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See also: List of drow houses. Drow were ruled by their aristocracy, made up by the families that had the strength to violently occupy the best lands. Such Houses were founded by powerful drow individuals with special powers, who then passed their traits to their offspring see under Noble Powers. Nobles also further augmented their abilities with magic items. Noble Houses constantly fought each other [8] but were also characterized by internal strife, [] as it was actually expected in a society that followed the Way of Lolth.

Noble drow stayed with their family as children as a protection from outside violence, and as adults because Houses proved to be good tools for societal advancement.


Noble drow families banded together for mutual protection and not out of affection. Below her, in descending order of influence, were the female members—also priestesses, ranked according to age— [] the male officers weapon master, House wizard, and patron—the matron's consort , and the other male members of the House war-leaders, who answered to the weapon master, and House mages, subservient to the House wizard , who were also ranked according to age. None of the ranks held by male drow or non-blood-related members had any job security. All it took was the matron's whim for their position to be changed.

Females had absolute power within their household, and owned all the governmental and militaristic power within the city. Males never held any authority unless they managed to become an officer. In most cases a matron only lost her position if murdered by her eldest daughter. This usually marked a new direction for the House, sometimes even its destruction, because the murder of a matron was seen as a sign of disfavor from Lolth. While the nobles took the best lands and resources for themselves, the rest of the population was forced to care for themselves.

Priestesses were bad rulers who tossed their cities into a haphazard organization. The success of the merchant clans was important for the survival of the drow race.

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The organization of a merchant clan varied, but some general statements could be made. They were run by a council of male wizards, called "inner ring". Male drow had no inhibition when it came to interaction with other races, including surface-dwellers, because they knew that there was no chance of advancement within their society for them.

In fact, many of the "second ring", as the managers of a merchant clans were called, were non-drow. The lowest ranking members, almost exclusively non-drow, called "assets", made up the labor and military force of the organization.

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Outside the environment of the drow cities, merchant clans and noble Houses openly fought each other. Within the drow society, merchants with a particularly rich experience and worldly mindset were the only individuals capable of forming genuine friendships with the so-called lesser races, like mind flayers or duergars. Within the Lolthite drow society, "might makes right" was the only "law". In practice, however, something akin to an actual body of laws existed within the drow society, and the priestesses fulfilled the judicial functions. Concepts such as the presumption of innocence didn't exist, and the only possibility to lessen a punishment was for the presumed criminal to have connections that the punishing priestesses considered a threat.

The Way of Lolth was the basis for the drow laws. See also Relationship with Eilistraee. This gave female drow absolute power, [] and they were also less likely to be sacrificed than males. Arcane magic was a route for power for male drow, though open only to a few. It would be easy to imagine that drow females, by comparison, had it much easier. However, this was an illusion, and their prestigious position came at a high cost.

In fact, the teachings of Lolth and the drive to gain more power made the competition between female drow, particularly those who belonged to powerful houses, violent, aggressive and lethal in a way that males didn't have to deal with. It was even worse for those women who sought power outside of Lolth's church, where they had to compete not only with other females, but with resentful and oppressed males as well. Male clerics existed among the drow.

In Lolth -dominated cities, however, they were targets of her female followers, and Lolth barred them from achieving power beyond a certain threshold. They served in low-ranking positions under lethal risks. The faith of Ghaunadaur didn't have a gender barriers.

However, during the s DR, Eilistraee started working towards opening up to male priesthood: for a time, males still had a harder time becoming clerics see also here , [] but after the Second Sundering , Eilistraee's clergy could be accessed by people of any gender with equal ease.

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Courting was the domain of women in drow society. Trying to initiate a relationship was a reason for execution by torture and sacrifice for a male drow. In general, drow women chose their partners as animals would be chosen for breeding purposes. Furthermore, once a relationship started, the male partner had no say on how long the relationship would last, or whether it should even start.

The woman, on the other hand, could change partners as she desired. When a drow man was desired by more than one female, the latter competed over him. In non-Lolthite culture and among commoners, matters weren't that extreme. The concept of marriage existed but it was not for eternity.

The contract lasted for a decade or so at longest, but renewal was possible. One exception were the merchant clans: marriage wasn't everlasting, but marrying someone from a merchant clan meant becoming part of it for life. Trying to leave could be the same as inviting death.

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The secret of a working long-term relationship between drow was not love but tangible reasons, like the male having a history of fathering many female offspring. The best "normal" romantic relationship between two drow was similar to the one between a spoiled brat and her well trained, obedient dog, with the owner having the right to put the dog down for any reason. In drow society, the priestesses formally occupied the positions of leadership among the military. However, in practice, male commanders led the military forces because the priestesses commonly hid away in the face of danger, while resorting to the use of corporal threats and magical domination to ensure loyalty.

When a military squad was formally led by a male drow, it was either a streeakh , a suicide squad, or a dobluth , a group of outcasts.

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When nobles warred against each other, the attacking side had to eradicate the entire enemy family within one single attack. If even one member of the defending family survived, they could apply for "justice", and the entire city would turn on the attackers.

Alliances were not allowed in this kind of attacks, and there was a minimum interim time between two assaults against a house that had already been attacked. However, it was only tolerated for a time counted in years. After that, the drow city's ruling council forced the two houses to enter open war. War in the Underdark was far different from conflicts fought on the surface.

Underground warfare heavily involved the use of natural environment as a weapon through the creation of tunnels to flank enemies, cause cave-ins, change the flow of magma, and so on. This kind of conflict, with the enlistment of slaves and allies, could drag on for years. Furthermore, the cramped space of the Underdark made it hard or ineffectual to amass giant armies, and most battles were actually skirmishes between small units or patrols.

In war situations, the drow schemed against each other so that their rivals would take the heaviest losses, or carry the responsibility for any failure. They were literally incapable of forming a united front against their enemies- []. While the exact equipment and size of drow warbands varied from place to place, it was possible to make some general assumptions about the composition, for some typical traits existed. As mentioned above , the drow had to compete for limited resources and chances for advancement in society.

For this reason, they tried to instill tenacity, cruelty, ambition, [63] self-reliance, and independence in their children.