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As I thought about that issue another one came into my mind and that was of this terrorist Yassir Arafat, who is a murderer of thousands and thousands of people.
Table of contents

Israel's Latest Weapon Against Palestine is Archaeology

In about B. Around B. In B. For the next several centuries, the land of modern-day Israel was conquered and ruled by various groups, including the Persians, Greeks , Romans , Arabs, Fatimids, Seljuk Turks, Crusaders , Egyptians, Mamelukes, Islamists and others. In , at the height of the war, British Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour submitted a letter of intent supporting the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine.

The British government hoped that the formal declaration—known thereafter as the Balfour Declaration —would encourage support for the Allies in World War I. Arabs vehemently opposed the Balfour Declaration, concerned that a Jewish homeland would mean the subjugation of Arab Palestinians. The complex hostility between the two groups dates all the way back to ancient times when they both populated the area and deemed it holy. Both Jews and Muslims consider the city of Jerusalem sacred. In the late 19th and early 20th century, an organized religious and political movement known as Zionism emerged among Jews.

Zionists wanted to reestablish a Jewish homeland in Palestine. Massive numbers of Jews immigrated to the ancient holy land and built settlements. Between and , about 35, Jews relocated to Palestine. Another 40, settled in the area between and Many Jews living in Europe and elsewhere, fearing persecution during the Nazi reign, found refuge in Palestine and embraced Zionism. Arabs in Palestine resisted the Zionism movement, and tensions between the two groups continue. An Arab nationalist movement developed as a result.

The United Nations approved a plan to partition Palestine into a Jewish and Arab state in , but the Arabs rejected it. In May , Israel was officially declared an independent state with David Ben-Gurion , the head of the Jewish Agency, as the prime minister. While this historic event seemed to be a victory for Jews, it also marked the beginning of more violence with the Arabs.

Jerusalem's massive digs reveal new treasures, and stoke ancient conflicts

Following the announcement of an independent Israel, five Arab nations—Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Syria , and Lebanon—immediately invaded the region in what became known as the Arab-Israeli War. Civil war broke out throughout all of Israel, but a cease-fire agreement was reached in As part of the temporary armistice agreement, the West Bank became part of Jordan, and the Gaza Strip became Egyptian territory. Numerous wars and acts of violence between Arabs and Jews have ensued since the Arab-Israeli War.

Some of these include:. Clashes between Israelis and Palestinians are still commonplace. Key territories of land are divided, but some are claimed by both groups. For instance, they both cite Jerusalem as their capital.

Damascus attack

Both groups blame each other for terror attacks that kill civilians. Several countries have pushed for more peace agreements in recent years.

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Many have suggested a two-state solution but acknowledge that Israelis and Palestinians are unlikely to settle on borders. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has supported the two-state solution but has felt pressure to change his stance. Netanyahu has also been accused of encouraging Jewish settlements in Palestinian areas while still backing a two-state solution. In a visit to Israel in May , U. President Donald Trump urged Netanyahu to embrace peace agreements with Palestinians. While Israel has been plagued by unpredictable war and violence in the past, many national leaders and citizens are hoping for a secure, stable nation in the future.

Creation of Israel, Office of the Historian, U. Department of State. Israel: The World Factbook: U. Central Intelligence Agency. Palestine: Growing Recognition: Al Jazeera. But if you see something that doesn't look right, click here to contact us! Abdul Hadi Palazzi, the Wahhabi position, in contrast, was extremely anti-Zionist.

On March 23, , Al Qibla , the daily newspaper of Mecca, printed the following words in support of the Balfour Declaration of , calling upon the Palestine Arabs to welcome the Jews and to cooperate with them:. The resources of the country [Palestine] are still virgin soil and will be developed by the Jewish immigrants The cause of causes could not escape those who had a gift of deeper insight.

Palestinian terrorism and Muslim hypocrisy: An open letter from a Muslim woman

They knew that the country was for its original sons [abna'ihi-l-asliyin], for all their differences, a sacred and beloved homeland. The return of these exiles [jaliya] to their homeland will prove materially and spiritually an experimental school for their brethren who are with them in the fields, factories, trades and all things connected to the land. Chaim Weizmann , President of the World Zionist Organization signed the Faisal—Weizmann Agreement for Arab-Jewish cooperation, in which Faisal conditionally accepted the Balfour Declaration based on the fulfilment of British wartime promises of development of a Jewish homeland in Palestine and on which subject he stated:.

We Arabs Our deputation here in Paris is fully acquainted with the proposals submitted yesterday by the Zionist Organisation to the Peace Conference, and we regard them as moderate and proper. We will do our best, in so far as we are concerned, to help them through; we will wish the Jews a most hearty welcome home I look forward, and my people with me look forward, to a future in which we will help you and you will help us, so that the countries in which we are mutually interested may once again take their places in the community of the civilised peoples of the world.

As'ad Shukeiri , a Muslim scholar 'alim of the Acre area, and the father of PLO founder Ahmad Shukeiri , rejected the values of the Palestinian Arab national movement and was opposed to the anti-Zionist movement. We strongly protest against the attitude of the said delegation concerning the Zionist question. We do not consider the Jewish people as an enemy whose wish is to crush us. On the contrary. We consider the Jews as a brotherly people sharing our joys and troubles and helping us in the construction of our common country.

In , Hadeib was murdered in Jerusalem , supposedly for his collaboration with the Zionists. In the late s, Amir Abdullah , ruler of Transjordan, and the pro-Hashemite leader of Syria, Abd al-Rahman Shahabandar, offered the Zionists to create a Jewish autonomy in Palestine under the Transjordanian throne, although they did not propose an independent Jewish state.

A number of Muslim groups that have histories of conflict with Arabs, including Kurds and Berbers , have also voiced support for Israel and Zionism.

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  • Artin, of the Kurdish-American Education Society, argues that the creation of Israel has been "a thorn in the eye of fascists who would rather eliminate the Jewish state". He concluded that an Israeli-Kurdish alliance is "natural", and that sincere mutual respect and recognition of each other's rights can lead to peace and prosperity. Palazzi noted that although in present days support for Israel among Muslims is a minority orientation, there are some exceptions, such as former President of Indonesia and leader of Nahdlatul Ulama , Shaykh Abdurrahman Wahid , and the Grand Mufti of the Russian Federation, Shaykh Talgat Tajuddin , the Mufti of European Russia, Shaykh Salman Farid , who wrote a fatwa against the intifadah.

    Turkey also supports Israel, being one of the first Muslim countries to recognize Israel. During the — Palestine war , many Bedouin switched sides to join the Zionist forces in opposing the invasion by the regular Arab armies. During the Palestinian Arab national movement's formation, Bedouins often perceived their tribe as their principal focus of identity, and they generally did not view themselves as a component of the emerging Palestinian identity. Bedouins had long standing ties with nearby Jewish communities. Bedouins of Tuba-Zangariyye helped defend these communities in the — Arab revolt in Palestine.

    Formal co-operation between Jews and Bedouin began in , when tribal leader Sheik Hussein Mohammed Ali Abu Yussef of the al-Heib tribe sent more than 60 of his men to fight alongside Zionist forces, forming the Pal-Heib unit of the Haganah. Sheik Abu Yussef was quoted in as saying, "Is it not written in the Koran that the ties of neighbors are as dear as those of relations? Our friendship with the Jews goes back many years. We felt we could trust them and they learned from us too".

    Ismail Khaldi is the first Bedouin deputy consul of Israel and the highest ranking Muslim in the Israeli foreign service. While acknowledging that the state of Israeli Bedouin minority is not ideal, he said. I am a proud Israeli — along with many other non-Jewish Israelis such as Druze, Bahai, Bedouin, Christians and Muslims, who live in one of the most culturally diversified societies and the only true democracy in the Middle East. Like America, Israeli society is far from perfect, but let us deals honestly.

    By any yardstick you choose — educational opportunity, economic development, women and gay's rights, freedom of speech and assembly, legislative representation — Israel's minorities fare far better than any other country in the Middle East. The Circassians have had good relations with the Jewish community in Israel since the beginning of the Jewish settlement in the Land of Israel. The Circassian community in Israel helped the illegal immigration Ha'apala of Jews into Palestine during the British Mandate and fought on the Israeli side of the — Palestine war.

    In , when Israel was created, Circassians of Palestine did not migrate to neighboring countries, but rather made the choice to stay within the borders of the new state and embrace full Israeli citizenship. The percentage of army recruits among the Circassian community in Israel is particularly high. This loyalty to Israel is often considered as an act of betrayal by the Arab Muslims, who see Circassians as traitors to the Ummah. The Druze are a religious community who consider themselves an Islamic Unist, reformatory sect. The Druze consider themselves to be Muslim, although they are considered non-Muslim by the general Islamic community.

    The bond between Jews and Druze is commonly known by the term "a covenant of blood".

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    Druze citizens are prominent in the Israel Defense Forces and in politics , and a considerable number of Israeli Druze soldiers have fallen in Israel's wars since the Arab-Israeli War. Reda Mansour , a Druze poet, historian and diplomat, explained: "We are the only non-Jewish minority that is drafted into the military, and we have an even higher percentage in the combat units and as officers than the Jewish members themselves.

    So we are considered a very nationalistic, patriotic community. Five Druze lawmakers currently have been elected to serve in the 18th Knesset , a disproportionately large number considering their population. Rafik Halabi, an Israeli Druze television correspondent and former Israeli military officer, characterizes himself as an Israeli patriot. Salman Abu-Salah, from the village Majdal Shams , established the "Zionist Druze Club" in the Golan in the s and advocated petitioning for Israeli citizenship, even prior to the Israeli annexation of the Golan Heights in In , Amal Nasser el-Din founded the Zionist Druze Circle , [52] [53] a group whose aim was to encourage the Druze to support the state of Israel fully and unreservedly.

    We invalidate and reject everything that the Adalah organization is requesting," he said. According to A-din, the fate of Druze and Circassians in Israel is intertwined with that of the state. We are unwilling to support a substantial alteration to the nature of this state, to which we tied our destinies prior to its establishment," he said.