Guide Against War

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In political philosophy and international relations especially in peace and conflict studies the concept of a war against war also known as war on war refers to the  ‎Origin · ‎Contemporary evolution · ‎Aberkane & Goldstein.
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With the increasing mechanization of war, opposition to its horrors grew, particularly in the wake of the First World War. European avant-garde cultural movements such as Dada were explicitly anti-war. The Espionage Act of and the Sedition Act of gave the American authorities the right to close newspapers and jailed individuals for having anti-war views.

On June 16, , Eugene V.

Debs made an anti-war speech and was arrested under the Espionage Act of He was convicted, sentenced to serve ten years in prison, but President Warren G. Harding commuted his sentence on December 25, In Ernst Friedrich published Krieg dem Krieg!

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War Against War! In Regarding the pain of others Sontag describes the book as 'photography as shock therapy' that was designed to 'horrify and demoralize'.

The Atlantic Crossword

It was in the s that the Western anti-war movement took shape, to which the political and organizational roots of most of the existing movement can be traced. Characteristics of the anti-war movement included opposition to the corporate interests perceived as benefiting from war, to the status quo which was trading the lives of the young for the comforts of those who are older, the concept that those who were drafted were from poor families and would be fighting a war in place of privileged individuals who were able to avoid the draft and military service, and to the lack of input in decision making that those who would die in the conflict would have in deciding to engage in it.

Many war veterans , including US General Smedley Butler , spoke out against wars and war profiteering on their return to civilian life. Veterans were still extremely cynical about the motivations for entering World War I, but many were willing to fight later in the Spanish Civil War , indicating that pacifism was not always the motivation. Opposition to World War II was most vocal during its early period, and stronger still before it started while appeasement and isolationism were considered viable diplomatic options.

Communist-led organizations, including veterans of the Spanish Civil War, [3] opposed the war during the period of the Hitler-Stalin pact but then turned into hawks after Germany invaded the Soviet Union. The war seemed, for a time, to set anti-war movements at a distinct social disadvantage; very few, mostly ardent pacifists , continued to argue against the war and its results at the time. However, the Cold War followed with the post-war realignment , and the opposition resumed.

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  • The grim realities of modern combat, and the nature of mechanized society ensured that the anti-war viewpoint found presentation in Catch , Slaughterhouse-Five and The Tin Drum. This sentiment grew in strength as the Cold War seemed to present the situation of an unending series of conflicts, which were fought at terrible cost to the younger generations. Organized opposition to U. In a coalition of antiwar activists formed the National Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam which organized several large anti-war demonstrations between the lates and Counter-cultural songs, organizations, plays and other literary works encouraged a spirit of nonconformism, peace, and anti-establishmentarianism.

    This anti-war sentiment developed during a time of unprecedented student activism and right on the heels of the Civil Rights Movement , and was reinforced in numbers by the demographically significant baby boomers. It quickly grew to include a wide and varied cross-section of Americans from all walks of life. The anti-Vietnam war movement is often considered to have been a major factor affecting America's involvement in the war itself.

    Many Vietnam veterans , including the former Secretary of State and former U. Opposition to the South African Border War spread to a general resistance to the apartheid military. Many opposed the war at this time. There was initially little opposition to the Afghanistan War in the United States and the United Kingdom , which was seen as a response to the September 11, , terrorist attacks and was supported by a majority of the American public. Most vocal opposition came from pacifist groups and groups promoting a leftist political agenda; in the United States, the group A.

    Over time, opposition to the war in Afghanistan has grown more widespread, partly as a result of weariness with the length of the conflict, and partly as a result of a conflating of the conflict with the unpopular war in Iraq. The anti-war position gained renewed support and attention in the buildup to the invasion of Iraq by the U. Millions of people staged mass protests across the world in the immediate prelude to the invasion, and demonstrations and other forms of anti-war activism have continued throughout the occupation.

    The primary opposition within the U. Opposition to the conflict , how it had been fought, and complications during the aftermath period divided public sentiment in the U.

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    Many American writers against the war, like Naomi Wolf , were labeled conspiratorial due to their opposition, with others choosing to post their anti-war writings anonymously, such as the anonymous conspiracy author Sorcha Faal. The financial website Zero Hedge offered its anti-war writers the protection of the anonymous pseudonym Tyler Durden for those exposing war profiteering.

    The American country music band Dixie Chicks opposition to the war caused many radio stations to stop playing their records, but who were supported in their anti-war stance by the equally anti-war country music legend Merle Haggard , who in the summer of released a song critical of US media coverage of the Iraq War. Paul , Minnesota in September Organised opposition to a possible future military attack against Iran by the United States is known to have started during — Hirsch [10] began publishing claims that United States' concerns over the alleged threat posed by the possibility that Iran may have a nuclear weapons program might lead the US government to take military action against that country in the future.

    These reports, and the concurrent escalation of tensions between Iran and some Western governments, prompted the formation of grassroots organisations, including Campaign Against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran in the US and the United Kingdom , to advocate against potential military strikes on Iran.

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    English poet Robert Southey 's poem After Blenheim is an early modern example of anti-war literature — it was written generations after the Battle of Blenheim , but at a time when England was again at war with France. View the discussion thread. Skip to main content. Wilson Quarterly. Wilson Quarterly Archives. Current Issue Archives About.

    BBC - Ethics - War: Pacifism

    Search form Search. The Conservative Case Against War. In Essence Winter If you want to fight big government, you have to stop fighting wars. Read Time: 4m 36sec. Winter Rather than debate Republican candidate Warren G. As Convict No. Harding, who replaced Wilson in March , was more receptive to the amnesty campaign.

    Debs died in at age His Canton speech remains a classic of American dissent -- the actor Mark Ruffalo gave a dramatic reading from it in He remains a hero to American socialists — including Senator Bernie Sanders, who directed a documentary about Debs and read his quotes in his distinctive Brooklyn accent. Continue or Give a Gift.

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