young people understand this and use third sources, i. Anyways, no, nobody assaults people for speaking English — I would say the opposite, most enjoy meeting a foreigner and practicing English the last applies to major cities. People are only rude if you do something disrespectful.

Maybe arrive there, spend a few days and then return to Moscow to start your Trans-Siberian journey? Anyways, good luck and I hope you enjoy Russia! Thank you for your reply to Max. I agree with your sentiments completely. A smile is a universal language and it will erase many differences immediately. It saves me plenty of research and ease my anxiety in preparing for this trip with my wife this coming autumn.

Your recommendation of including St. Petersburg is excellent and I will include that city in my itinerary. May I know what was your itinerary during your 2 nights stay in Irkutsk? Did you get to visit Lake Baikal? Otherwise, what are the transport options? I always find the Man in Seat 61 worldwide train website useful when planning long-distance rail trips. Also, for schedules, the German rail website bahn. For example, in your second Trans Siberian Express video, you found the schedule — but bahn. Hi Kara and Nate, Thanks a lot for the tons of information you gave us in your videos and in this guide!

Well done! Thanks also for encouraging me to buy tickets directly from the official railway website. I saw all your videos, so I know that you mostly travelled in the first class and only a fraction of the journey in the third class and I'd like to know how much it had cost you altogether only the tickets.