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The NMH2-Plus Series Hydrogen Generator provides a cost-effective alternative to cylinders of compressed hydrogen in the laboratory. These ultra-quiet.
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Researchers take cells from chrysalis and use them to grow butterfly wings in the lab

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Chrysalis Technologies

Embeds 0 No embeds. We therefore developed the software Chrysalis and a group of Imaris Xtensions to automate this process. The resulting automation allowed for high-throughput histo-cytometry analysis of three-dimensional confocal microscopy and two-photon time-lapse images of T cell-dendritic cell interactions in mouse spleens. It was also applied to epi-fluorescence images to quantify T cell localization within splenic tissue by using a "signal absorption" strategy that avoids computationally intensive distance measurements.

In summary, this image processing and analysis software makes histo-cytometry more useful for immunology applications by automating image analysis. Chrysalis : A new method for high-throughput histo-cytometry analysis of images and movies. N2 - Advances in imaging have led to the development of powerful multispectral, quantitative imaging techniques, like histo-cytometry.

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AB - Advances in imaging have led to the development of powerful multispectral, quantitative imaging techniques, like histo-cytometry. Chrysalis: A new method for high-throughput histo-cytometry analysis of images and movies. Abstract Advances in imaging have led to the development of powerful multispectral, quantitative imaging techniques, like histo-cytometry.

Fingerprint Image Cytometry. Motion Pictures.

"Voice Boof" for The Chrysalis Laboratory

Allergy and Immunology. Confocal Microscopy. Cell Communication. Dendritic Cells.