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A wonderful example of this cosmic dimension is to be found in Book II of same topographical structure as the stage of the mystery: the earth, the underworld, of medieval theatre, popular entertainments, the human body and the cosmos.
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Before we knew it, it was spring again, and we returned to the cottage even earlier than usual, very eager to see how our semi-feral friend was doing. Once again, she greeted us rapturously, and this time, a little reproachfully. Before long, we noticed that she was starting to take her midday nap on our back steps, so one day, Hugh opened the screen door and invited her in. She skittered away and kept her distance, but Hugh left the door open. I was on the couch working on my laptop that afternoon, and suddenly I sensed movement on the deck. I looked up to see Thomasina Bug standing at the French doors and staring into our living room.

This time, she made a cautious foray into the room.


Then another retreat. Gradually, over the course of the afternoon, she increased her incursions, finally making it all the way round the couch, although she ducked and ran when I bent down to pat her.

Body Double

Still determined not to be imprisoned. The next day, she was back again. Before I knew it, she was rolling and romping all around the room, tossing and batting the toy with a hilarious mix of ferocity and playfulness. Come evening, she was off again for her night manoeuvres, but the next morning, she was back the moment we were up.

The Opening Night Murder

The next morning, as we had our tea in bed, we glanced at the bedroom window and saw a little striped face peering through. Hugh got up to open the door and she marched in, jumped on the bed and settled down as if she owned the place. That night, as I was putting her out, I was talking with Katie on the phone. How can you? At this point, she was evicted. But during our morning tea, she was meowing at the window again. Thomasina Bug soon became a regular presence in the cottage. No more need to dispense Temptations during our walks.

She became a constant lap cat, always hopping onto whichever one of us was sitting down, and looking quite put out if we were on our feet and no laps were available.

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She kept me company when I fired up my laptop, perching on my legs with determination as well as indignation because my lap was taken up with something other than her. The summer went by remarkably smoothly. When Katie came to visit with her dog, Puck, and her cat, Bernice, Tommy Bug would sulkily retire to her old haunt for the day, sometimes glaring from the fence between our properties, but come night, when the grand-pets were tucked up in Arvy, she would hurry back and reclaim our bed for the night.

To our surprise, Thomasina Bug turned out to be a music-loving cat. She was intrigued whenever I vocalized, and would sit at my feet and listen to me sing, unlike Minx, who had always departed in a huff at the first notes.

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We also discovered that she was a great hunter, but not a serial killer. While she delighted in bringing us mice, birds, and even, on one occasion, a bat, all were presented alive. Hugh became adept at cornering and freeing the assorted prey, and Thomasina Bug would spend the rest of the day searching the cottage and trying to figure out what had happened to her catch.

She certainly loved to play outdoors, but more and more, she was becoming dependent upon the shelter our cottage provided, and we noticed that on inclement days, she would luxuriate in tucking up inside where it was warm and dry. Our enjoyment of our lovable visitor became mixed with feelings of guilt over what would happen to her when we returned to town. It was ridiculous to be so worried about a cat who had coped independently for three years, living rough and clearly thriving on it, but more and more, we worried about her hanging out in the wreck of a house next door for yet another winter.

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There was also the worry of fire or instability in the building. Our neighbour was worried about her, too, and expressed the hope that we would adopt Thomasina. He was sure she would stay with us if we kept encouraging her. He also suggested that we take her to town with us when we returned, but we felt she could never adjust to being an indoor cat.

Finally, we compromised. Hugh installed cat doors at each end of our screened-in deck and put a cozy bed for her under the deck table, thus creating a safer space for her than the shack next door. Then we arranged that our neighbour would feed her there in our absence. However, when we returned to the cottage after a week in town, we were told that Thomasina Bug had simply hung around our property and moped in our absence. The following month, we repeated the experiment.

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This time, when we returned, Thomasina Bug was lying on the deck chair, her head drooping between her front paws and her entire body language dripping misery. When I picked her up, she burrowed into my chest and glued her head to my neck. Our neighbour was right. It was time to adopt her. He made the registration over to us and nervously, we bit the bullet and did a test run, taking her to the vet to get her shots.

Tommy Bug behaved impeccably, making everyone in the Sechelt Animal Hospital fall in love with her. She also survived the forty-five-minute drive each way without much ado. We started out by putting a kitty-litter box in the cottage. Tommy Bug ignored the litter box for several days, but one morning, having been outside for hours, she marched in, did her business in the litter box, and then roared back outside to play some more. Okay, so she did know what to do with the box.

We began to keep her in at night and, sure enough, she used her litter box when necessary. Then came the big day and the test run to town. Her former owner saw us as we drove by his house, so we stopped to say hello. He grinned to see his little Bug sitting sedately in her cat cage, all set for her trip to the Lower Mainland. When we arrived at our town home, we rushed her cage upstairs to our bedroom and set down her food and litter box, along with a pile of toys.

The moment we let her out, she hid under the bed and remained there for half the day. However, by evening, she had ventured out, and that night, she tucked up on our bed and slept soundly. However, her former owner was right about her strong will and determined nature.

Thomasina Bug is going to get her way, for we are now in the process of selling up in town and building a new home on our cottage site.

Twin Peaks ACTUALLY EXPLAINED (No, Really)

Posted by elizabeth on Jul 1, in Elizabeth Elwood 0 comments. Since the Coast is the place where I do most of my writing, it was inevitable that a story on the Rebecca theme would ensue one day. She is even more disturbed when she learns that the eerie mansion holds the secret to a murder. As a reader, I always gravitate towards cold-case scenarios or historical mysteries, so I enjoy writing these types of tales as well.

Therefore, two stories in the book deal with incidents from the past. Will the series end here, or will there be a seventh Beary book? After all, Richard is still at loose ends.

Mysteries of Yoshitsune I&II - Wikipedia

Or will I leave the Bearys here and move onto other projects. Right now I have sets to design and theatrical challenges to meet, so who knows. The time to decide may be when those jobs are done. In the meantime, a big thank you to those who have supported and encouraged me and my quirky Beary family along the way. Posted by elizabeth on Dec 14, in Elizabeth Elwood 0 comments. Read why mystery stories are a perfect fit for the Festive Season, not to mention some tips for seasonal mystery reading.

Posted by elizabeth on Jul 5, in Elizabeth Elwood 0 comments. Congratulations to all the CTC winners and nominees, and a special thank you to the wonderful Body and Soul cast, crew and production team that made the project so successful. Posted by elizabeth on Jun 4, in Elizabeth Elwood 0 comments. The Devil Gets His Due and Other Mystery Stories , as with my other books, comes with a disclaimer that the characters in the various tales are entirely a product of my imagination. However, unlike my other books, Devil has one notable exception where fact meets fiction, and what fun that was to write.

After reading To Catch an Actress , Barbara contacted me to say how much she had enjoyed it and gave me permission to quote her endorsements. She continued to be supportive after my second book was published, and subsequently, when I was visiting Montreal, we arranged to meet. We discussed mystery writing—Barbara also had a manuscript in the works, later to be published as the intriguing mystery novel, A Three-Day Event —and when I told her my intention to use Montreal as a setting for a future story, she laughed and asked if my outspoken protagonist, Bertram Beary, was going to meet an equally outspoken newspaper columnist on his travels.

A couple of years later, Barbara and her husband were downsizing, and she wrote a column about their new home, which happened to be a house that she had visited and loved in her youth. The next time we were in touch, I quipped that her move would make a great subject for a mystery story. She reminded me that we had joked about Beary meeting an outspoken lady columnist and suggested that this was my chance to make it happen. It was great fun to create a literary mystery for a female protagonist who, like Bertram Beary, never fears to say what she thinks and refuses to hide behind the veil of political correctness.

Thank you, Barbara, for stepping into my story and making it special. Previous Next. Read More. The Dog Blog Strings Attached. Elwoodettes Marionettes Lively marionette musicals with fun for the whole family.