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The Lord's Prayer, also called the Our Father (Latin, Pater Noster), is a venerated Christian . When Reformers set out to translate the King James Bible, they assumed that a . When malkuth is used of God, it almost always refers to his authority or to his rule Master Jesus · Mental health · Religious perspectives on Jesus.
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Very likely, Ray heard the Hindu myth that the Earth rests on the back of an elephant, which stood on the back of a giant turtle that swam around in the cosmic sea. Or perhaps the Greek myth of Atlas the Titan holding the world sky on his back. Either way, Ray Comfort is factually wrong and misleading his audience when he says "science back then believed X" when the truth is he is addressing what mythologies believed centuries ago, not what science and scientists proposed.

Plato , in the Timaeus, provides us with an account of the creation of the universe, which includes a spherical, free-floating Earth.


Finally, this passage of Job is contradictory to Job , which refers to Earth having a foundation and footings. Then there is Job which says heaven is supported by pillars. Many verses throughout the Bible refer to a solid firmament.


The Scriptures speak of Invisible Structure Hebrews Science has recently discovered the universe is made of atoms, whereas scripture knew of this for 2, years. The ancient Greeks were already discussing the natural structure of the universe, including the idea of atoms; for a long time the common belief was the universe was made of four elements, but atomism emerged in the 5th century BCE with Leucippus and Democritus. Nowhere does Scripture say that matter is composed of super-microscopic particles, and in fact until the invention of the microscope, the Church insisted that nothing microscopic existed.

The verse says the Earth is a circle. Ray says the word chuwg translates to "circuit" or "compass" indicating a spherical not flat. Comfort says Isaiah was written between and B. Isaiah and the Bible do not support a spherical Earth. The Bible and the Science of Oceanography Psalm Ray tells a story about Matthew Maury - , who is considered the father of oceanography and discovered many things after reading this Bible verse. Maury was nowhere near the first to discover or write about currents; however, he was the first to unify all of these together into scientific writings and did make a lot of progress in the field.

In , Juan Ponce de Leon described the gulf stream. Benjamin Franklin produced a detailed map of the gulf stream in 37 years before Maury was born. Even though Maury may have produced many maps of ocean currents, it is clear that the currents' existence was known well before his time and it is highly unlikely he would have been unaware of it. Maury may have been inspired by Psalms to look for more currents, but that's hardly the same as discovering a new phenomenon based on Scripture. The Bible and Radio Waves Job Ray says this verse tells that light can be sent and manifest itself in speech.

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He says that all electromagnetic radiation from x-rays to radio waves travel at the speed of light. Comfort cites James Clerk Maxwell in Modern Century Illustrated Encyclopedia 3, years later who discovered that electricity and light waves were the same thing. Job says "Where is the way where light dwelleth?

Bible verses for sleep 1

Also, they ignore the fact that the Bible treats darkness like a substance in its own right, when in fact it's the absence of light. Also, it's Job, which, once again, is a very poetic part of the Bible. They also ignore Job "That thou shouldest take it to the bound thereof, and that thou shouldest know the paths to the house thereof? The Bible and Entropy Isaiah , Psalm , 26 and Hebrews indicate the earth is wearing out, and concludes this is about the Second Law of Thermodynamics the law of Increase Entropy and defines it as: that in all physical process, every ordered system over time tends to become more disordered.

This is false. The second law of thermodynamics does not say that everything leads to disorder. It says that heat will not spontaneously flow from a colder body to a warmer one or, equivalently, that total entropy a measure of useful energy in a closed system will not decrease. This does not prevent increasing order. Regardless of all that, the Second Law applies only to closed systems, and the Earth isn't a closed system because it's powered by the Sun.

The Bible and the Water Cycle Ecclesiastes He also points out Ecclesiastes and Amos What he does not point out is Job , for example, which says that snow and hail are kept in storehouses. Genesis contradicts the water cycle. Ecclesiastes does not describe the water cycle. It merely says that water returns to the source of streams; it does not say how.

Once again, we have to ask: "If this knowledge is so clear-cut, why did no Christians make these predictions BEFORE the laws of thermodynamics were established through the scientific method? Energy and matter are coming from nowhere, according to Genesis. The Bible and Ship Dimensions Comfort uses Genesis 6 to support this, that God gave Noah the dimensions that were later used in at Hoorn in Holland and then massively used in the s. People have been building ships for thousands of years and boats for tens of thousands of years, so it's not unreasonable to assume they figured out the best ways to do so themselves, without having to be told by God.

Also, the ideal length-to-width ratio of a ship depends on the purpose of the ship. Sailing vessels are typically built with a larger ratio; warships have a small ratio to help attain higher speeds; bulk carriers are built with a large ratio because load capacity is more important than speed the cargo does not depreciate during the voyage. Even in Biblical times this would have applied: ancient warships rowed, fast were built slimmer than cargo ships sailed, large loading capacity.

First of all, Ecclesiastes is all about how nothing matters and nothing changes. So it poetically refers to the wind as not really changing no matter what it does, or where it blows.


Secondly, Ecclesiastes shows a geocentric worldview: "The sun also ariseth, and the sun goeth down, and hasteth to his place where he arose. So why couldn't God have told us that, instead of repeating what people thought at the time? For a book that supposedly contains a lot of scientific information, it doesn't seem to have tried to correct popular misconceptions of science.

The Bible and Science Ray includes a quote from Richard Wurmbrand, Proofs of God's existence , that science confirms what the Bible has been saying for thousands of years.

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He says the Christians hold the key to the secrets of the universe, and they should be the owners of the lock and key that is, show there is no conflict between science and religion. However, as we have reviewed, none of the above "proofs" presented are extraordinary or cannot be obtained with simple observation. With a bit of literary analysis, it's easy to make a book of stories look as you want it, but if the Bible was truly a source of scientific knowledge and science confirms what is in it, then we would expect Christians to point out in their Bible several breakthroughs in physics, medicine, chemistry, etc.

However, we do not see this. Muslims do the same thing, such as claim the Qur'an accurately predicted the Big Bang, speed of light, reproductive systems, plate tectonics, and such, but their claims are no more credible than those of Christians shoehorning these discoveries into vague passages in the Bible. Book of Job B. Charles Burckhalter is an old source Also, modern scholars give Job a composition date of 6th—4th century BC, not that curiously specific It also tells us that water has weight.

The energy is dissipated in the water—the weight of the water is precisely measured. Job says " To make the weight for the winds; and he weigheth the waters by measure. Secondly, Comfort ignores the passage right before this, Job "For he looketh to the ends of the earth, and seeth under the whole heaven;" The earth is round, so it doesn't have ends. Also, anyone can tell you water has weight; that part of it is hardly an impressive bit of science. And it hardly speaks well for your position when you cite someone who says that the water covering Earth means the Sun's and Moon's gravity are balanced perfectly.

Is it still balanced, for instance, when the Sun and Moon are on the same side of the Earth, such as during solar eclipses or, really, any time you can see the Moon during the day? The differences between night and day were believed to be caused by the sun revolving around the earth. Here is Job "Hast thou commanded the morning since thy days; and caused the dayspring to know his place; That it might take hold of the ends of the earth, that the wicked might be shaken out of it?

Curious that Comfort left out verse Here the author of Job is saying something is longer than the earth. A flat earth with ends could be compared for length, but longer has no meaning for a spherical Earth. Also, it should be remembered here that the Church itself not science insisted on a geocentric universe, specifically because of its reading of the Bible.

If the Bible were such a good science text, surely geocentrism wouldn't have become Church doctrine in the first place. These thermal vents release huge amounts of mineral-rich, super-heated water—springs in the darkness. The words of Job are " Hast thou entered into the springs of the sea? Clearly, no one could figured that out without divine revelation. And besides the fact that this is another poetic passage, not meant to be taken literally, if it's so clear-cut, why did not a single Christian claim that there were springs in the depths before they were discovered?

Better yet, instead of "springs", why didn't it say something more specific—and accurate—like "vents which put out hot water from the depths of the earth, surrounded by life forms unlike any ye have seen"? Science discovered this in The words of Job are " By what way is the light parted, which scattereth the east wind upon the earth?

The fact that light is parted is easily observable by shining it through a prism. And light does not and cannot scatter wind. Parted light is almost always universally understood, not as scientifically split through a prisim, but as in a ray of light that is seemingly split into two still white, still full spectrum rays due to some object. The point of the Job passage is to say that no human power can do this, not to provide scientific reference of something man can do.

Top 20 Most Damning Bible Contradictions | Bob Seidensticker

Job says " Where is the way where light dwelleth? Also, they ignore the fact that the bible treats darkness like it actually exists, when really it's the absence of light. Also, it's Job, which, once again, is a very poetic part of the bible. Science can only speculate. However, the answer may be in Job — However, one of the characteristics of this massive animal is that it had a tail the size of a large tree. Here are all the given characteristics of this huge animal: It was the largest of all the creatures God made; was plant-eating herbivorous ; had its strength in its hips, and a tail like a large tree.

It had very strong bones, lived among the trees, drank massive amounts of water, and was not disturbed by a raging river.

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The Bible says Behemoth's tail "was like a cedar. A more likely translation for the phrase is, "His penis stiffens like a cedar" Mitchell The behemoth was probably a bull, and the cedar comparison referred to its virility. Basically, Behemoth is not another dinosaur. That's another strike against this book. Also note the requisite science-bashing: contrary to his assertion, science can do much more than speculate about how the dinosaurs went extinct. We haven't worked out all the details about how it happened yet, but the fact that science can provide details about it in the first place is a huge step ahead of young-earth creationists, who flat-out denied dinosaurs' existence for many years, then changed gears and started to claim they lived side-by-side with people.

In fact the truth is the opposite of what Ray states here: YECs can only speculate about the demise of the dinosaurs, because the only source they accept is the Bible and it doesn't say anything about their extinction, notwithstanding their rather creative readings into poetic verses. Ignaz Semmelweis as the founder of the laws of hygiene and that the Bible led him to his discoveries. Ray says that Semmelweis was horrified at the terrible death rate of women who gave birth in hospitals.

As many as 30 percent died after child birth. Semmelweis noted that doctors would examine the bodies of patients who died, then, without washing their hands, go straight to the next ward and examine expectant mothers. This was their normal practice, because the presence of microscopic diseases was unknown. Semmelweis insisted that doctors wash their hands before each examination, and the death rate immediately dropped to two percent. Ray tells us to "Look at the specific instructions that God gave thousands of years ago to His people for when they encountered disease: "And when he that has an issue is cleansed of his issue; then he shall number to himself seven days for his cleansing, and wash his clothes, and bathe his flesh in running water, and shall be clean" Leviticus Until recent years, doctors washed their hands in a bowl of water, leaving invisible germs on their hands.