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Nov 9, - Alexander the Great was an ancient Macedonian ruler and one of history’s greatest military minds who, as King of Macedonia and Persia, established the largest empire the ancient world had ever seen. Alexander III was born in Pella, Macedonia, in B.C. to King Philip II and.
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So Alexander led his troops down the Indus River and was severely wounded during a battle with the Malli. After recovering, he divided his troops, sending half of them back to Persia and half to Gedrosia, a desolate area west of the Indus River. In early B. Wanting to unite the Persians and Macedonians and create a new race loyal only to him, he ordered many of his officers to marry Persian princesses at a mass wedding.

He also took two more wives for himself. But after Alexander took a firm stand and replaced Macedonian officers and troops with Persians, his army backed down. To further diffuse the situation, Alexander returned their titles and hosted a huge reconciliation banquet. By B. Thanks to his insatiable urge for world supremacy, he started plans to conquer Arabia. After surviving battle after fierce battle, Alexander the Great died in June B. Some historians say Alexander died of malaria or other natural causes; others believe he was poisoned.

Either way, he never named a successor. Many conquered lands retained the Greek influence Alexander introduced, and several cities he founded remain important cultural centers even today. The period of history from his death to 31 B. Alexander the Great. Ancient History Encyclopedia. Alexander the Great of Macedon Biography. Alexander of Macedonia.

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San Jose State University. The Battle of Issus.

The Rise of Macedon and the Conquests of Alexander the Great

Fordham University. But if you see something that doesn't look right, click here to contact us! Subscribe for fascinating stories connecting the past to the present. For more than two centuries, the Achaemenid Empire of Persia ruled the Mediterranean world. He was an impassioned champion of a strong federal government, and played a key role in defending and He was taught by Aristotle but had famous run-ins with other philosophers. A career politician, he served in both houses of the Georgia legislature before winning a seat in the U.

House of Representatives in Alexander Graham Bell, best known for his invention of the telephone, revolutionized communication as we know it. His interest in sound technology was deep-rooted and personal, as both his wife and mother were deaf. The Kasta Hill archeological site at Amphipolis, located some miles north of Athens and 65 miles east of the city of Thessaloniki, is believed to be the largest burial site ever discovered in Greece.

Dating to between B. The Great Society was an ambitious series of policy initiatives, legislation and programs spearheaded by President Lyndon B.

Alexander the Great - HISTORY

Johnson with the main goals of ending poverty, reducing crime, abolishing inequality and improving the environment. In May , President Lyndon B. For almost 30 centuries—from its unification around B. From the great pyramids of the Old Kingdom through the military conquests of the New Again, Alexander claimed divinity. He wanted to advance to the east, and indeed crossed two rivers, but then, his soldiers refused to go on. Alexander was furious. He must have imagined a different way to celebrate his thirtieth birthday. But he finally allowed himself to be persuaded by Coenus , one of the heroes of the battle at the Jhelum, and by the gods, who sent evil omens.

This was important. To the king, it was imperative to stress that the gods, and not the soldiers, had forced him to return; had it been otherwise, he would have lost his authority. Now, the return voyage started: with a large fleet, the Macedonians sailed to the south. Alexander used his normal strategy, attacking refugees and non-combattants first, in order to terrorize the soldiers. Especially the Mallians, who gave their name to modern Multan , suffered heavily. Alexander was severely wounded but recovered and continued to the south, until he reached the Indian Ocean.

He divided his army. Craterus commanded one division, Nearchus was to lead a naval expedition, and a third division was to proceed through the Gedrosian desert, commanded by the son of Zeus in person. This was to be the greatest mistake of Alexander's career: he lost many people in the hot and waterless area. Yet, there were survivors, who recognized Alexander as their god during a drinking party in Carmania, where their king presented himself as if he were the god Dionysus.

Alexander now ordered the executions of several governors whom he suspected of treason.

Beginnings of the Persian expedition

Probably correctly: in Sogdia, the Punjab and the Indus valley, there had been large insurrections, which Alexander was no longer able to suppress. Modern scholars have called these executions the "reign of terror" and our main source, the Greek historian Arrian of Nicomedia , writes that Alexander's rule now became "harsher" oxyteros. Early in , he returned to Persepolis and Susa, where he ordered his officers to marry Iranian ladies. During this mass wedding, the king married to two princesses. Alexander was now planning to conquer Arabia and proceed to the western Mediterranean, and started to reorganize the eastern part of his empire.

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Everywhere, he appointed Europeans as satraps governors and at the same time, he recruited young Asians to serve in his army. The Macedonians were allowed to go home, but they refused. They had conquered the east, but now they saw that the conquered nations were taking over the army.

Yet, Alexander overcame their complaints and ordered Craterus to bring back the veterans to Europe. In October, Alexander's lover Hephaestion died in Ecbatana. The king was shocked, and as a consolation, he massacred the Cossaeans , a mountain tribe in the Zagros, who were forced to give up their nomad lives and settle in towns. The king also ordered his subjects to sacrifice to Hephaestion as if he were a demigod. The implication was, of course, that he himself - as the greatest of the two lovers - was a god. Indeed, several Greek cities ordered that Alexander should be venerated as the "invincible god".

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However, the Babylonian astronomers, the Chaldaeans , warned him not to enter the city, because he would die. After all, the omen of the battle of Gaugamela had predicted an eight-year rule. Alexander ignored the warning. At the end of May, he fell ill, and on 11 June, he died.

Alexander was succeeded by his brother Arridaeus. A few weeks later, Roxane gave birth to a son, who was called Alexander. By then, the Greeks had already revolted and civil war between Alexander's officers was about to begin. He then invaded India! The mutiny was a sign of no confidence in Alexander as a general, a commander, and a king. That might have been his end-game — the Ganges River.

But who is to say, because when he got there, he might easily have wanted to keep on going. Did he know anything else other than fighting? He was only forced to return by the mutiny of his men. He turned back and all of men thought they were finally going to Greece, but it was not long before he was talking of invading Arabia, and drawing up the invasion plans.

He arrived in Babylon in BC, and from there was going to invade Arabia southwards. But he died there on June 12, BC, on the eve of the Arabian invasion. As the army marched eastwards, not just Alexander, but also some of his commanders, started dressing in light Persian cloaks, wearing perfume, putting scented oils into their bathtubs, etc.

The Macedonians had never been used to these luxuries.

Alexander the Great Vs Persia - Ancient War - Full Documentary

They were a very rustic people, who ate plain, peasant-like meals, drank rustic wine, and often dressed in the same plain clothes for a few days. Furthermore, Alexander started making Persian clothing part of his dress and the way he presented himself. It was actually very clever on his part. In other words, he started to wear a combination of Persian and Macedonian dress, and this is how he appeared.

Why was Alexander doing this? He was genuinely grappling with the dilemma he faced, that is, there had never been a Macedonian king who was also King of Persia before. He therefore did not have anyone to follow, he did not have anyone he could base his rule on, or how to project himself, so he had to deal with this newness every day. He could never call himself the Great King of Persia because he did not have the link with Ahura Mazda, the Zoroastrian God of Light, as the Achaemenid royal family did.

Alexander was a conqueror; he was not ruling by right, but by conquest. How else might he try to reconcile his rule to the people? The answer is he started to use Persians in his administration and in his army, and to appear as a ruler who is trying to breach West and East.