PDF By an Addict, for an Addict: Or for Anyone Just Wanting to Understand

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This isn't enough to help someone understand how drugs actually make your I promise, the next chapters will get into the good stuff, I just want you to see the.
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There are countless reasons why someone would try a substance or behavior. Some are driven by curiosity and peer pressure, while others are looking for a way to relieve stress. Children who grow up in environments where drugs and alcohol are present have a greater risk of developing a substance abuse disorder down the road. Other factors that might steer a person toward harmful substance use behavior include:. Teens and adults with mental disorders are more likely to develop substance abuse patterns than the general population.

Excessive substance abuse affects many parts of the body, but the organ most impacted is the brain. After repeated drug use, the brain is unable to produce normal amounts of dopamine on its own.

This means that a person will struggle to find enjoyment in pleasurable activities — like spending time with friends or family — when they are not under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Learn more about how an addiction takes hostage of the brain. All too often people try to get better on their own, but this can be difficult and in some cases dangerous. Identifying a substance abuse problem can be a complicated process. While some signs of addictive behaviors are obvious, others are more difficult to recognize.

Many people who realize they have a problem will try to hide it from family and friends, making it harder to tell whether someone is struggling. Television, media and film often depict people with substance abuse issues as criminals, or individuals with moral shortcomings. Anyone can develop patterns of abuse or risky behaviors, no matter their age, culture or financial status. A dependence is present when someone develops a physical tolerance to a substance.

What causes addiction?

They may experience withdrawal symptoms if they stop using the drug altogether. Usually, a dependency is resolved by slowly tapering off the use of a particular substance. Addictions manifest themselves as uncontrollable cravings to use drugs, despite doing harm to oneself or others. The only way to overcome an addiction is through treatment.

Enter your number to receive a call from a compassionate treatment expert. Contact a treatment expert at Identifying addiction is like diagnosing any other illness. The patient is examined for symptoms meeting specific, scientific criteria defining the illness in question.

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The criteria outlined in the DSM are generally accepted and used by professionals to help determine the presence and severity of a substance use disorder. They include:. The substance is used in larger amounts or over a longer time than the person originally intended.

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Desire to limit use Wanting to cut back on use but being unable to do so. Time spent A considerable amount of time is spent trying to acquire a substance. Cravings The user experiences an intense desire or urge to use their drug. Lack of responsibility Substance use takes priority over work, school or home obligations. Problems with relationships Interpersonal relationships are consistently strained from drug use. Loss of interest User stops engaging in important social or recreational activities in favor of drug use.

Dangerous use Continued use despite dangerous circumstances. Worsening situations Continued use despite worsened physical or psychological problems. Tolerance A need for larger amounts of the substance to achieve desired effects. Withdrawal This can be physical and emotional. Side effects may include: anxiety, irritability, nausea and vomiting. Warning Signs of Addiction Addictions begin with experimentation with a substance. There are many reasons someone might initially try a drug, including curiosity, peer pressure or stress and problems at work or home.

If you are concerned someone you care about is struggling with addiction, there are several red flags you can look for.

Pleasure versus desire

That being said, here are some general warning signs to be aware of:. No one expects to develop an addiction when they begin experimenting. However, continued experimentation can lead to addiction, often without the person realizing they have become addicted until they try to stop.

Millions of Americans struggle with some form of addiction. If you are one of them, know you are not alone—and that many treatment options exist to help you overcome your addiction. For example, heroin is classified as a schedule I drug because of its illegal status and extremely addictive qualities.

In contrast, legal medications, such as over-the-counter pain relievers and cough suppressants, are categorized under schedule V because of their low chances for abuse. In common cases, the system is used by judges to help them determine sentences for drug-related crimes. It is also helpful for medical professionals when writing prescriptions. Learn more about the Controlled Substances Act and addiction. A majority of people who seek treatment for a substance use disorder are struggling with a dependence on more than one type of substance. Polydrug use involves the consumption of one type of substance with another.

This is often done to intensify the effects of a certain drug or achieve a stronger high.

Once an Addict (Interlude)

In some cases, a person may take a stimulant, such as Adderall, to counteract the sedative effects of an opioid such as oxycodone. However, mixing multiple types of drugs together is extremely dangerous, and can potentially lead to overdose and death. Millions of people around the world struggle with substance abuse. Read all ten of the most common addictions here.

Get in touch with someone who can help you understand your treatment options now. After graduation, he decided to pursue his passion of writing and editing. David embarked on his journey into sobriety in June of , which led him to his current career path as a Certified Professional Addiction Recovery Coach in private practice in Greater Nashville.

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David is also a public speaker and the author of two books. David is cohost of the weekly Positive Sobriety Podcast, as well as being a frequent contributor to various articles and recovery based materials. As a member of the National Association of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselors NAADAC , David works closely with Nashville area treatment centers, nonprofit recovery organizations, and consulting with faith-based groups trying to bridge the gap between the recovery communities and faith-based organizations who wish to understand addiction. And then there those who had doubts about their fight with addiction, which is to say — every single one of us, regardless of conviction.

It is part of the process. There, that sums it up. It is, however, important to understand why, if we have any hope in supporting our loved ones who are going through the fight. The same way as grief is an important to process to go through, so are doubts and ideas of relapse for anyone addicted. It is important to experience the temptations to quit, to slip back. It would be so easy.

Understanding Drug Use and Addiction

But because it would be so easy, it is important to experience the pull and resist it, ultimately fight it and win over the fears and urges that will haunt every single addict at one point or another. Not a question of if. It will happen sooner or later. This victory is important in the process of healing and should not be avoided but embraced and fought to win, then held high as a trophy and personal proof of abilities every addict in the recovery process. It is our duty as parents, friends and loved ones to understand the importance of this fight and provide all the support the addict needs while maintaining an open mind and understanding the reasons why the addict may want to quit, drop everything and run for the hills.

Or the closest dealer. Anything unfinished is not a good thing, obviously. Not need to elaborate on the reasoning behind that. It is, however, important to understand why in this particular case it is not only unrecommended but also very dangerous. It is not unheard of to have people in rehab calling their relatives and talking about their hardships, begging to be allowed to come home. It can be painful to listen to your child, spouse or close friend to beg, but it is important to remember, that this is part of the process and such ideas should not be indulged.

Does addiction last a lifetime? - Harvard Health Blog - Harvard Health Publishing

It is imperative that the treatment schedule is maintained and the addict is never put in a position of relapse, no need to stack the odds against yourself. We, the family and closest friends, we are the confidants and pit crew for the addict. We must be the pillars of strength in their time of need, whenever it may be. There are many things we can do to ensure the addict remains motivated and supported through their rehabilitation program. Might seem obvious to most, but it is important to encourage the addict in his decision to get clean and not indulge ideas of quitting.