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Joseph Smith Jr.​ Doctrines of Salvation: Sermons and Writings of Joseph Fielding Smith.​ Answers to Gospel Questions is a must-read for anyone seeking an accurate historical understanding of the beliefs of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Table of contents

Among the descendants of Cain were Ham, the Egyptians and Canaanites. According to Mormonism anyone having even one drop of the blood of Cain is forbidden to hold the Mormon priesthood. Related to this, Mormon men are given a patriarchal blessing in which they are told they are of either the tribe of Ephraim or Manasseh, who according to Biblical genealogy have Egyptian blood through their mother.

In Spencer Kimball supposedly received a revelation from God saying now blacks can hold the priesthood. In reality one Mormon prophet just contradicted another Mormon prophet.

Increasing understanding of scripture one article at a time

Does Abraham say that anyone having in their veins the blood of Cain, Ham, and their descendents are cursed from holding the priesthood? Why does the New Testament condemn seeking after genealogies see 1 Timothy and Titus ? With all the attention Mormons give to genealogical data for the purpose of religious works they seem to be completely ignorant of this genealogical conflict in their belief system. It is an inconvenient fact that, if known, would cause cognitive dissonance. Ask them about it. In the Mormon doctrine known as the Law of Eternal Progression can a wife progress in the afterlife beyond her husband if her husband is a nominal Mormon?

Is murder a sin which is covered by the Blood of Christ see Doctrines of Salvation, pages ? Or, must one shed his own blood to atone for murder? What about the murder of Uriah by David, or the Egyptian killed by Moses? Was Jesus born of a virgin or did God the Father have sex with Mary? How do we know God has a physical body? If it was Jehovah Jesus how could he have appeared in his physical body if he had not yet been born in Bethlehem? Is there more than one God in existence in the Universe? If the glory of God is intelligence why did God say He was unaware of any other Gods besides Himself?

Is God unchangeable, or eternally progressing? Moroni ; 3 Nephi ; Mormon , Is polygamy an abomination Jacob , 24 , or a means of justification? Doctrines and Covenants Did David Patten go on a mission with eleven others in the Spring of according to Doctrine and Covenants , or was he killed in the Fall of according to the History of the Church, Vol.

Was this prophecy false? Our desire for the Mormon people is not to confuse, or give them a hard time, but to awaken their critical thinking and prick their conscience to search for the truth. The logical conflict in Mormonism is illustrated above. The founders of Mormonism have created a priesthood for which none of them can qualify. The purpose of this system is to exalt man to godhood. In Christianity the gospel is the good news that God in the Person of Jesus Christ became man and absorbed the full penalty of our sin in Himself.

Now if we will put our total faith in Him, and not in ourselves at all, and confess that we are sinners incapable of ever being good enough to be accepted by Him, and repent of our sins, the He will save us. He is waiting to receive you. Today, Watchman Fellowship has grown to several offices in the United States. Concerning The Book of Mormon 1.

Bible study i am statements

Why rely on a subjective test when the Biblical test of truth claims were always objective see Isaiah Does Ezekiel speak about the Book of Mormon, or Israel? Why rely on a subjective test when the Biblical test of truth claims were always objective? Since the current LDS prophets sometimes contradict the former ones, how do you decide which one is correct? Can you show me archeological and historical proof from non-Mormon sources that prove that the peoples and places named in the Book of Mormon are true?

Why did Joseph Smith condone polygamy as an ordinance from God Doctrine and Covenants when the Book of Mormon had already condemned the practice Jacob , ? If God is an exalted man with a body of flesh and bones, why does Alma and John say that God is a spirit? Why did God tell Abraham and Sarah to lie when 2 Nephi condemns liars to hell? Why does the Book of Mormon state that Jesus was born in Jerusalem Alma when history and the Bible state that he was born outside of Jerusalem, in Bethlehem?

If the Book of Mormon is the most correct of any book on earth, as Joseph Smith said, why does it contain over changes from the original edition? Why do you baptize for the dead when both Mosiah and the Bible state that there is no chance of salvation after death? Why does Doctrine and Covenants say there is no forgiveness for a murderer when 3 Nephi says there is forgiveness for him? Why does the Book of Mormon contain extensive, word-for-word quotes from the Bible if the LDS Church is correct in teaching that the Bible has been corrupted?

Why do the Bible verses quoted in the Book of Mormon contain the italicized words from the King James Version that were added into the KJV text by the translators in the 16 th and 17 th centuries? If the Book of Mormon was engraved on gold plates thousands of years ago, why does it read in perfect King James Version English? If marriage is essential to achieve exaltation, why did Paul say that it is good for a man not to marry 1 Corinthians ?

Bible study i am statements

Since the Word of Wisdom teaches us to abstain from alcohol, why did Paul encourage Timothy to drink wine for his stomach 1 Timothy ? If obeying the Word of Wisdom - which tells us to abstain from caffeine, alcohol and tobacco - is important for our exaltation, why did Jesus say that there is nothing that can enter a man to make him defiled Mark ? Why does the Mormon Church teach that we can be married in heaven when Jesus said in Matthew that in the resurrection men neither marry, nor are they given in marriage? How can worthy Mormon males become Gods in the afterlife when God already said that before him no God was formed, nor will there be any Gods formed after him Isaiah ?

Why did Bruce McConkie write that a man may commit a sin so grievous that it will place him beyond the atoning blood of Christ Mormon Doctrine, , p.

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In fertile Chinese valleys, summer snowstorms replaced a normally mild climate and flooding rains destroyed crops. In Europe, food supplies dwindled, leading to starvation and panic. Everywhere, people sought explanations for the suffering and death the strange weather caused. Prayers and chants from holy men echoed through Hindu temples in India.

Chinese poets grappled with questions of pain and loss. In France and Britain, citizens fell to their knees, fearful the terrible calamities foretold in the Bible were upon them. In North America, ministers preached that God was punishing wayward Christians, and they sounded warnings to stoke religious feelings.

Across the land, people flocked to churches and revival meetings, anxious to know how they could be saved from the coming destruction. The eruption of Tambora affected weather in North America through the following year. Spring gave way to snowfall and killing frosts, and passed into memory as the year without a summer.

But that season, as he and his wife, Lucy Mack Smith, watched their crops shrivel under the relentless frosts, they knew they faced financial ruin and an uncertain future if they stayed where they were. At 45, Joseph Sr. He knew his oldest sons, year-old Alvin and year-old Hyrum, could help him clear the land, build a house, and plant and harvest crops. His year-old daughter, Sophronia, was old enough to help Lucy with her work in the house and around the farm.

The Year of Christ’s Birth

His younger sons, 8-year-old Samuel and 5-year-old William, were becoming more helpful, and 3-year-old Katharine and newborn Don Carlos would one day be old enough to contribute. But his middle son, year-old Joseph Jr. Four years earlier, Joseph Jr. Since then he had walked with a crutch. Although his leg was starting to feel sturdy again, Joseph Jr.

The stone obelisk in the background rises 38 and a half feet Certain they could rely on each other, the Smiths resolved to abandon their home in Vermont for better land. He would then send for Lucy and the children, and the family could start over. As Joseph Sr. Joseph Sr. Bad luck and unsuccessful investments had kept the family poor and rootless. Maybe New York would be different.

The following winter, Joseph Jr. Since her husband could not help with the move, Lucy had hired a man named Mr. Howard to drive their wagon. On the road, Mr. Howard handled their belongings roughly and gambled and drank away the money they paid him. And after they joined up with another family traveling west, Mr. Knowing how much it hurt Joseph to walk, Alvin and Hyrum tried to stand up to Mr.