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We asked twittered eeted teachers, students and exam veterans on Twitter for top tips for exam success 27 Read your work out loud.
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You can lose more marks by answering the wrong number or wrong combination of questions than by answering the right number of questions badly. Split it proportionately if you have some questions or parts of questions which attract more marks than others. Allow some time for planning.

Allow extra checking time for statistics or calculations. Read the questions carefully. Read through the paper once before you choose your questions and then re-read each question. You might think a topic you've revised hasn't come up, when it is there but the wording is unusual.

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Alternatively you have revised the topic, but the question is obtuse and you do not fully understand it. Do you have some relevant knowledge, ideas and evidence for the ones you choose to answer? If you do not understand a question, it's best to leave it. Decide on question order. Some people like to start with the topic they know best to give them a good start. Others prefer to do their best question second, because with one question completed, they can relax and expand on their best ideas and gain extra marks. What are you expected to include in your answer?

The most common complaint from markers is that the student didn't answer the question. Structure your answer - Even though you're writing under time pressure, you should still think about the best structure to communicate your ideas. In your introduction show how you understand the question and outline how you will answer it.

Make one point or argument per paragraph and summarise to show how it answers the question. Shortish paragraphs with one or two pieces of evidence are sufficient. In your conclusion summarise the arguments to answer the question. However, this is when it's more important than ever to get your ideas across clearly and concisely.

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Take a few minutes to think and make a mini-plan:. As a result of this thinking, I became too scared to write anything in one of my first tests at law school! After receiving my terrible mark, my brother said this to me:. They will try to give you marks wherever they can.

Concordia University

Just remember, your teachers really are on your side despite all evidence to the contrary. Eat a nutritious breakfast. You want to eat a nutritious breakfast to feel fuller for longer, stabilise your mood and give you plenty of energy for the day. For more healthy breakfast ideas, click here. Caffeine is a stimulant. It gives you a rush and makes you feel good in the short-term, but eventually it wears off and leaves you feeling cranky and wanting more.

Studies have found that when we have a cup of coffee or can of coke, we are actually inducing a state of stress. Why not consider gradually replacing your caffeinated beverages with good old, simple water? You can jazz it up with some infused fruit or use a Soda Stream to carbonate it. How many times have you stayed back after an exam to talk to your friends about what you put for each questions?

How many times have you felt anxious after doing so? It can certainly be reassuring to know that you wrote the same answer as your friends. But if you find out that you wrote something different and you have another 4 or 5 exams to take, this may throw you off your game. The exam is over. If you are not sure how to answer it there and then, move on to another question.

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This can be due to holding your pen too tight. When it does hurt, have a rest for a few moments yes, you have time to do this! I hope you have found these tips helpful.

  • Answering exam questions - Preparing for exams - LibGuides at University of Reading.
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If you have some techniques or strategies that work for you when preparing for exams, feel free to share them below. Want to learn more exam strategies? Click here to download a free copy of 70 ways to ace your exams. Jane, you mention some really great tips here for taking exams. In high school I found keeping a positive mindset also really useful when taking exams.

Keeping things in perspective and literally taking one day at a time! My exam is going to be on Saturday!!! My parents are so hard on me and giving me pressure……..

How To Be SUCCESSFUL In EXAMS - #StudyTips #ExamHacks - A Better Life

I have found these tips very useful. My first exam is tomorrow and fingers crossed all goes well. Great tips!


It is inevitable search engines such as Google will be allowed in public examinations, including GCSEs and A-Levels, the head of an exam board says. OCR chief Mark Dawe told the Today programme allowing internet use in exam rooms reflected the way pupils learned and how they would work in future. He said students would still need a basis of knowledge and would have limited time to conduct searches.

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Mr Dawe said: "Surely when they learn in the classroom, everyone uses Google if there is a question. He compared the idea to the debate about whether to have books available during a test, saying: "In reality you didn't have too much time [to consult the book] and you had to learn it anyway. He told the Today programme: "It's about understanding the tools they have got available and how to utilise them. On the issue of when internet use might be allowed in exams, Mr Dawe said: "It's very unlikely to happen in the next few weeks or next few months, but it's certainly inevitable, I would suggest.

He added: "You can have an exam in how to use Google - that's not the same thing as having a history exam or a geography exam.