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Through the Transdimensional Portal: A #DMT Research Volunteer Tells Her Story It was the boldest, most revolutionary brain/mind/consciousness research.
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We also report on local and regional events. We at Conscious Community Magazine believe that mindful communication can foster positive growth, and we are all co-creators of this world. We feel we are called to play our part elevating the consciousness level of humanity in our communities, our nations, and the world.

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Research into DMT started in the 50s

The people take ayahuasca after which they, and anyone else who has taken ayahuasca, are able to see a substance that is described as violet or deep blue and that bubbles like a liquid. When you vomit from taking ayahuasca, this violet fluid comes out of your body; it also forms on the surface of the skin, like sweat. The Jivaro do much of their magic with this peculiar stuff.

These matters are extremely secret. Informants insist that the shamans spread the stuff out on the ground in front of them, and that one can look at this material and see other times and other places. If this phenomenon has any empirical validity, perhaps what happens is that a very thin film of this projection-sensitive transdi-mensional goo is present.

And when you look at it, it is like perfect feedback. It is a mirror—not of your physical reflection but of who you are. All this lays in the realm of speculation, of course. Does this stuff exist? Or is it just hallucination? Who can believe in a thing like that? Dennis felt strongly that it was connected with sound.

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It was a strange, slippery idea because one could extrapolate it infinitely, since whatever it was, it was made of the very stuff of imagination itself. If one shaped this stuff in three dimensions, it could be anything, yet this violet ectoplasmic mental liquid must only exist in the fourth dimension. Things such as that the normally invisible syntactical web that holds both language and the world together can condense or change its ontological status and become visible.

Indeed there seems to be a parallel mental dimension in which everything is made of the stuff of visible language, a kind of universe next door inhabited by elves that sing themselves into existence and invite those who encounter them to do the same. We are convinced that through experimentation with these vocal phenomena, with and without the aid of drugs, it will be possible to understand and use trans linguistic matter to accomplish any reality, for to say anything in this voice is to cause that thing to happen!

With her eyes closed, she saw a strange, elf-like creature rolling a complicated polyhedron along the ground. Each facet of this polyhedron seemed, she said, like a window onto another place in time or another world. These notes do not of course represent the final form of our theorizing about these matters and are not at all to be taken at face value. Refinement of these ideas has been constant since their creation.

That work represented our considered, composite opinion as of Since then these ideas have been much revised as the myths and fallacies spun into the fabric of their first conception have been separated out. The presence of rapidly metabolizing high-energy tryptamines within the ayahuasca acts as an antenna that sensitizes the neural matrix to the spin resonance energy of the Stropharia psilocybin.

It is this principle that allows the signal to be made audible. It must then be amplified via the tryptamine admixture antenna to what is felt to be its fullest amplitude. Then, via vocal sound, this energy is placed into the harmine complex within the body and within the mushroom which has been, in some small part, cooled to absolute zero—the temperature at which molecular vibration ceases, through absorption of the psilocybin ESR pulses.

Once this ESR wave has been detected, it will be possible to amplify it within the neural circuits by channeling it through the harmine complex: i. Since harmine complexes are merely further down the same bio-synthetic pathway that converts tryptophane into psilocybin, it is possible to consider the ESR tone of psilocybin as a harmonic overtone of harmine and vice versa.

Using harmonic overtones, it is possible to sound a tone which will cancel one or more of its octaves reflected in the harmonic scales above and below it. It will be transferred to the mushroom as vocal sound and condensed onto the psilocybin as a bonded complex of superconductive harmine-psilocybin-DNA. It will be composed of higher dimensional matter, i. A molecule that is higher dimensional matter would, by this theory, be stable as long as it remains in a superconducting configuration, probably forever, since it is powered by its own ESR energy.

It will then be responsive to command via endogenous tryptamine ESR thoughts , it will be keyed into our collective DNA, and it will contain harmine as a superconductive transceiver and power source. Talk about a steep learning curve! I had never heard my little brother carry on so.

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To the extent that I grasped what Dennis was saying, he thought, and it seemed a magnificent thought to me, that the body is like an undiscovered musical and scientific instrument whose potential lies all around and within us, but of which we are unaware. He said that the mind, through an act of will, could use the singing voice to interact with the brain as though it were a color organ and holographic library all wrapped up into one. He called it hyper-carbolation.

According to his theory, you could use the singing voice and superconductivity or the complete disappearance of electrical resistance, usually only possible with temperatures at absolute zero to drive the molecules of psychedelic compounds into states of permanent association—or bonding—with living human DNA.

It does not go away. The meat on your body comes and goes every few years. Your skeleton is not the same one you had five years ago, but neural DNA is an exception. It is there for all time. You come into the world with it. It records and it is an antenna for memory. Not only our personal memory, but any entity or organism which has DNA in it; there is a way to find a connection to it.

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This is how we open a passage to the Divine Imagination, this is how William Blake understood Redemption. This is now within reach. If one of us could pharmacologically redesign our neurocellular chemistry, there might indeed be strange new realms of perception and understanding to be explored, brave new worlds of the imagination based on new ratios of neurotransmitters in the still-evolving brains of human beings. He thought that as the superconducting state became stabilized there should be a marked lowering of temperature in the immediate area.

This sound had an extremely peculiar quality and, as it rose in intensity, I looked down at the hair on my arms and saw it rise as goose-flesh formed and a wave of intense shivering swept over me.

The brain on DMT: mapping the psychedelic drug's effects

I yelled at Dennis to stop. He did instantly and seemed much drained by the effort. I was quite disoriented. I frankly could not tell whether a real wave of very cold air had swept over me or whether that particular sound had somehow made my body react as though it was being exposed to cold air. It was not lost on me that if the effect had truly generated a blast of cold air, then it had violated the known laws of physics. But I did not care to experiment further—the whole thing had an eerie aura about it and if the effect was real, who knew what could come of pushing it too far?

And end history.